Paradiso Comm


ic comms community

Paradiso is an oc-friendly, panfandom game set in the middle of a social experiment being conducted by the higher powers of the island in an attempt to re-establish civilization. Characters will awaken on the island and will have no initial access to a steady food supply, electricity, hot water, or any other creature comforts; they will need to build, maintain, and expand their own working society with the supplies they can find and the skills they possess. Over time, if the gods and goddesses favor their "volunteers," they may offer some creature comforts along the way with a little touch of magic.

It is a sex game that will have adult situations and occasional mod-prompted plots.

April 2017



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Posts Tagged: '%7Edarcy+rhone+%28total_milf%29'

Apr. 14th, 2016



[No Subject]

Who would be interested in having another bonfire this Saturday, but with a twist this time? Ray suggested we have some sort of cultural exchange. The idea is that people would take turns performing or sharing something from their home. Sing a song, teach a dance step, tell a story, that sort of thing. Whatever you want to share with the group.

Of course no one would have to participate in that part if they didn't want to, so don't worry if you have stage fright. No one's going to push you up in front of everyone if you don't want to go!

We thought it would be both entertaining and informative since we're not all from the same time and place.

So are people up for that?

Apr. 12th, 2016



[No Subject]

Yesterday I found a certain herb that has both medicinal and recreational uses, if you know what I mean. Adrian and I tried it out to make sure it's the real thing, and it is. I can show you where I found it if you're interested, but I don't think it's going to be that hard to find.
Our next bonfire just got a whole lot more interesting.
Also, I have some at my place if anyone's interested in stopping by for a smoke tonight after dinner.

Apr. 11th, 2016



[No Subject]

Hopping on the bandwagon... I found some scissors when I woke up this morning. Like the hair-cutting kind. Anyone have experience with that? Pretty sure those will come in handy sooner rather than later.

Ask and ye shall receive. I got a box of tampons and a package of pads too. There's not a ton, but I'm definitely willing to share. Maybe we use those only on the super heavy days and make do with other stuff on the lighter days?

Want a hairbrush? I got a couple of those too.



[No Subject]

Hopping on the presents train... ladies (and some men, maybe?), I have ponytail holders. The package says there's 36 30, so anyone who wants one, just let me know. Also...I have like three extra toothbrushes and one extra tube of toothpaste. First come, first served.

I already set aside two toothbrushes, two ponytail holders, and a tube of toothpaste for each of you. It's not a lot, but when the morning sickness hits, those girls of yours are going to want to be able to brush their teeth properly. And the ponytail holders will come in handy for that, too, actually.

Apr. 10th, 2016



[No Subject]

It's a bit shocking to me to read the network and see how openly people in this time discuss things.

Shocking, but I also think it's healthy. And so different from the world I come from. This place is so strange to me, but I very much want to stay. Women are so lucky to get to make your own choices. It was not always so.


I would like to talk to you.

Apr. 9th, 2016



Filtered to Ladies

Ladies... those of us who aren't planning to get pregnant right away are going to need to deal with menstruating in the jungle. Having lived in places with and without modern menstrual products, I'm going to be honest and tell you this is going to suck.

We can put together some makeshift pads from animal skins, but they won't have adhesive to keep them in place. We can also create tampons out of wool. I came across a meadow with some sheep and goats on the far side of the island and I have experience with sheep shearing.

Either way, we're without Midol and indoor plumbing. Also, speaking from experience, when you are menstruating, I would advise you to stay out of the jungle. Predatory animals will smell the blood and come looking for the source.

[Private to Sara]

Have you made any progress on that smoke house? I was thinking of getting a hunting party together to see if we can take down a bear or two and it would be nice to be able to preserve some of that meat.

[Filter to Derek, Isaac, & Scott] (added later)

You boys interested in a little hunting party? Sara's got the smoke house pretty much done. I'm thinking a bear or two could provide us a lot of meat and some very useful skin/fur.

Apr. 8th, 2016



[No Subject]


I must say that I had a perfectly lovely time with you. I hope that you enjoyed our assignation as much as I did. I have...never had sex quite like that and I have certainly been missing out.


I am still trembling a bit from the last part. I do hope we can meet up again.


Is anyone well-versed on the emotional effects of having multiple sex partners? I'm very curious, and wondering if we will start to skew towards Monogamy in this place, or if there is a way to dampen normal human jealousy.

Apr. 7th, 2016



[No Subject]

Hey guys. I'm not sure if this has been made public yet but I feel like it's knowledge that we can all use. I know no one who already knows this is hiding it, but I think it's worth making sure it's common knowledge.

For those of you who are concerned, you can't just get a girl pregnant here. You have to want to have a child and she wants to want to have one for Arva to allow conception. Pregnancy lasts around three months, and you have the option of either raising it yourself or giving the infant to Arva for her to raise. I think that we should remember to try to make new people aware of this, like a joint effort thing.

Also, I'm the same sort of werewolf as Derek Hale. Full control, can change when needed... The only difference is that I can't fully shift into a wolf. That comes from a rare version of werewolf disorder, very unfortunate. That's how I ended up building things as quickly as I did, so for those of you who are more brain than brawn, I seriously don't mind helping you out. We've got to use our best abilities here.

