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Nov. 21st, 2010


Who: Kyle
What: Memories
Where: Late night at the office
Ratings: Everything

Kyle was burning the midnight oil at the office for the tenth night in a row, his eyes were starting to sting a bit and he rubbed his forehead as the urge to yawn overtook him. He pushed himself back from his desk stretching his arms over his head and headed back over to the coffee pot and poured himself another cup.

He got back to his desk, dropped a bit of whiskey into it, and popped a couple of Adderall. It would have to do until he could actually get somewhere on the few cases that were driving him crazy.


Who: Miss Penny
What: Memory!
Where: Her pink nightmare apartment
Rating: Everything

Penny's apartment was drinking a cup of tea that had been guaranteed to "relax" her and she was having a chick flick sort of day. It wasn't a bad day by any means, and the idea that Monday she might be able to get a bit of help with her little...Issue was promising.

She wasn't pleased about having to get that help from Colt, who so obviously enjoyed mocking her. If anything she supposed he'd be the first to get his block knocked off. She wasn't entirely sure what to do with herself in the meantime except stay calm and that was where quality time with her dog, Meg Ryan and sleepy time tea came in.


Who: Johnny
What: Memories Plot
Where: His apartment
When: Memories Plot
Warnings: Everything.

Johnny was cooking a chicken, but for the moment he was sitting at his kitchen table reading the newspaper and waiting for his painkiller to kick in. He was pretty well unwound, Oracle had found him a doctor who had been willing to look in on him. She hadn't been pleased with his haphazard bandaging, but she was glad it wasn't infected.

She'd also left painkillers. He was going to send her a bottle of wine before the end of the weekend, that much he knew. He wasn't much of a pill popper, so he appreciated the buzz, it took his mind off everything that was going on outside of the safety of his apartment.


Who: Meredith
What: Memories Plot
Where: Auto shop
When: Memories Plot
Warnings: Anything and everything

Even though it was his day off Mere found himself at the shop anyway working on his bike. He always found working on an engine was the best way to clear his head and he needed that right now. He couldn't put his finger on it but something strange had been going on with Poppy and Hazel lately, he was sure of it, even if he couldn't quite tell you what. It was just a feeling he had, perhaps the whole "triplet connection" thing at work. Mere snorted at the thought. The whole idea sounded moronic to him, but then stranger things existed. After all hadn't their parents told them that in the place they were born people would just up and stop aging with no warning, and here didn't those same people have powers? He shook his head at the thought. No, what Meredith Barnes needed right now was to just work on his bike and clear his head.

Nov. 20th, 2010


Who: Harry
What: Memories Plot
When: During the Memories Plot?
Where: Hamartia 404
Warnings: A very very confused Harry, and all warnings that would need to go along with that.

He's on turtle watch again. Not that there's anybody else to be on turtle watch, but Billy's playing hide and seek again (no, he didn't lose him, he just gave Billy a little more freedom than usual and was having trouble with the rendez-vous), so Harry needs to be on the look-out for when he pokes his shell out. He's got the lettuce and carrots and celery all laid out on the floor outside his favorite couch (he actually remembered the veggies this week, it's a step up from last week - not that he could be held accountable for a sudden radish attack that left him a few things short on his list), and is currently lying on his stomach, peering underneath. Lots of dust bunnies, but no turtle.

Yet. He's probably just hiding still, Billy's really good at that.


Who: Nathan Collins
What: Memory Plot
Where: Bathos 103
When: During the Memories Plot
Warnings: What ever you deem to put him through.

Nathan stretched as he got up from the couch. The hockey game had gone to commercial and he made his way to the kitchen to grab a beer. Things had fallen into an odd sort of routine since he'd come to Humanity. He'd been working extra shifts at the station but even that had become normal. Things seemed to just keep getting crazier here, Nathan thought grimly. First everyone going completely mad from, what had Warda called it, sex pollen? That seemed to be an accurate enough description for what had happened. For a second Nathan's mind wondered if Jackie had been effected. He pushed the thought away quickly, pretending not to notice the sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach that accompanied that thought. She'd probably have been allergic to it anyway.

And now all this about some sick freak who was poking into people's dreams. How were you suppose to stop someone when you were being attacked inside your own head Nathan wondered. How were they suppose to protect people when there really was no where that was safe? With a heavy sigh Nathan sat down in the kitchen. He missed when the world had made sense.


Who: Jack
What: Memories plot
Where: Hamartia 602
When: Memories plot. :D
Warnings: Could be anything and everything.

Jack was sitting in the bedroom of his apartment with the door shut. Normally he would have gone into the next room to see how Ruby was doing, but this morning, all he could do was sit, it seemed.

He was looking at a photograph. The night before, he'd done a terrible thing - something that needed to be done, but a terrible thing nonetheless - and now he was looking at a photo of a dead woman and thinking, thinking, thinking.


Who: Wren
What: Memories
Where: Outside Hamartia
When: Memories plot!
Warnings: Could be anything.

Midnight found Wren sitting outside Hamartia. It was early yet, but her new client was a family man, a police officer, and he tended to visit her earlier in the evening. He'd just dropped her off, and instead of going inside, she'd crossed to the park and sat on the bench there, ankles crossed and mitten covered hands gracefully folded in her lap.