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Apr. 26th, 2011


Who: Melinda, Jack, Rorschach, and civilians
What: Rorschach finally loses it
Where: Aubade Lobby
When: This afternoon (Tuesday, 4/26)
Warnings: Violence and Rorschach being Rorschach

If you get to Heaven, you'll walk right in / But one thing, just one little thing: / You're not dead, you're still mine )

Mar. 16th, 2011


Who: Ray, with an appearance by Flaming!Melinda
What: Stealing item number 4
When: 3/13 around 10pm to 3/14 at 1am
Where: Melinda’s Apartment
Warnings: Language; fire-clad naked woman

This was by far the most insane thing he had ever encountered. )

Feb. 18th, 2011


Who: Kayla and Melinda
What: First impressions
Where: Kayla's office
When: Shortly before noon
Warnings: Double entendres and general creepiness. It's Kaylinda, what else would you expect?

Do not misunderstand me. I shall have my revenge on you yet. )