Paradiso Comm


ic comms community

Paradiso is an oc-friendly, panfandom game set in the middle of a social experiment being conducted by the higher powers of the island in an attempt to re-establish civilization. Characters will awaken on the island and will have no initial access to a steady food supply, electricity, hot water, or any other creature comforts; they will need to build, maintain, and expand their own working society with the supplies they can find and the skills they possess. Over time, if the gods and goddesses favor their "volunteers," they may offer some creature comforts along the way with a little touch of magic.

It is a sex game that will have adult situations and occasional mod-prompted plots.

April 2017



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Posts Tagged: '%7Eisaac+lahey+%28theprettybeta%29'

Apr. 28th, 2016



[No Subject]

[ooc: set sometime toward the end of the work day on the construction site, just for reference and feel free to run with it on your own if they were overheard or else respond here or just don't do anything at all, but...

While they were working, Jared just randomly busted out into this song (nsfw lyrics), in exactly the same serious, passionate tone as the band. He's not a terrible singer, actually, so it sounds pretty good, but...they lyrics Somewhere in there, Isaac joined in with him and they were just belting it out like champs. Enjoy your lolz and/or blasphemy-caused upset as you will]



[No Subject]

Hi. I'm Malia.

And I...well, I have rabbit skins that I've cured. They would be really good for blankets or coats or gloves or something or you could even make them into moccasins. Or...well, whatever you want. They're really soft and I think you should be able to find a use for them?

I've got a pile of them outside my shelter, come by and take one if you want it.

I made you a scarf out of one. If you want it. You don't have to.

It's...a peace offering?

Apr. 27th, 2016



[No Subject]

To those of you who still don't have beds, if you've been having trouble sleeping I'm sure that we can start building hammocks for you or something. It's looking like everybody might get one eventually? I don't want to assume but they're coming in waves, it's weird.

I also feel like we should start trying to do more little stuff to show the gods and goddesses we appreciate what they're doing for us. I'm kind of coming up with a blank for suggestions though... I'm not usually the guy who comes up with the ideas. Any suggestions? They don't seem like he kind who would be too thrilled with sacrifice so I think it's safe to say that's off the table.

Except for the scary one. He'd probably be up for it.
If you can read this I didn't mean that you're my favorite?

You're probably frustrated today. I'm sorry. You don't have to respond, I just wanted to let you know that I left something for you by the waterfall a little north of us. It's kind of awful and it's the third one I tried to make since I saw you and I know you probably can't use it and I know it's stupid I just thought you'd like it, maybe. You don't have to take it if you don't want to.

I think the gods gave me these prenatal vitamins, I found them. I want you to start taking them, okay? They'll be good for you and the baby. How are you feeling? I wanted to know if you would be up for seeing one of the doctors, just for a check up. I've been talking to them but I don't want to make any solid plans until I know if you'd prefer a male or a female doctor.

I'm going to start cooking in about half an hour, unless that's too early. I'm really looking forward to
It's getting more ridiculous every day

Hey so, when you don't want to be an adult anymore, how do you find the off switch? I'm asking for a friend.




For those of you who don't already know me, my name is Ray Palmer. I want to preface this with my complete understanding that the content of the post I'm about to make may not apply to all of you and if it does not, then I want to apologize ahead of time, but I would rather be unwittingly too inclusive than unwittingly too exclusive. With that in mind, even if it does apply to you, I acknowledge that for lack of tone in text, some of you will find this offensive. That is not my intent, either, so again, please accept my apologies ahead of time for that.

cut for length )



[No Subject]

Okay, so I just need to ask. If you're so selfish that you don't want to do things to benefit the group as a whole... why are you here? We were asked to come here to build a new society. That means we have to work as a group and think about what's best for everyone not ourselves. If that's not something you're capable of, maybe this isn't really the best place for you to be.

I mean, yeah, the whole sex thing is a great draw, but there is a lot more to be done here than just fucking and if I as someone who requires sexual energy to live can recognize that, why can't the rest of you?



[No Subject]

Right, so, apparently digging for twelve fucking hours will wear out even a werewolf's arms. Can't one of you genius types come up with some kind of machine for that? Damn.

Still, we made some progress although at this rate I don't see us getting anywhere very fast.


On my way back from the waterfall I found some strawberries growing. 'Fraid I can't get them dipped in chocolate the way you like but would you like me to bring some by?

