23 August 2011 at 10:47 pm
[ welcome to Flynn's [surprise!unwanted!] beach party birthday bash! it's essentially a giant beach picnic, with blankets spread out over the sand and shade provided by mounted tarps. the poles are decorated, there are balloons under the canopy of the tarps, and a volleyball net has been set up for interested parties. swimming is also encouraged.

the cake is in the center of the blankets and presents are to be deposited off to the side. ]

((ooc: Mingle post! Ambush Flynn with well-wishes and/or presents. People with Flynn or Yuri CR should consider themselves invited, anybody else can drop in on the big, obvious beach party; just tag in wherever you feel like it!))
[Action | Open]
17 August 2011 at 02:00 pm
[Sometime around noon, very cute little white animal can be found wandering the dome. Though he wears a communicator, he hasn't really made much of a fuss about being here, or spoken up often at all. In fact, despite showing himself publicly, he seems pretty content to keep to himself.]

[Unless, of course, you're a teenaged girl. In which case, you may find him in your path, seated on his haunches or walking quietly behind you. Unblinking, a smile on his cute little face, his tail slowly swishing back and forth, back and forth, waiting politely to make conversation...]

((OOC: I apologize forever.))
[video / action]
16 August 2011 at 03:51 pm
[hey, Marina. there is a tall, tan blond man in your pet cafe, and he is shocked. appalled! he has in his arms a pig-bunny-looking-thing and he holds it up to the communicator accusingly]

How can you guys resist this adorable face?!

I can't believe there are so many of them just -- languishing away here! Rappigs are social animals, people. They need love and attention! Your love and attention.

Come on. Where are my volunteers? [he transfers the rappig under one arm and puts his free hand on his hip, expectant]

[...yes, shockingly, you may find Peony in the pet cafe, fussing over the rappigs]
[Action - Video]
16 August 2011 at 03:51 pm
[Ion read the welcome message and even listened to some of the information. And then he figured out how to turn on the communicator. The boy you will be seeing might be familiar to some of you...but at the same time...something about the way he's dancing and grinning will probably strike all who knew this boy's replica as odd.

He's laughing so hard.]

Hey! Hey, this place... This place doesn't have the score! ...This place's completely free! Ahaha...! How delightful! [Giggle.] It's great!
15 August 2011 at 06:07 pm

[The voice coming across the feed is that of someone who's failing miserably at keeping his emotions under control.]

I... How am I supposed to stop St. Binah from falling from here?! How... how I am supposed to do anything?!

[It's not like he can argue with the voice that told him it was "best" for him to be here. That's probably what most people thought. Hell, that's what he thought, on some level. He'd wanted to make up for it so much, but obviously this... this "Acumen" thing or whatever had other ideas. And it was probably right... But... he still had a responsibility, didn't he? To make up for what he'd done!]

What am I supposed to do...?
I... I have to go back! I can't just... forget about it!
15 August 2011 at 06:59 pm
[Sync eyes the buildings, the roads, the very air around him with distrust, his lips curling downward with it.

It was ugly, and he wanted nothing to do with it.

On the other hand -

Free Score readings! Learn your future. Yulia doesn’t wish anybody to be blinded because of a few people’s poor judgment. [His voice is loud, his words steady.]
08 August 2011 at 11:50 pm
[The tone of the speaker is aggravated and condescending. This is someone who won't easily accept the predicament he's just found himself in. Not without ample proof.]

[It's a ruse. It has to be. After all, there's no way it could be true. Someone's captured him, sealed his fon slots, and cast some sort of illusion over him using the first fonon. That has to be it. It makes sense considering he defected from the Order, considering how that man keeps extending his offer. If he'll only cross a sea of corpses. Corpses, huh?]

...Is this someone's idea of a joke? I don't have time to play games with you people! Return my sword and undo the seal unless you're all willing to pay with your lives.

[Meanwhile Asch is kneeling down in the middle of the graveyard. For a while now he's been trying to figure out a way to remove the ball and chain from around his right leg, but he hasn't made any progress. Not even after fishing through the welcome basket for stuff to help it slide better. None. Unless getting even more frustrated counts.]
[Video/ eventual action]
08 August 2011 at 11:27 pm
[The video turns on to focus on a girl with bright brow eyes and her hair up in pigtails. Her lips pursed together before she finally spoke.]

