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May. 26th, 2011


Who: Warren Hampden and Zariza Zaldana
What: Just digging up a grave. Perfectly normal.
Where: The Cemetery.
When: Tonight at Midnight.
Warnings: See “What.”

She did not fear this man in the dark, even if he was willing to do unsavory and illegal work. )

Apr. 9th, 2011


Who: Warren "Isaac" Hampden and Julian "Noah" Greene.
What: Just casual friendly conversation. Especially if you take out the words "casual" or "friendly," and add "insane."
Where: Behind the Reliquary.
When: Saturday afternoon.
Warnings: Surprisingly harmless. This time.

It's the highway to the danger zone. )

Mar. 7th, 2011


Who: Warren, “Eli” (aka Preston) and Drake. Later appearance by real!Eli.
What: Having a rational discussion between two men.
Where: The abandoned house past Aubade.
When: Friday night, around 8pm.
Warnings: Trust no Warren.

Drake had been inside the house for fifteen minutes before Warren showed up.  )

Feb. 3rd, 2011


Who: Eli, Drake + Anyone who volunteered
What: EIT meeting
Where: The tennis courts at the Academy
When: Thursday night
Warnings: Party post, so should be anything. Post location in subject, and break off into as many threads as desired.

The entrance gate to The Academy was wide open. )

Jan. 12th, 2011


Who: Deadpool.
What: Much less than fun things abound when Warren gets back home.
Where: Hamartia.
When: Backdated to Monday.
Warnings: It’s Deadpool. He comes with his own warning label.


Jan. 7th, 2011


Who: Deadpool, with special guest appearances.
What: Don't fear the Reaver, baby take my haaand...
Where: On one of the many flat rooftops over town.
When: Tonight.
Warnings: Stabbitys. This is Deadpool after all.


Nov. 17th, 2010


Who: JP and Warren
What: Karaoke and alcohol
Where: Some bar where there is also karaoke
When: Friday evening [backdated a week or so]
Warnings: Booze, people being silly

cruisin and boozin )

Oct. 18th, 2010


Who: Jackie "JC" Poole and Warren Hampden
What: Two of the most odd but speshul people meeting in person for the first time!
Where: At the Starbucks she works at for starters.
When: Yesterday in the evening.
Warnings: Bruises, aliens and children's menus. But not in that order.

Oct. 7th, 2010


Who: Deadpool and Gael Vimes
What: One just hired the other for a job, but it's not as it seems.
Where: At an undisclosed location.
When: 40 minutes after this email.
Warnings: Violence, the usual.

Sep. 28th, 2010


Who: Deadpool and Winnie, sort of.
What: Another targeted hit, this time someone close to his last kill.
Where: Capissen 38.
When: Late on Tuesday night.
Warnings: See "Who."

Sep. 22nd, 2010


Who: Batman, and those others that show up.
What: First annual vigilante meeting.
Where: Corbinian's Original Location, and The Bat's Chosen Location, and it ain't no office space. Blueprints.
When: Wednesday/Thursday Evening. Midnight forward. (Meeting was scheduled for 1 AM at original location, but with transport time your character may arrive later--unless they went early, as the information to the actual meeting place was posted just after 7 PM.)
Notes and Warnings: (See OOC info post.) Also: 1) There have been rumors of other locations. Attendees need to have received the information from Corbinian, or from someone he gave it to directly. Logical NPCs can be used for this purpose, I think. 2) There are hidden charges in the basement ceiling. Details were given to Robin here.

All the ducks line up in a row. )

Sep. 10th, 2010


Who: Deadpool.
What: A routine job with Warren is as normal as wheels on a shark.
Where: A corporate office in the business area of Seattle.
When: Late Friday night.
Warnings: Death and slight dementia. What did you expect from him, fluffy bunnies?
Notes: [Insert Rorschach and Deadpool theme song here.]
