Paradiso Comm


ic comms community

Paradiso is an oc-friendly, panfandom game set in the middle of a social experiment being conducted by the higher powers of the island in an attempt to re-establish civilization. Characters will awaken on the island and will have no initial access to a steady food supply, electricity, hot water, or any other creature comforts; they will need to build, maintain, and expand their own working society with the supplies they can find and the skills they possess. Over time, if the gods and goddesses favor their "volunteers," they may offer some creature comforts along the way with a little touch of magic.

It is a sex game that will have adult situations and occasional mod-prompted plots.

April 2017



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Posts Tagged: 'clarke+griffin+%28romancekiller%29'

Apr. 22nd, 2017



[No Subject]

And could have done without the hot sauce rain storm. Interesting taste though.

Mar. 7th, 2017



[No Subject]


I'm happy to share that the island now has one new resident! Phillip James was born yesterday and both he and Natasha are doing well. Just check in with Nat or myself before stopping by in the next couple of days, just to make sure we're up for visitors. I freely admit to wanting to monopolize my son's time for a couple of days.

Feb. 4th, 2017



[No Subject]

It would appear to be a food trend lately. I don't like fish so I went hunting today and caught a handful of wild bird. I'll roast them over a spit tonight.

What do people usually talk about here on their devices? Sunburns? Sex? Food? Drink? The ocean? Pregnancies? Have I covered all of the topics?

Jan. 25th, 2017



[No Subject]

The dorm building is really nice, but I think I'm going to stick with my cave. I don't think it's a good idea for me to be in such close proximity to so many people.

Jan. 14th, 2017



[No Subject]

Guys! Hi, it's your friendly neighborhood Peter Parker here, and I just wanted to let you know that in the band Sugar Ray, there was a man named Supercat. That is all.

Oh, no, it's not all, also... uh... you're all wonderful people and so I'm currently working on developing a speaker system to see if we can't amplify some music from my large library of music currently stuffed in the memory banks of my Spider-Armor. But I also figured we could use around the main community (not on people's homes) for paging or, I don't know, moooooooore music. Or even a cool, obnoxious siren every time we have a weird snowstorm.

But also, because it could help people find the place easier if they just randomly appear and, like me, are totally lost.

THAT is all.

Jan. 7th, 2017



[No Subject]

Oh bòzhe mòi.

The community center is full of supplies for the barbecue! There is a fresh keg and fruits and vegetables. Flour! Sugar!

Ya ne mogu v eto poverit'!

This is amazing!

Posted via Journaler.

Jan. 5th, 2017



[No Subject]

After everything, it would be nice to build a society of peace instead of one wrought from war and death. And Lexa is gone...

I am Clarke Griffin. I have medical training and I'm looking forward to helping build this place.