Apr. 26th, 2016



[No Subject]

Music. I'm starting to realize that one of the few things I really miss here is music. Working 12 hour days would probably be a lot less demanding if we actually had something to help us unwind at night.

I shouldn't have snapped at you
I sounded just like him. I sounded just fucking like him

I'm sorry.

Tell me you're alright? I'm just checking in.

I need you right now
Hey Marilyn. How are you feeling? What are you doing right now
Can you
Can I
Can we figure this out please because I can't handle more



[No Subject]

So...hypothetically if someone shows up here and they have your dead girlfriend's face and name, how would you deal with that? I'm obviously asking for a friend.

I don't know how many of you there are, but if anyone is willing to take on a student, I never got to finish my schooling. I was in nursing school when the world went to hell, but...I'd like to finish, you know, if anyone is willing.

[ooc: *Barry, Isaac, Briseis, Finnick, Johanna, and probably more I might have forgotten? But not Cass, because she doesn't believe youuuu; **but not Jemma bc she's still side-eyeing you warily bb :(]

CASSIE; delayed

Apr. 25th, 2016



[No Subject]


I don't know how to apologize enough. I was terrible to you and I said things that I shouldn't have. I'm leaving camp, going back to my den. You don't have to be afraid of me. I'm...I'm not going to explain why I did what I did, there are no possible excuses. I was in the wrong. And I want you to know that I would never hurt you, whether you believe it or not.

I'm sorry.


The bed is yours. Keep it. Be comfortable. You deserve it after what I've put you through.

And since I'm going to find a new den and am going to try to stay away from people as much as possible, I'm going to be completely honest for once. So here goes. You are the kindest, gentlest, and most wonderful person I've ever met. You've been better to me than I ever deserved. I know that. And I'm grateful. More grateful than you will ever know. And when it comes to the trust thing that we've talked about in the past, I just want you to know that I've always trusted you. I'm shit at wording things but I've been so out of sorts the past week or so not because I don't trust you but because I'm really really scared. I'm scared of having this baby. And I'm scared of losing you. I lied when I talked to you last week. I care about you more than I admitted. You're...the bright star in my morning and you've given me a taste of happiness that I've never had before. You're good looking and kind and...and okay yes fine I have feelings for you that I never meant to have, dammit. I know they're not welcome, that's why I tried to hide them and that's what has been screwing with my head for some time now. I didn't mean to. I'm sorry. And I hope eventually you'll forgive me. And thaf's why I've been confusing and not making sense and changing my mind on everything. I knew inshould want to sleep with other people and yet I didn't. I only wanted to sleep with you. Because i - you know what I mean. There's no point in saying it.

Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. I brought this on myself and I deserve it.


Take care of Isaac. I'm going into the woods again, going to find a new den where I can't upset anyone else.


I'm...I'm sorry. I'm just sorry. About everything.



[No Subject]

Hi... I'm pretty sure you both know this already but I'm Isaac, one of the fathers here? You had both reached out to me in my last call to medical professionals and I really appreciate that. I don't know what equipment we have here or who would be better suited to give Malia a basic check up, but if that could happen as soon as possible it would really put me at ease. I've been concerned after Jemma said that she I reached out last.

Are you alright? Do you need me to On a scale of one to ten how bad is the headache I know you have right now?

Hi. I know you don't know me but my name is Isaac Lahey, and this probably doesn't mean much but I just want to apologize earlier for the rocky arrival. I'm sure people have said it before but just know that none of us would ever let anything happen to you. I can't justify what Malia said and honestly I'm not even going to try to because I'm so tired of doing that but I can say that I really do feel awful that you had to deal with that as soon as you got here.

You're new and I'm sure you need a shelter, so if no one has offered I'd like to help you build one for yourself. I'll tell you now, I'm the one having the baby with Malia, so if you're uncomfortable being around me or taking help I completely understand and I can give you some names of people who would be able to help you that you may be more comfortable working with.

Apr. 24th, 2016



[No Subject]

Nice place. I'm Jackson. I'm from Beacon Hills, been living in London I 've been living I'm from London, and if anybody needs help with building, heavy lifting, or generally being the best, then I'm your man.

Also willing to help whatever ladies might need my, ah, services.

