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Mar. 18th, 2011


Who: Matty, Poe and Preston
What: Checking on Mockingbird related injuries
Where: Hamartia
When: During the blackout
Warnings: Some talk of gay-bashing, blood

Matty had given the paramedics a piece of her mind when they said that there would be a delay in getting the ambulance sent out to pick up Poe. )

Mar. 15th, 2011



Who: Everyone
What: Blackout
Where: The three building lobbies
When: 3/15/11
Warnings: These are party style threads, with one thread for each building. Proceed with caution, and please warn in the subject line for explicit activity.

When the sun sets over Seattle on the Ides of March, the city's power suddenly stops humming. Everything goes dark, and dark it will remain until sunrise the following day. Cell towers are non operational, modems do not work, street lights are dark and the city is plunged into eerie silence. Those residents with radios will hear that the blackout is unexplained, that the power company cannot fix what isn't broken. The lobby of all three buildings is dimly lit via generator, more darkness than light and not enough brightness to even make out the features of those collected there, the walls painted with shadows and imagined fears. That is all the power the buildings afford.