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Jun. 9th, 2011


Who: Hayley and Mathias
What: Nothin' much. Little B&E, lots of pathetic apologies and pathetic forgiveness.
Where: Bathos 202
When: Backdated, after this.
Warnings: Pouting.

She couldn’t be angry with him for being upset because she had so drastically screwed up. She just watched him, not even trying to defend herself as he started and stopped, spoke and cut himself off. If she could explode and vaporize right then and there, she would have. )
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Jun. 3rd, 2011


Who: Mathias and Amelia
What: Job Interview!
When: Lets say during the snow storm, maybe two days ago?
Where: Mathias' office.
Warnings: None!

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May. 27th, 2011


Who: Valerie, Mathias, Jonathan and Orin
What: House call, Morgenstern style
Where: Aubade
When: Backdated: Immediately after this
Warnings: None

She turned her head away from the door, attempting to turn a cold shoulder. )

Mar. 3rd, 2011


Who: Sam and Dot
What: Neighborly bonding. Fruit trading.
Where: Sam's place
When: 2/28, afternoon (backdated)
Warnings: Rated D for Sam is a dork?

My guidance councillor in high-school thought I had aggression issues to work out. )
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Feb. 22nd, 2011


Who: Sam and Dot
What: Sam meets the neighbors and tries to adopt a teenage girl
Where: Bathos, 7th floor
When: This morning
Warnings: For only ten cents a day, you too can improve the life of your neighbor.

There’s no way you’re living here alone. You’re like, twelve. )
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Feb. 20th, 2011


Who: Sam and Daryl (with special guest star, Adam)
What: A proper first meeting
Where: Virginia Mason Hospital
When: Early Sunday (2/20) Morning, around 3 am
Warnings: In the beginning there was nothing. Then Conan Doyle said, "LET THERE BE BROMANCE." And there was. And it was good.

Is that a medical opinion, or a prediction? )


Who: Daryl, Kyle, Sam and Adam
What: Hospital fun times.
Where: Starting out side Hamartia and moving to Virginia Mason Hospital ER
When: Saturday (2/19) afternoon
Warnings: Some vague mentions of needles, people caring about toasters.

[Save me]/I can use some guiding light, some place to go/If you hear me, let me know )

Jan. 1st, 2011


Who: Jane and Justin
What: A belated Christmas present - of cake.
Where: Belle Epicurean
When: Monday afternoon
Warnings: It's L. And cake, his one true love. It could get dirty in here.

It's a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake. )
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Dec. 21st, 2010


Who: Daryl, Jane, Toby, and Adam
What: Christmas Eve dinner
Where: Bathos 104
When: December 24
Warnings: Awkward, cute, and puppy mischief

there is no figgy pudding )


Who: Alfie and Jane
What: Christmas shopping
Where: Some obscenely high-end mall
When: Saturday (12/11)
Warnings: None

We are terrible at getting information out of one another, aren’t we? )

Dec. 13th, 2010


Who: Luke & Thomas (Later w/ a side of Jane!)
What: Thomas takes care of Luke and calls Jane to make sure he's okay.
Where: Batcave Warehouse
When: Friday morning (12/10)
Warnings: PG-13 due to references to violence?

Not me. I want to know if he’s okay. )

Nov. 28th, 2010


Who: Jane and Daryl
What: Realizing that something is broken
Where: Bathos 204
When: After the Thanksgiving party - specifically, after this
Warnings: This will be depressing and a testament to an awesome homance

It's okay to say you've got a weak spot; you don't always have to be on top )

Nov. 25th, 2010


Who: Anyone!
What: Luke Henry's Thanksgiving Dinner
Where: Top floor, Thomas, Inc.
When: Thanksgiving
Warnings: Party log. Proceed with caution.
Notes: Place your character's location in the subject line, please.

At 8 pm, the doors to the West Wing opened, and guests were permitted entrance. )

Nov. 19th, 2010


Who: Daryl & Jane
What: Jane finds dog stuff in front of her apartment.
Where: Bathos 204.
When: Friday after this.
Warnings: general confusion

Why did you buy all this dog... )

Nov. 18th, 2010


Who: Gwen & Jane
What: Chance encounter. (no inhibitions)
Where: Bathos Elevator.
When: Sunday
Warnings: none

Damn. This isn’t going down. )
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Who: Jane & Luke & Thomas
What: Jane’s been comin’ up to the Aubade and decides to check up on Thomas, but meets Luke instead.
Where: Aubade 506
When: Backdated to last Thursday night (during the inhibitions plot)
Warnings: Some awkward. Smiley Thomas. Nothing major.

Why would she want to go in and talk to Luke if Thomas wasn't there? There were plenty of reasons. )

Nov. 16th, 2010


Who: Daryl & Jane
What: Jane goes to pick up Daryl.
Where: Downtown Seattle to Bathos 204.
When: Tuesday afternoon after this
Warnings: nudity

Spending two hours attempting to find gibberish answers had not been conducive to finding her flatmate. )

Nov. 11th, 2010


Who: Anton & Jane
What: Dr. Cooper makes a house call.
Where: Aubade 102
When: Tuesday night (11/9)
Warnings: Cussing. Suggestive dialogue. Confusion. Etc!

Who needs tattoos when you've got bling like this? )

Nov. 10th, 2010


Who: Jane and Daryl
What: Prying
Where: Bathos 204
When: About a half an hour after this
Warnings: The cute here might send you into a diabetic coma.

In which Daryl thinks Thomas is a drug addict and Jane tries to stay sane )

Nov. 4th, 2010


Who: Alfie & Jane
Where: Worth Financials
When: Thursday afternoon.
Warnings: SUPRPRISE! none really.

Meeting a new potential client at this point was more than a welcome distraction. )

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