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Apr. 16th, 2011


Who: Drake, Eli, and the Engineer
What: First Meetings and Inspecting the Dream Machine
Where: A storage facility in Seattle
When: Last Sunday
Warnings: Politeness covering distrust, and a little sneak preview

Whenever science makes a discovery, the devil grabs it while the angels are debating the best way to use it. )

Mar. 27th, 2011


Who: Seymour (and the Cleaners)
What: Taking out a problem
Where: The Bank
When: Today
Warnings: None

Inside, Seymour Shawn slumped over his desk, dead from a bullet through his skull. )

Mar. 20th, 2011


Who: Seymour, Isobel and Gwen
What: Healing Gwen
Where: Beneath the bank
When: During the blackout
Warnings: Mind control, dub-con, forced healing, etc. Typical Seymour being Seymour.

This was a miracle and should've been a wonderful occasion, and all it made her want to do was scream. )

Mar. 18th, 2011


Who: Seymour and Walter (NPCs)
What: It's time we checked in on those guys!
Where: Walter’s lab
When: 3/15, not long after the blackout starts
Warnings: Mild language, shoe-throwing, and NPC villains being far funnier than they should.

Maybe it was just a normal blackout, some kid putting too many X-Box consoles in their house. Maybe he was getting paranoid in his old age. )

Mar. 17th, 2011


WHO: Gwen and Seymour
WHAT: Oracle has left the building.
WHERE: Bathos, Apartment 101
WHEN: Sunset, Ides of March, right before this
WARNINGS: Kidnapping! Mind Control! And getting a little too physically close for comfort. Tread carefully.

He didn’t bother knocking. He didn’t need to. )
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Mar. 15th, 2011


Who: Tristan and Eric
What: Bringing the dreamer to the bad guys
Where: Aubade 402
When: Tuesday afternoon, before the blackout.
Warnings: Kidnapping! Violence!

I gave you a less violent opportunity to meet, you do remember that, don’t you? )
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