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Nov. 21st, 2010


Who: Colt and Penny
What: A consultation
Where: Penny’s pink nightmare apartment
When: Before the memories plot
Warnings: These two are insane. Seriously.

Miss Penny knew there was something a bit off with her. )


Who: Miss Penny
What: Memory!
Where: Her pink nightmare apartment
Rating: Everything

Penny's apartment was drinking a cup of tea that had been guaranteed to "relax" her and she was having a chick flick sort of day. It wasn't a bad day by any means, and the idea that Monday she might be able to get a bit of help with her little...Issue was promising.

She wasn't pleased about having to get that help from Colt, who so obviously enjoyed mocking her. If anything she supposed he'd be the first to get his block knocked off. She wasn't entirely sure what to do with herself in the meantime except stay calm and that was where quality time with her dog, Meg Ryan and sleepy time tea came in.

Nov. 5th, 2010


Who: Penny and Jim
What: Post show milkshakes after Taylor hightailed it out of her show.
Where: Outside The Magic Store then a diner
When: After her big debut

In which Miss Penny gets stood up, gets rescued, swoons, and then goes home to sing love songs to her dogs )

Oct. 14th, 2010


Who: Jim and Penny
What: First meetings
Where: The Magic Store
When: October 14th, Afternoon
Warnings: Not a one!

She drives me crazy like no one else )