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Jun. 23rd, 2011


Who: Eli and Preston
What: Talking and kissing
Where: Reliquary
When: The morning after this
Warnings: None really. This one fades to black at the end.

Eli had intended to leave it at that. Just a kiss, nothing more to muddy the waters or confuse Preston, who he already thought of as confused. )

Jun. 20th, 2011


Who: Rome and Eli
What: A chat about relationships, because Rome is the perfect person to ask.
Where: Reliquary.
When: A couple hours after this.
Warnings: Explicit language, quite a lot of it.

Honesty sucks, Eli. )

Jun. 19th, 2011


Who: Preston, Eli, & Lucas
What: Seeing to the drunken Preston
Where: Reliquary -> Sparke Industries Lab -> Reliquary
When: Immediately after this
Warnings: Passive aggressive anger? Otherwise, none.

Tell him, if you would, that I’m about to drive this car into a wall of glass that belongs to his employer. )

Jun. 18th, 2011


Who: Eli & Lucas
What: Drinks between friends
Where: Reliquary
When: The night after the costume party
Warnings: None

We’re not meant to be alone, people. Not in society, not in our homes. Everything here is fast, quick, no one connects or speaks. It’s not what we’re meant for, and I don’t recommend it. Slow down, make connections, call interesting blokes you meet at costume events. )

Jun. 9th, 2011


Who: Eli and Preston
What: Discussing Shiloh
Where: The car
When: Immediately after this
Warnings: None

'He can’t bring them back to life, Eli,' Preston said. )


Who: Preston, Shiloh and Eli
What: Yelling about airplanes and ballerinas
Where: The Museum
When: Recentish Because this is when everything happens lately
Warnings: Yelling?

Several times, Shiloh opened his mouth to reply, but the words died before he gave them voice, and he settled into a long silence before he could gather anything to say. )

Jun. 8th, 2011


Who: Eli and Lucas
What: A reunion
Where: A karaoke bar
When: Recentish
Warnings: None

Lucas wore a matching grin moments later, his smile crooked and all too knowing. )

Jun. 3rd, 2011


Who: Eli and Preston
What: A very depressing conversation
Where: Preston's apartment
When: Immediately after Preston returns from talking to Shiloh at the hospital
Warnings: None

He couldn’t trust Eli not to act against Shiloh if he said anything about the conversation at the hospital, and he definitely couldn’t trust him not to say anything to Anton. )

May. 29th, 2011


Who: Liz and Eli
What: Coffee and a job offer.
Where: Reliquary.
When: Recently (before this).
Warnings: None!

It was more than Liz had been expecting, especially considering the circumstances, so she didn’t bat an eye at the possibility of chaos. )

May. 28th, 2011


Who: Eli and Rome
What: Coming in from the snow
Where: Reliquary
When: Recent-ish
Warnings: None

Rome didn't stay at Drake's more than two nights in a row. )

May. 27th, 2011


WHO: Eli and Lilly
WHAT: Family reunion! And they don't even kill each other. This is what we call a win.
WHERE: Reliquary
WHEN: Right before the snow storm?
WARNINGS: Hardly any cursing. They're both on their best behavior.

She had come to Seattle to find something new and found something old instead, a harsh reminder of her past and a vocal one at that. )

May. 10th, 2011


Who: Eli & Isobel
What: This is what happens when your cousin comes home covered in blood
Where: Bathos 503
When: Last Wednesday, in the wake of this.
Warnings: None

She was talking, which meant she was likely telling the truth about not being injured, Eli thought. )


Who: Eli and Preston
What: Conversations
Where: Bathos
When: Backdated to the night of Isobel's failed healing
Warnings: None

He was thinking, not sleeping, watching the white lights on the backs of his eyelids and trying to remember the boy Elijah and the impetuous nature of who he had been. )

May. 2nd, 2011


Who: Preston and Eli
What: Preston in drag goes to pick Eli up.
Where: Virginia Mason hospital and surrounding.
When: After this.
Warnings: None, gasp!

Honestly, as if he had any idea what had caused the not-robot to intervene on his behalf. )

Apr. 29th, 2011


Who: Eli and Anton Iron Man
What: Iron Man to the rescue!
Where: Smack in the middle of Downtown, with lots of cameras and observers
When: Total timeline fuzziness here to say this evening
Warnings: None

Of course the suit was more impressive than dressing up like a God Damn Bat. )

Apr. 27th, 2011


Who: Eli & Isobel
What: Moving day!
Where: Fifth floor Bathos
When: This past weekend
Warnings: None

This mattress is a potential health risk. It could fall on me. I am a rather thin man, in case you’ve not noticed. )

Apr. 23rd, 2011


Who: Eli, Preston, Shiloh
What: A drive to the airport
Where: Eli's car, airport
When: Backdated to Monday
Warnings: None

It was just past nine when Shiloh made his way down to the lobby of Bathos. )

Apr. 22nd, 2011


Who: Eli and Julian
What: Bedtime and guns
Where: Reliquary
When: The night of the march
Warnings: None

Julian shifted the gun in his farthest hand, scenting an unfair trade in a little of his old manner and a little of his new. )

Apr. 19th, 2011


Who: Rome and Eli
What: Theft, swearing, a lot of stupidity of varying forms.
Where: Behind a poorly-manned Goodwill.
When: Say... yesterday.
Warnings: Some mature topics in conversation and a lot of bad language.

Eli felt quite certain the universe was cursing him with unwashed teenagers, and he sighed in an entirely dramatic and put upon manner. )

Apr. 17th, 2011


Who: Eli and Preston
What: A date Lunch
Where: A restaurant outside of town
When: Backdated to some day that is not today
Warnings: None

Eli was surprised to hear from Preston. )

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