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Jun. 20th, 2011


Who: Luke, Wren and Cassidy
What: Diner conversation, which will likely have unfortunate consequences.
Where: A diner.
When: Directly after this.
Warnings: None.

Asking Wren to make any choices based on her own desires was so foreign to her that she just stared at Luke when he said the choice was hers. )

Jun. 9th, 2011


Who: Luke and Wren
What: Post-jail visits in a motel room.
Where: An old motel.
When: The night Wren was released on bail.
Warnings: None.

'I could have invited you somewhere that didn’t involve a bed,' she said, scrunching her nose and laughing at the statement. 'Somewhere age appropriate,' she added. 'Like a playground.' )
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Jun. 4th, 2011


Who: Max, Gwen, Luke and Thomas
What: Talking, which Luke is never allowed to avoid.
Where: Aubade.
When: Recently. (After this).
Warnings: None.

Max was back to wondering why life couldn’t be simple. A cheerleader, a member of chess club, a valedictorian? But no, now it was as prostitute who had murdered someone and had an obsessed ex. )

May. 28th, 2011


Who: Luke, Wren and Thomas
What: Attempts at explanations, medical assessments, and teenagers panicking about going to jail.
Where: Luke's warehouse.
When: After this phone call.
Warnings: None.

Thomas did not argue, though he knew that there was no way they both had killed the boy. )

May. 24th, 2011


Who: Luke and Wren
What: A night of fun that ends very badly.
Where: Seattle Museum of Mysteries.
When: Sunday night.
Warnings: Some violence. Woo.

Wren saw the blade slice through fabric, and it was enough to make her yell and pull free of the boy who was holding her. )
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May. 9th, 2011


[Plot: Dream]

Who: A slightly different Thomas and...
What: Dream Plot: Dream One
Permissions: UPDATE2: Closed.

It's not a cave. )


WHO: Gwen Oracle (narrative, or open to anyone if they feel like dropping in) and Robin
WHAT: Stretching her legs, mask style
WHERE: A rooftop! With some vague references to running around the city
WHEN: Backdated to late last night? Trying to squeeze it in before plot start XD

Oracle wore black as she stood at the top of the roof. )
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May. 8th, 2011


Who: Luke and Renard, and an NPC
What: Touring R&D
When: Saturday morning!
Where: Thomas, Inc
Warnings: None!

Renard wasn’t opposed to swaying Luke’s favor toward the R&D Department )

May. 7th, 2011


Who: Luke and Wren
What: Laser shows and Luke being so oblivious it's sad.
Where: Planetarium.
When: Saturday (today) at midnight.
Warnings: Nothing really.

The music around them changed to something a little faster, and the lasers sped up, and she stared for a few minutes before tipping her head back to look up at him in the dark. )
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Apr. 23rd, 2011


Who: Luke and Renard
What: Questions and reassurances.
Where: Thomas Inc. boardroom.
When: Sometime after Luke joins the Board.
Warnings: None.

Renard gave Luke a long look as he contemplated how to approach the situation. He had a great deal of respect for Thomas, and for Luke, far more than he’d ever had for the Board. )

Apr. 20th, 2011


Who: Luke and Wren
What: A little mortification followed by conversation.
Where: The Edison.
When: The day after this (and his first day at Thomas Inc.), in the evening.
Warnings: None.

She didn’t think there was anything left in the world that could make her blush or stammer, not when it came to men. Seeing Luke in the crowd made her rethink that belief. )
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Apr. 19th, 2011


Who: Luke and Thomas
What: Thomas wakes up and talking ensues.
Where: Virginia Mason Hospital.
When: Early hours of the morning after this.
Warnings: None.

“Fourth, and most importantly, you’ve got people who need you and care about you too much to watch you go to prison and get yourself killed.” )
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Apr. 18th, 2011


Who: Luke, Audrey, Thomas, and Max
What: Thomas gets injured by a protester, and Luke, Audrey, and Max go to the hospital.
Where: Bathos, then Virginia Mason
When: During the mob activity
Warnings: Violence

in which things continue to get worse )

Apr. 17th, 2011


Who: Luke Robin and Aaron Spider-Man
What: Meeting, fighting bad guys; the usual.
Where: Some dark alley.
When: Sometime recently. At night.
Warnings: TBD.

Luke was careful, he waited, and by the time he was out no one had even seen him leave. )

Apr. 16th, 2011


Who: Thomas, Max, Audrey and Luke
What: Audrey provides transportation services.
Where: Aubade, then Bathos, then Sparke's lab, and finally back to Bathos.
When: During/after the Aubade hostage situation. Also after this and this.
Warnings: None.

Thomas had to stay with Amanda, and they all knew it, and he knew with absolute certainty that his failure to be where he needed to be was going to cost someone else dearly. )

Apr. 9th, 2011


Who: Wren and Luke
What: Reunion + self-defense.
Where: Wren's apartment.
When: Thursday night.
Warnings: None.

Yeah, maybe it would be okay. )
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Apr. 5th, 2011


Who: Luke and Renard
What: Pizza and talking.
Where: A pizza place.
When: Backdated to before the Arbor Day party and before this.
Warnings: Nada.

His meeting with Thomas Brandon would do much to determine whether or not he would return to New York. )

Mar. 29th, 2011


Who: Luke, Bly, and Quinn (with ceiling!Gwen)
What: Dissecting Gwen's computer
Where: Luke's warehouse
When: Sunday night
Warnings: None

Luke was alone in the warehouse, Oracle’s laptop on the table in front of him. )

Mar. 25th, 2011


Who: Luke Robin and Mercy
What: Testing out his new Bly-made hoverboard.
Where: Somewhere in Seattle.
When: Tonight.
Warnings: TBD, likely none.

His new suit was fucking badass. )

Mar. 22nd, 2011


Who: Luke and Quinn
What: A late-night visit.
Where: Aubade 506.
When: Way backdated to before the blackout.
Warnings: None.

The apartment was quiet tonight since Thomas and Max were still at the hospital. )
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