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Jun. 20th, 2011


Who: Rome and Eli
What: A chat about relationships, because Rome is the perfect person to ask.
Where: Reliquary.
When: A couple hours after this.
Warnings: Explicit language, quite a lot of it.

Honesty sucks, Eli. )

Jun. 6th, 2011


Who: Drake and Rome
What: Retrieving a sibling from a coffee shop during a snowstorm.
Where: Reliquary.
When: After this conversation.
Warnings: None.

Vague sleepy sounds--Rome’s thoughts when he was half-awake, utterly identifiable as unique to him--greeted Drake’s entrance. )

May. 28th, 2011


Who: Eli and Rome
What: Coming in from the snow
Where: Reliquary
When: Recent-ish
Warnings: None

Rome didn't stay at Drake's more than two nights in a row. )

May. 23rd, 2011


Who: Drake, Christian, Rome and Wren
What: Healing and an abundance of concern.
Where: Edison.
When: Sometime after this.
Warnings: Some talk of injuries and such?

The strange melding of minds with the girl in the alley left Rome with a lot of thoughts that weren’t his, and between the rain and the cold and the hurt in his shoulder, he had a difficult time separating them out. )

May. 14th, 2011


Who: Wren and Rome
What: Misunderstandings
Where: Rainier
When: Say tonight-ish
Warnings: None

Rome had been in plenty of brawls. None of them had been designed to kill him, just hurt him enough so that he wouldn't fight or defend what he had or wanted. )

May. 13th, 2011


Who: Drake and Rome
What: Rome needs shoes. Drake has shoes. Cue the awkward bonding.
Where: Drake's apartment.
When: After this.
Warnings: None!

Rome went over to the chair indicated and sat down, unconcerned about the acceptability of being welcome to do so, since if Drake let him in, he must be welcome. )

May. 2nd, 2011


Who: Everyone, invited or not! (Jump into any thread)
What: Hug Hayley Arcade Group Log
Where: Seattle Waterfront Arcade
When: Sunday night, but this can be timeline fuzzied any way necessary
Warnings: Place location and warnings in the subject line if necessary, kids

The arcade was on the pier, and there were as many people loitering outside as there were inside. It was loud and dark, the electronic ding and whirl of games almost too loud to be heard over. A carousel dominated the arcade, the main light in the otherwise electronically lit room. Fisherman's, the restaurant and bar inside, served drinks without too much attention to fake IDs, and photo booths dotted the floor, sandwiched between games.


Who: Rome & Christian.
What: Fixins! And not the kind on chicken. Though, now I think of it, those too.
Where: The alley behind Hamartia, and then Bathos
When: Say... yesterday night.
Warnings: None!

Christian had never done this before. Other times, he was just healing himself of papercuts, or Jimmy of car accidents, but fixing a man’s arm? )

Apr. 29th, 2011


Who: Audrey and Rome
What: Rome gets in some trouble and meets a cute girl.
Where: The Mask support march
When: Way backdated
Warnings: Some swearing and violence, nothing too bad.

'You should watch where you’re step--whoa, you’re fine. Seriously, fine. Is that a wig? Can’t be, she colored it that color, that is awesome.' )

Apr. 28th, 2011


Who: Rome and Aaron
What: TV Troubleshooting
Where: Hamartia 202
When: Before Rome’s conversation with Drake about their father.
Warnings: Some isolated language, as it’s Rome.

If Aaron had ever tried to name a conversation past as the strangest he’d had in his life, this one took the cake by far. )

Apr. 23rd, 2011


Who: Drake and Rome
What: Attempted theft, limbs stuck in windows, and possibly car-related bonding.
Where: A parking lot.
When: Recently.
Warnings: Some language, I think?

The laughter was good, it made Rome less panicky. )

Apr. 19th, 2011


Who: Rome and Eli
What: Theft, swearing, a lot of stupidity of varying forms.
Where: Behind a poorly-manned Goodwill.
When: Say... yesterday.
Warnings: Some mature topics in conversation and a lot of bad language.

Eli felt quite certain the universe was cursing him with unwashed teenagers, and he sighed in an entirely dramatic and put upon manner. )