Paradiso Comm


ic comms community

Paradiso is an oc-friendly, panfandom game set in the middle of a social experiment being conducted by the higher powers of the island in an attempt to re-establish civilization. Characters will awaken on the island and will have no initial access to a steady food supply, electricity, hot water, or any other creature comforts; they will need to build, maintain, and expand their own working society with the supplies they can find and the skills they possess. Over time, if the gods and goddesses favor their "volunteers," they may offer some creature comforts along the way with a little touch of magic.

It is a sex game that will have adult situations and occasional mod-prompted plots.

April 2017



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Posts Tagged: '%7Esara+lance+%28optiontoseduce%29'

Sep. 29th, 2016



[No Subject]

Would any be willing to teach me, I desire to learn more about this magic some of you call science.

[Private to Sara]
I had been told you found means to fashion a bow?

Sep. 27th, 2016



[No Subject]

We're going to start working on the dorm-style building project today. Who wants to help?

Also, just so we have a general head count, how many people will actually want to live there on a regular basis?

Sep. 15th, 2016



[No Subject]

I must have done something to please the gods. I woke up in a bed this morning and I got two outfits to boot. I'm sure everyone was sick of my black tank top and sports bra. God knows I was.


Slumber party? At least we won't have to worry about rolling off onto the floor.

Sep. 6th, 2016



[No Subject]

So hey. I'm Peter Quill. Some people call me Star-Lord but not as many as I'd like. I just got here and if any of the beautiful ladies I've seen wandering around would like to give me a tour, I'd be happy to take you up on it.



[No Subject]

Sucks that the pizza and ice cream only stuck around for a day. Although I definitely ate way too much.

Anyone want to go for a run and work off some of those extra calories?

Aug. 30th, 2016



[No Subject]

Well, it looks like the snow is gone. As in, completely gone. There is no sign there was ever snow here.

I have no idea what the gods were trying to tell us, but the weather seems to be back to normal. I'm going to spend the day deep cleaning the community center and then I think we need to sit down and try to work on plans to build a dorm type structure like Clay suggested.

Want to take a walk out in the woods later?

Aug. 27th, 2016



[No Subject]

What the Kriff? Okay seriously. I DO NOT LIKE SNOW. I hate snow. Excuse me while I just freeze to death. I've never seen snow before or been in weather this cold. Or close to this cold. I don't know what to do.

Aug. 19th, 2016



[No Subject]

I have some experience building island shelters so if any of the new arrivals would like some help, I'm happy to lend a hand. Just let me know what you want and we can figure out where to put it.

Aug. 16th, 2016



[No Subject]

Guess I'm supposed to introduce myself on this damned thing.

I'm Clay. Hi.

Aug. 8th, 2016



[No Subject]

Huh. Well.

I guess we don't have to build furniture for the Community Center. I just got here to check on things and it looks like the gods are really happy with our recent progress because there is a ton of stuff here. Like, furniture and dishes and appliances. There are even toilets and stuff so when we get the water and sewage system done, we'll have a real bathroom.

Anyone want to help me build a few interior walls so we can have a separate bathroom and kitchen area? We also probably need some shelves or cabinets for storage.

Aug. 6th, 2016



[No Subject]

Hi, I'm Steve Rogers. I have to admit, I wasn't expecting somewhere quite so beautiful. Are there others here? A camp of some kind? I arrived near a waterfall and there are a few paths, so I thought I'd ask before guessing as to which one is correct.



[No Subject]

I think we can safely say the Community Center building is done. Thanks so much to Cisco and Barry for helping with the wiring. We've got all the supplies that were being stored in the Medical Center moved over. Now all we need to do is start building some furniture for the inside. I figured we could make some long benches and tables for our community meals. And, Finnick, maybe you can get a couple of hammocks together in case people need a place to crash?

Jul. 31st, 2016



[No Subject]

My name is Oliver Queen. I think I missed the part of Arva's orientation where she mentioned that this would be on an island.

I'm not a fan of islands but at least no one is trying to kill me on this one yet

Jul. 23rd, 2016



[No Subject]

You know, it is a lot easier to arrive when you know when you're coming instead of surprise. I'd have worn better shoes. Six inch heels are not the perfect footwear for here.

Ah well, hello!

Jul. 15th, 2016



[No Subject]

So I'm going to just toss this out there and see what happens.

I'm Natasha and I've been here for about a month give or take? I have not had sex since I've been here. Not once. I didn't even get laid when he had the sex pastries. Although that's probably because I got the last one and the one guy I talked to, walked off and never came back.

Anyway boys, here's your chance. I'm a trained gymnast if that helps any and I'm also up for just about anything. Except I'm not ready to have a baby yet so if that's not your thing, no worries.

Come on, this is not something I usually do but there it is.



[No Subject]

Hey! Looks like it's Christmas again even though it isn't Monday!

I got some gasoline. I figure we could use it to get the excavator going again to help build the septic system. It's not a huge amount, just 5 gallons, but hopefully that will be enough to dig a big pit or some trenches or whatever.

Wedge, are you in charge of that? I heard you found some plans?

Jul. 11th, 2016



[No Subject]

Even though I don't really need them here, I'm worried about letting my fighting skills slip. Anyone interested in a friendly sparring session?

Jul. 5th, 2016



[No Subject]

We haven't gotten any gifts from the gods in a while, huh? Not since the baked goods.

Jun. 26th, 2016



[No Subject]

[Private to Jack Harkness]
Just so we're clear, that is never happening again.

[Private to Oliver Queen]
I did something really stupid.

Jun. 24th, 2016



[No Subject]

Oi, mates.
Tell me a bit about the hot blond and his grabbing skills.

Apparently he's got a rep.