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Nov. 8th, 2010


Who: Chris and Bourne
What: Manly Man advice
Where: Bourne's apartment (Bathos 605)
When: 1700 hours; after this
Warnings: Grouching.

This boy's got woe )
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Who: Agents Bourne, Bartholomew, Kent, and Johnson
What: Mission Brief
Where: The Agency
When: Monday; 1530 hours
Warnings: Classified.

Operation Eve )

Oct. 23rd, 2010


Who Sydney (Cinderella), Alex (Casey)
What First day
When Sunday (a little early, but it's almost Sunday anyway!)
Where The office :D!
Warning Probably not much?

Oct. 18th, 2010


Who: Bunny & Bourne
What: THERE ARE NEEDLES IN THE REACH OF LITTLE CHILDRENS (or so Jess has alerted her via the forums.)
Where: The Bathos
When: Referring to this, but after this and this.
Warnings: Flaily girl, grumpy guy.

YES! She was back on track! )

Oct. 17th, 2010


Who: Bourne and Ellis
What: A unique offer
When: After this
Where: Back booth of VIP Lounge at Phantasia
Warnings: None at the moment, but will update if it changes

In his entire time in Seattle so far, he had never once set foot in the dimly lit club with the neon sign )

Oct. 10th, 2010


Who: Bradley Winters & Angie (possibly others if they'd like some Bradley time)
What: Bradley's shift ends at midnight. It's gonna be a long night. Also, Bradley may or may not have/get a stalker.
Where: The Diner Bradley Works at a.k.a. Nando fails at clever names.
When: Saturday night.
Warnings: There may be a lot of abuse of the English Language.

Today hadn't sucked as much as it usually did. )
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