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Mar. 17th, 2011


Who: Will and Connor
What: Wolfies meeting in (human) person
Where: Reliquary
When: Monday Morning
Warnings: None.

I thought I smelled something off about you )

Mar. 3rd, 2011


Who: Sam and Dot
What: Neighborly bonding. Fruit trading.
Where: Sam's place
When: 2/28, afternoon (backdated)
Warnings: Rated D for Sam is a dork?

My guidance councillor in high-school thought I had aggression issues to work out. )
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Feb. 27th, 2011


Who: Dot and Reina
What: Practicing French
Where: Reliquary
When: Noon Saturday
Warnings: None

like a crackhead trying LSD for the first time )

Feb. 22nd, 2011


Who: Sam and Dot
What: Sam meets the neighbors and tries to adopt a teenage girl
Where: Bathos, 7th floor
When: This morning
Warnings: For only ten cents a day, you too can improve the life of your neighbor.

There’s no way you’re living here alone. You’re like, twelve. )
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Jan. 14th, 2011


Who: Darwin and Dottie
What: Darwin to the rescue!
Where: Streets of Seattle
When: Let’s say, a week pre-reavers, in the dead of night.
Warnings: Bickering and stubbornness, cause that’s just how they roll!

It was about three steps in that he realized this was the creepiest thing he had ever done. )
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Jan. 9th, 2011


Who: Hal & Dottie
What: Making sure he stayed alive.
When: A couple of hours after this (Pre-Zombies)
Where: A secret facility.
Rating: Safe and sound!

Yeah, mebbe my life seem not such a big deal to you, cher, but it is to me. )
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Jan. 7th, 2011


Who: Dot and Okoye
What: Violating every horror movie stereotype ever - Okoye makes it back to the Bathos to see Dot
Where: Bathos 702
When: Friday, around 1 pm
Warnings: Unspoken relief and stale chips

Everybody's got their dues in life to pay )
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Jan. 6th, 2011


Who: Jess and Dottie
What: Expired drug intake requires someone to watch over you.
When: After this and this.
Where: Bathos 705
Warnings: Prescription drugs. Possible language and violence?


Who: Hal & Dottie
What: Life-saver. Not the candy.
When: In the dead of night. ...Before the zombies, to make it easy.
Where: A road not too far from Bathos.
Rating: Very safe.

If he didn’t survive, she wasn’t sure that she could ever jump start another heart again. )
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Jan. 3rd, 2011


Who: Dot and Bly
What: Running into each other
Where: Bathos
When: Sometime earlier today
Warnings: None

why Bly can't have nice things )
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Dec. 21st, 2010


Who: Cora, open to anyone in living Bathos, or anyone who could be hanging out there
What: Christmas card delivery
Where: Bathos
When: Tuesday afternoon
OOC Notes: Cora will be going to every apartment in Bathos, if your character lives there and you're interested in logging start a thread. If not, your character will find a glittery Christmas card (signed "from 306") and a candy cane tapped to their door.

Tis the season to be jolly, Fa la la la la, la la, la la )

Nov. 27th, 2010


Who: Dottie, Juliet
What: mini-housewarming
Where: Aubade 502
When: shortly after Juliet gets settled
Warnings: none in sight!

Nov. 6th, 2010


Who: Eric, Alex, Dottie
What: Dottie has worrisome foster parents and Eric made a bad decision.
Where: Aubade 203
When: twenty minutes or so after this
Warnings: Rich kids and bratty Dot

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