Hi ladies. This is more than a little embarrassing but I should ask anyway because its something I should know. I'm far from an expert when it comes to pregnancy; yes, I know how it works. But Malia is pregnant and I plan on producing more kids as well, since that's what we're here for, so is there anything I should be aware of to make this easier for her or any future partners? Are there certain things I shouldn't find for her to eat, certain things that could make her more comfortable, anything about it that I might not know because it's not widely advertised? I know there are more unattractive aspects to pregnancy that people don't talk about and honestly, that information would be the most appreciated if its relevant. I just want to be as prepared as possible.

I'm not wasting your time without a peace offering, my friend Lydia brought the lack of hair care products in this place to my attention. I've been carving combs and making a ton of coconut oil for conditioning purposes to help, so even if you can't educate me feel free to let me know if you want any of that and come by. I'll have to ration the oil until I make more, but I'll definitely make more.

One last thing, I'm the same sort of werewolf as Derek Hale. Full control, can change when needed... The only difference is that I can't fully shift into a wolf. That's how I ended up building things as quickly as I did, so for those of you who need it, I seriously don't mind helping you out. We've got to use our best abilities here.

Apr. 6th, 2016



[No Subject]

I don't really know what I expecting when I accepted Arva's invitation to come here, but I have to admit, this far surpasses any expectations I could have ever had. This place is beyond amazing and I'm really excited to have a chance to be part of something incredible.

My name is Barry Allen and I'm a scientist. I'm also pretty strong and superhumanly fast so I'm happy to help with building and hunting and whatever else I can help with.

Apr. 2nd, 2016



[No Subject]

Anyone want to go for a morning swim? Maybe some yoga on the beach? I know I'm just two hands and a body to move and carry stuff here but maybe we could get a morning beach yoga going? I'm not an expert but I'm all about flexibility.

Apr. 1st, 2016



[No Subject]

I've helped whoever needs help with their shelter, made sure that the food storage area is working the way we want it to, built a few more fishing traps in the ocean... I've been going for a couple of days straight here and I think that I might end up taking the rest of today off, since I saw that Finnick already offered his help to whoever needed it. Unless someone else needs something and he's got too much on his plate, I'm done.

Problem is, I have no idea what I want to do for fun around here.

Except for that. I'm always open for that. I mean other than that.

This is not what I had in mind, I really didn't want to play mediator tonight, I'm just trying to get laid, can I get laid?

And if not can someone just give me something to do, please? Why can't I have nice things. Why can't Isaac have nice things too.

Mar. 31st, 2016



[No Subject]

Right, never really done this sort of thing, but when in Rome.

Hi, everyone. Captain Jack Harkness. Before anyone asks, that’s Royal Air Force, and I’ve got the stripes to prove it. Been stationed for the last hundred few years in Cardiff, keeping an eye on something we call the Rift, kind of a tear in the skin of the universe that lets all sorts of exciting and sometimes pretty nasty things through from all over space and time. So, like to think I’m a pretty good hand in combat, armed and otherwise, even if I have gotten real used to having a lot more advanced tech than we’ve got around here, so I’m definitely available if anyone wants some hands-on training there.

Other than that, it’s been a long time since I really did any fishing, at least for something that didn’t come from another planet, but I grew up by the ocean so it should come back pretty quick, and I can lift at least a hundred pounds without breaking more than an attractively-glistening sweat.

And I've been told by some pretty reliable sources of various species that I've got a great ass.



[No Subject]

I made some soap. I figured that I couldn't be the only one in desperate need of a bath. It's not luxurious or anything, but it will get the job done and I added some orange juice to half of the batch and some lavender to the other half. It still needs a couple of weeks to dry completely, but if you don't mind it being a little wet and dissolving quickly, it can be used now. I'll keep making more so we can build up a good supply.

Also, has anyone figured out if we have any birth control options here? I mean, yeah, I know they want us to have babies, but they can't expect us to be constantly pregnant, right?



[No Subject]

Yeah, okay...I'm literally one day into this and I already miss my kids and I'm starting to wonder if I made the wrong decision, here, so I need a distraction. Someone give me something to do. Do we have fruit? We probably have fruit, somebody's probably already on that, no? If not, I volunteer to go get some if someone who knows their tasty berries from their this-will-effing-kill-you berries wants to come with me?

Mar. 30th, 2016



[No Subject]

The food storage containment is finished, thanks to a lot of help from others. If you find food you can put it in there, it's right outside of the main group of shelters that have been built. Sara is awesome and she's thinking about making a smokehouse, so I suggest if you find something, clean it and smoke it first. It'll last longer.

I've made fishing traps by the shore for those of you who aren't great hunters. It's a large group of rocks in a v formation in the water, when the tide comes in so do the fish and when it goes out they get trapped behind the rock wall so they'll be easier to catch, since they'll be in a confined space. So if you see stones lined up by the water, do me a favor and don't move them.

We should seriously consider building some loft beds. It'll be complicated and we'll have to find strong enough wood, but we shouldn't be sleeping on the ground no matter where our shelters are. Snakes, bugs, all that fun stuff, are best avoided. If I'm coming off as bossy tell me, that's not what I'm trying to do, I just want to help. If anyone needs anything I just finished with those fishing traps so I'm available!



[No Subject]

So, quick question: if one wakes up in the middle of the jungle, how might one navigate to the place where most people are settling...?