...Okay, I think I'm doing this right...I'd like to say thank you to the people who gave me the welcome basket, the pamphlet was especially informative and I appreciate the gift. I must say though, it's kind of odd since I hadn't actually been accused of these crimes back home. I guess there's no use in complaining though~

Can anyone give me some more information on this place an how it works? I'd really appreciate it♥ Preferably over breakfast since I'm kinda stuck here with everyone else?
[action | OPEN] backdated to afternoon
30 July 2011 at 11:05 am
[It's a nice day out finally, but Tear is spending it indoors again-- the dojo this time. She hasn't trained since she came back-- which is just plain neglect-- and even though she's not the violent type, it's still a good way to let off steam from the minor frustration she's had in the last few days.

Having opted for one of the practice staffs available for use than her own weapon, she starts out basic enough against the straw dummy, before moving to increasingly quick and difficult techniques as she lets herself just go into the familiar motions, the solid thwacks from her strikes echoing loudly in the open hall for some time.

Once the helpless dummy has been thoroughly beaten up to her satisfaction, she takes a second for a quick break, and to tuck back some hair that's fallen into her face. Deeming her fighting form decent after a moment of criticism, she figures she should let Conrad know she's good to go for that spar now... but decides to take just a few more minutes to have another go first]

[Action | Open]
13 July 2011 at 11:46 pm
[Cross has taken to wandering, looking for people who will cook him something decent. Stupid Idiot Apprentice and his ridiculous grandstanding has left him with only the lousy restaurants to choose from. As if he'd eat pizza.]

[Not looking particularly approachable though. And especially not when he goes to light a cigarette, and his lighter just clicks, producing no flame.]
Damn thing. [*flick flick flickflick FLICK* ... *throw* Sorry if it hits you; it's plastic, get over it.]

((OOC: Someone is in a Mood. And I'm looking specifically for people to make it worse! He needs to get in the right (read: BAD) frame of mind for his Gabe-prank next dayweek! Antagonize at will~ ...nicetags are of course welcome, but don't expect him to be very accommodating. ^^;;))
[Action | Open] Training dojo + Diva's apartment
06 July 2011 at 09:13 am
[However tempting, he wasn't about to turn off his communicator today. He hadn't paid his usual attention to the chatter of new arrivals, rather just listening in to see if he was needed. If there was an emergency.]

[One voice had caught his attention, of course. It seemed the only way he could hear Yuuri happy was when they were apart. At least he can still hear it.]

[Nothing, though, keeps him from his training. His new abilities are useful, but he mustn't become complacent, not with Saya hell-bent on whatever revenge she sought. After an hour he takes a break, less because he needs it anymore and more out of habit, and maybe just a tiny bit to glance around and see if anyone was nearby. It's always good to train with others.]

[And of course, everyone who knew him at all knew to find him here around now. Not that he's expecting anyone.]

[After this, he's going straight home. There's still work to be done on the rooms. It should take however long until Diva to gets back the rest of the day.]
[ video / action ]
05 July 2011 at 08:09 pm
[this feed begins with a rather determined looking face, belonging to a rather determined girl. she's in front of the koi ponds, seated nicely on one of the rocks.

did I mention she looks determined?]

From what I understand, many people here have been wrongfully convicted. It is one thing to convict a Princess of a country with little warning--but it is another thing entirely to convict several innocent citizens with no prior trial.

There are circumstances concerning our crimes. Sometimes they are a necessity. It is for this very reason that one cannot simply take things into their own hands, deciding the fate of so many people on their own! If people wish to be tried and participate in your punishment, then it should be an option that is presented to them. A choice.

Acumen--I speak to you, personally--these actions are unjust. I ask you to see your wrongs, and cease this behavior!

[she pauses here, looking less determined and more calm.]

To the people who are here--thank you for both the pamphlet and the welcoming basket. They were extremely helpful. If there is any way I can assist here, please, do not hesitate to inform me.

[and with that, the video finishes. she sighs, a bit shakily, looking to the koi pond behind her.

how the heck did she end up in *prison* of all places.]
[Voice | Action] OPEN
05 July 2011 at 06:21 pm
[Tear's been awake and listening to the network for some moments before speaking up herself, piecing the current situation together while sorting out the meshed memories of where she really was last, the conflicting recent events of here and home-- home being extremely concerning. Her voice is composed though, if a bit quiet; hard to guess she's trying to push down that lovely headache and general motion sickness feeling]

I believe I can now emphasize with inmates who have the issue of being brought here at the wrong moment. A little more time before having to return would have been appreciated-- as well as a more appropriate place to arrive.

