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Oct. 11th, 2010


Who: Alex & Ellis
What: Ellis goes for a drink and finds a potential candidate for a companion replacement, and Alex is like "I know he doesn't think I'm a ho.", which he doesn't, so they're cool.
Where: A bar.
When: Friday evening.
Warnings: Nothing really.

Don't worry, I won't be asking you to shoot people. At least, not until I know I can trust you. )

Oct. 6th, 2010


WHO: Alexis and Silas
WHAT: Trying to figure out wtf is going on in Alex’s apartment; maybe rehashing wtf went on at the bank holdup. You know, stuff.
WHERE: Hamartia 501
WHEN: The evening after the Joker Plot
WARNINGS: UM. None, but will update if we get crazy.

The strange goings-on at Alex’s apartment hadn’t died down, but thankfully they hadn’t gotten worse. )
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Sep. 1st, 2010


WHO: Alexis and Silas
WHAT: First Encounters
WHERE: Diner not too far from The Hamartia
WHEN: Today! 4 a.m., the ungodliest of hours.

Alex had hoped that crossing the portal would make sleeping better. It only made her problem worse. )
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