And yes, I'm a werewolf. And yes, if I hear that 'Werewolves of London' song even once, I'm going to slam heads into the fucking wall.


Are you here
McCall says you're here
God, please don't be here


Apr. 23rd, 2016




You're off duty after work on the building today. Go to the bonfire, go take a nap; go jack off in the woods for all I care...but I'm going to stay with Malia for the night so she and I can do so much needed catching up. You need a break, especially after that clusterfuck in your post last night which, by the way, I'm sorry I didn't step into, but I thought you might prefer the space to the hovering.

Malia and I already talked, she's on board. I'm kicking you out of your shelter for the night so you can get some rest. You're welcome to use mine if you want to sleep or have a girl over or whatever the hell. There's no bed, but it's pushed back in the jungle a ways so at least it'll be quiet, either way. But you need a break from dad duty. I got it tonight. You do you.



[No Subject]

I'm alright. Sorry I disappeared. I just needed to breathe.

Can you please tell me that you're alright so I don't worry when you see this? I'd stop by but I don't know if you're avoiding people and if you are I don't want to barge in on you in person, but just... let me know that you're okay.

Chris is here

Apr. 22nd, 2016



[No Subject]



Hey guys. Sorry to bother you but I've been really concerned about Malia lately. She's been getting sick more often than seems normal, and I know that nausea is a common side effect of being pregnant but she's been getting sick a minimum of three to five times a day. Which means she's not holding a lot of food down, which means that she's not getting the nutrition that she needs. Which means that the baby isn't getting the nutrition that it needs and I told her that she was fine but I don't actually know, I didn't want her to panic because it's my job to panic and I'm panicking, I'm panicking

Is there any reason for this? Is there anything I can do? She can't be holding enough fluids or food for herself, let alone for the baby, and I don't know what's going on. I don't know what to do. Please tell me what to do

Hey. Listen, I know you're probably really stressed out right now, I just wanted to let you know if you need to talk or if you need anything, I'm here to help you. I'm sorry that you're probably being put in a shitty position right now, I can only imagine.

Apr. 21st, 2016



[No Subject]

I have never been one for casual, random sex before, but I am starting to see the appeal. It is rather nice to simply be able to enjoy yourself without having to worry about commitment or emotions. And it also seems a rather nice way to get to know someone.

Just my observations. Have other people found the same?



[No Subject]

Briseis taught me how to make stew from the rabbits his morning and we made a huge pot. So if people are hungry, it's in the main camp.


I can hear the baby's heartbeat.

Apr. 20th, 2016



[No Subject]

God, please don't be the scary one
PLEASE don't be the scary one

My name is Isaac Lahey. I'd like to speak with you, if you have the time.

Building is off today. Obviously. I know you have scissors so if I come over a little earlier do you think you could cut my hair? I've been instructed that I shouldn't cut off too much because Malia and Lydia 'like my curls' but I'm not going to deal with a mullet. I'm not about that life.

Apr. 19th, 2016



[No Subject]

I don't get headaches anymore, but I have a feeling that I would have one right now if I could. Does that count? I've been running around all day. Since we're going to be building so much tomorrow I was going to make a request. I know that some of us have canteens, and I was wondering if you're not going to be a part of the construction project, do you think we can borrow yours? I can fill them all up and bring them to the work site so we'll be able to hydrate without having to leave the site every thirty minutes, it would just make things a lot more convenient.

I had a question for you if you have the time. I know you're probably really busy...

Hey, let me know when you're free so I know when I can come by. I don't want to walk in on you and interrupt your 'conquer the male population of the island' plan. I made you something... I just thought you might be able to use it. And I found you some things that might help with your nausea. I know Melissa has that awesome stuff from home and she's been really cool about offering it, but I don't know how much there is so I found something else that you can use on less severe days to make the medicine she's got last.

For a second, it almost didn't work and she almost killed me. But then it did. You were right. Thanks. If you tell anyone I admitted that, I'll deny it.

I have something for you.

How you settling in?



[No Subject]

Okay who knows how to build shelter? Preferably a cabana type shelter.



[No Subject]

I think that it's safe to say that, by tonight, we will have functional access to electricity. Cisco, Barry, and I have been working to get the wind and solar resources working and I just thought the group may like an update; by tomorrow, we should be good to go to start construction on the medical facility. Do we have a lot and plan in place to get that started, out of curiosity?