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Apr. 30th, 2011


Who: Athena & Callie
What: Admiring the foliage
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: UW Botanical Gardens
Warnings: Droopy roses and an equally droopy doctor

A rose, by any other name would smell as sweet... )
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Who: Wren and Callie Misfit
What: Paying it Forward (The third)
Where: An alley
When: Last night
Warnings: None

All in all, Callie was pleased as punch with her outfit, though it could use some sprucing up when she got some money.  )


Who: MK Robinson and Callie Bennet.
What: Coffee and becoming roommates!
Where: The coffee shop where Callie works.
When: Late morning, Saturday, April 30th.
Warnings: Possible language? Other than that, nothing!
Her usual vestige of hope would have to be put into play: coffee. )