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Oct. 22nd, 2010


Who: Regan and Zeke with various NPC’s
What: A regular evening
Where: The Red Rat
When: Tonight
Warnings: Mentions of drugs, prostitution, various illegal activities, and potentially swearing? Maybe even a bar fight if we get lucky.

Evil is viable, good is unreliable. )

Oct. 18th, 2010


Who: Marco Valentino & Zeke Graves
What: If you thought walking in on your parents was awkward, try walking in on a murder.
Where: Off Yesler Way, near the docks.
When: Backdated to September 2007.
Warnings: N/A

Just hanging by a moment here with you. )

Oct. 17th, 2010


Who: Zeke and whoever decides to put in an appearance
What: Just another shift
When: Tonight. Whenever it's convenient.
Where: A cemetery in Ranier Valley, probably a few blocks from Hamartia if that helps
Warnings: Drugs. Use, just selling, depends on what happens, but either way drugs are implied. Probably language too.

Out from the night, from the mist, steps a figure )