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Dec. 21st, 2010


Who: John Palmer
What: Finding a suitable “holiday companion”.
Where: A club near the UW campus
When: Evening, sometime during the holiday season (but before the cops' recent swarming of the Aubade)
Warnings: Club stalking, suggested emotional manipulation of young women, drugging, sorta kidnapping, non-con restraints and allusions to passive torture. Seriously, it’s Palmer out hunting. This is mild for him, but watch your step.

It would be different this time. His breathing grew ragged as he watched her, telling himself that he would not fail this time. He would save her. )

Nov. 28th, 2010


Who: John and Annie
What: An interview
When: Backdated to day before T-day celebration
Where: Aubade 306
Warnings: Doubtful, but consider the participants

Next time, James, ask first )