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July 2nd, 2015


RP: Flying Day Out

Who: Oliver Wood and Ginny Weasley
What: Somehow, Ginny is going flying with Oliver Wood and she doesn't quite know how or why but she's not complaining because he's hot.
When: Thursday, July 2nd, AM
Where: Meeting at Finnigan's and then off somewhere.
Rating: SFW

Ginny was up early for once. )



Journal: Pub tonight? (to Alicia)

[To Alicia] -- Lovely love of mine - I think we should go to Pub Trivia tonight. No, I haven't lost my mind, I just think it'd be brilliant to watch you clean up against absolutely everybody there. The bonus topic tonight? Muggle and Magical Maladies. What do you say? The twins could use some junk food, right?

Journal: to Mel & Mari

[Warded to Melinda & Marietta] -- Girls... I'm sort of freaking out. I hadn't been, but then last night I hosted a wedding rehearsal dinner and the Bride & Groom's speeches were so beautiful and I was in the back and I just... Merlin. I've been a wreck ever since and just started crying and what am I doing? It's, like, 8 in the morning. Fin maybe sort of might be falling for me and I just don't know what to do. I'm devastated.

Journal: To Goyle

[Warded to Gregory Goyle] I was wondering if you might like to get a drink and talk sometime. My treat. Somewhere not on Monument or Diagon.



Journal -- Zacharias Smith

I hate headaches that won't go away even when you take something.



Journal Entry: Tristan Travers

Don't forget about Pride this weekend at Wingbeat!




Tristan said it too, but here's a reminder with the poster


Yes, I am part of the community, you'll know what part if you know your flags outside the generic.

ooc: I'll put up an open thread tomorrow, but feel free to do our own, just assume there are a lot of rainbow decorations, several stripy cocktails and fairy dust 'wands' in drinks which make them do a fizzing/glitter thing. Also, glitter everywhere. Also, yes I'm aware London Pride was last weekend this year, we sort of had a confused moment meshing '05 and '15 calendars. Oops.



RP: Pub Quiz

Who: Adrian, Alicia, the twins, + Open
What: Adrian and Alicia take on pub quiz.
When: Tuesday, PM (backdated)
Where: Finnigan's Pub
Rating: SFW

Adrian opened the door to the pub for Alicia and the kids, a rare, genuinely happy smile on his face considering the public setting. )

Journal: Rose

[Warded to Rose] -- Rose, I saw via journal that you've finished your training - congratulations! I was hoping to totally inconvenience you now that you're all "official" and now that the property deal for the (other) Pucey estate is finally signed and sealed. I've been told by the Ministry and the Foundation that the first thing I have to do (before I'm even allowed to do anything over there) I need to go over the property with a Cursebreaker just in case. Might you be available over the next week or so to join me for a lovely day of hard work and misery and dust and potential spooky surprises?

RP: McLaggen's Magical Sports

Who: Mac + Open
What: McLaggen's evening hours.
When: Friday, July 3rd, PM
Where: McLaggen's Magical Sports, Monument Alley
Rating: SFW

Mac was changing the window dressings this evening. )