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Jun. 23rd, 2011


Who: Zari and Aaron Spider-man
What: A nice, summer drive in the fog, to bury people
Where: A road, the Black Mansion
When: Last night
Warnings: These two need therapy

He had walked into Black's last trap, what if he was doing it again? His adrenaline spiked, sweat beading on the nape of his neck. )

Jun. 22nd, 2011


WHO: Lilly Black Cat and Aaron Spider-Man
WHAT: He's stopping a robbery in action. She's yanking his chain. Spidey's having the worst month ever.
WHERE: Art Gallery!
WHEN: Before Monday's Meet the Re-Animated!Parents (see notes below)
NOTES: Technically this takes place pre-Black Pearl party (as referenced here) but moving it to slight vague~ timeline because Des was late on posting her news article :C

But there was a part of him that really liked walking in on a simple “break and enter” case. )

Jun. 20th, 2011


Who: Archibald Black and Spider-Man
What: Spidey gets to sit in on a Black family reunion
Where: The Black Mansion
When: Monday night at 8 pm
Warnings: Cheesy one-liners, grotesque monsters, and massive amounts of violence against a certain spider

Lately, I’ve been thinking that you and I are meant for each other. It’s bad luck to deny the cosmos. )


Who: Nell Rex-Wood ARCHER and Aaron Abrams SPIDER-MAN
What: Two young masks learn how to dance fight. Flirting ensues.
Where: In the alley behind a club downtown.
When: Saturday Night
Warnings: None.

I’m sorry I didn’t bring the cake, but if you play your cards right, I might take the role of the stripper. )

Jun. 18th, 2011


Who: MK and Spider-Man
What: Rescuing. Again!
Where: Rainier Valley
When: Thursday night
Warnings: Hilariously bad puns, violence against people that deserve it, and possibly some super smooches.

You know who I am - Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man )

Jun. 10th, 2011


Who: Eleanor Rex-Wood and Aaron Abrams
What: Two strangers meet in a hall. A rat decides to join the party.
Where: Hamartia
When: Wednesday afternoon.
Warnings: None

Don’t worry about it. If there’s one thing I’ve learned about Seattle, spazzy days are the norm here. )

May. 28th, 2011


Who: Aaron and Liz
What: Surprise reunions!
Where: Hamartia 503.
When: Sometime this weekend in the afternoon.
Warnings: Likely none.

How could she show up unexpectedly without knowing which door to knock on?  )

May. 27th, 2011


Who: MK Robinson and Aaron Abrams ~Spider-Man~
What: Rescues, omfg~
Where: An alleyway in Rainier Valley, close to Hamartia.
When: Backdated to Saturday afternoon.
Warnings: Violence. Harassment. Attempted rape.
She winked, overcompensating for how fucking frightened she was at the moment. There were always rumors that Rainier wasn't the safest area, but this was one of her first real brushes with it. )


Who: Archie The Doctor and Aaron Spider-Man
What: A bank robbery turned dastardly stunt
Where: Bank of America in Seattle
When: Friday, early afternoon
Warnings: Undead dog violence, comic-worthy banter, and guns

Who let the dogs out? )

May. 2nd, 2011


Who: MK Robinson and Aaron Abrams.
What: the parkers are about to fall in love~ First meetings!
Where: Hamartia, fifth floor~
When: Monday, early evening.
Warnings: Possible language and incessant flirtation. ;)
Despite being in Hamartia almost a year, MK honestly didn't know many of her neighbors )

Apr. 30th, 2011


Who: Job, Max, and Aaron
What: Meeting the Newbie
Where: Seattle Times HQ
When: Thursday, 4/21 (Backdated so bad.)
Warnings: Job and Max are potty mouths. Aaron is ridiculously shiny.

And who knew; maybe the kid, for all his green-ness, really was something special underneath it all. Or at least useful. )

Apr. 28th, 2011


Who: Poe and Aaron (With special guest star Uncle Preston!)
What: Pizza, Movies, and a Sleepover
Where: Bathos 502
When: Wednesday night
Warnings: Boyish shenanigans and Aaron being the mayor of Oblivious Town.

He may not have a clue and he may not have style / But everything he lacks he makes up in denial )


Who: Rome and Aaron
What: TV Troubleshooting
Where: Hamartia 202
When: Before Rome’s conversation with Drake about their father.
Warnings: Some isolated language, as it’s Rome.

If Aaron had ever tried to name a conversation past as the strangest he’d had in his life, this one took the cake by far. )

Apr. 17th, 2011


Who: Luke Robin and Aaron Spider-Man
What: Meeting, fighting bad guys; the usual.
Where: Some dark alley.
When: Sometime recently. At night.
Warnings: TBD.

Luke was careful, he waited, and by the time he was out no one had even seen him leave. )

Oct. 31st, 2010


Who: Allyson, random NPC’s and SPIDER-MAN
What: Rescue
Where: Seattle Streets?
When: Some time before the Masquerade.
Warnings: General saving stuff. And Rob being fail.

Learning to crawl )

Sep. 24th, 2010


thread, ongoing: Rob and Piper.

Who: Rob and Piper.
What: Meeting up again!
Where: Generic Coffee Place #495.
When: Around 7:30 pm.
Warnings? Language, maybe.

Piper did not need coffee. )

Sep. 21st, 2010


Who: Rob and JP
What: Bumping into’s over books
Where: Barnes and Noble
When: This afternoon
Warnings: Awkwardness. Quasi-flirting. Swearing.

In which Rob proves that he’s the game punching bag yet again )

Sep. 19th, 2010


Who: Rob and Mason
What: Late night chats
Where: Bathos, Lobby
When: Tonight
Warnings: A swear or two at the most?

And I believe this might call for a proper introduction... )

Sep. 17th, 2010


Who: Rob and Nathan
What: First meeting and some help with move in from your friendly neighborhood Spiderman Rob
Where: Bathos, first floor

I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship--NOT )


Who:  Luke and Rob
What: Bonding over training attempts
Where: Verisimilitude's gym
When: The day after the ball (Tuesday)
Warnings: None

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