[There are worse places than the beach. Unless one happened to be in the path of the incoming surf before waking up, and then it's not so great] But I suppose I should at least be grateful that it's warm out. The water would be worse in winter weather.

[Getting up sends her head spinning and she has to pause, but dizziness be dammed, she won't be just sitting around in damp uniform all day. So first things first: the clothing store, it's closer than the shelter. And ideally, someone at least half-way trustworthy will respond while she walks, so she can ask for an accurate report of whatever events and get caught up. As she dusts some of the sand off of her, she idly realizes that the Colonel almost doesn't fit that criteria. --If he's even still present]

[[ooc: Catch her at the beach, or on her way to the store if you want action /o/ jsyk I'll be tagging sparingly until later]]
[video / filtered from Euphemia] [action]
15 February 2011 at 01:10 am
[here is an Orihime! she is in a hospital bed and has a bandage wrapped around her head; her arm is in a sling and she's kind of pale, her hair hanging loose. lost]

Where... Where am I? Does anyone know who I am...?

[--ehe, awkward smile]

Just kidding... I always wanted to get amnesia after a head wound like they do on TV... But I guess I didn't this time either.

Um-- I'm sorry if I worried anyone yesterday when I didn't get home! Toushirou-kun, Kuchiki-san, I hope you were able to find the house okay... If not, I'll definitely make sure you get there tonight.

I just woke up and heard that I missed the whole day. So I didn't really prepare anything for the sewing club meeting. Can anyone from the sewing club take care of that so everyone can still go?

Let's see... Oh! And I was in the shelter, I think, so -- thank you, whoever brought me here! [ducks her head in a little bowww]

[clicks the video off! but she will clearly be in this hospital room for any visitors~]
14 February 2011 at 09:31 pm
[Rufus is sitting in a comfortable chair with a cup of black coffee, looking relaxed and in a rather good mood this morning despite the early hour.]

During my brief time here, I must admit I am curious of the crimes of my fellow inmates. No matter how righteous one may think they are, there was a crime judged harshly enough to land you here. [he smirks more as he leans back in his chair]

So tell me your crimes, though I'm sure some of you may either deny or embellish the truth, and I may just tell you mine if you ask nicely.
14 February 2011 at 09:01 pm
[ it's been a very, very long night, but Suzaku is still in the Defense Force Headquarters the next morning. earlier than usual, in fact, since he skipped his morning swim. and breakfast.

he'll be pacing HQ, looking more than a little bit run-down, all morning. ]

((ooc: Joining the DF today? Hoping to start a task force? Just looking to offer condolences because of how sucky yesterday was? :D Suzaku was off the communicators after last night's disaster, but he's here and physically available now~.))
[ Event: Ball ]
03 February 2011 at 08:26 pm
[Just as evening starts to fall, one of the parks in Sector 4 has been festooned with streamers, bright lights in a variety of colors, a big upraised dais, tables of refreshments, and music. It looks like a perfectly normal party from the outside. Optional masks are provided in little bins beside the dais, but you're responsible for your own costumes...!

...And if you're dressed as a character, the moment you step onto the dais, you will believe yourself to have led that character's life for your whole life. This effect will last until "midnight", in this case Sunday, even if you leave the party.]
[ action | open to anyone in DF HQ ]
02 February 2011 at 01:04 am
[Tieria was on the warpath. Hiling's announcement about being accepted to the DF totally set him off in the wrong way. What kind of joke was the DF if they were accepting people like her? The idea of Nena being accepted wasn't all that far off in his mind, now, and the idea of the DF becoming something akin to the A-LAWs was all too prominent in his mind as he stalked his way over to DF headquarters. He didn't care if Hiling and Revive were there and overheard this. Suzaku Kururugi was going to get a piece of Tieria's mind, and no one was going to stop that.

He slammed open the door.]

Where is Suzaku Kururugi?
01 February 2011 at 04:46 pm
[ hear the rustle of paper, and an amused voice ]

So, no sex and no booze. Gotta entertain ourselves somehow...

Anybody got a favorite historical period?

[ yes, he just asked that. ]
27 January 2011 at 08:31 pm
[ hops back, out of Jun's reach to catch his breath. he's not sure how long they've been sparring in the park, but it's enough he's stripped off his uniform coat. he hasn't pulled out his hammer yet.

puts his communicator back on. ]

You gonna teach me or not, man? [ goading grin ]

((ooc: Sob, my hiatus. Open to all, after Jun tags!))
Location: Day 99 / Sector 4, Park / Mid-Afternoon