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September 6th, 2014



RP: Breakfast is whenever the first meal of the day happens

Who: Charlie Weasley & Romilda Vane
What: Breakfast and chatter
Where: Charlie & Romi's flat
When: Saturday 6th September, around 1pm
Rating: NSFW - language

Breakfast in the afternoon is completely normal. )

journal: hung over

Ow. My head. I'm never drinking again.

Until tonight, that is, when we hit up Charlie's.

Luna, you are coming, if only because you need a night out. Hermione? Up for some fun? Ron, Harry, Neville - shall we make a night of it?

I'll have the boy-toy with me, and we'll be dancing until we drop.

Interesting game with the Bats and Harpies last night. But c'mon, Bats. Last in the league. You make me feel terrible when I have to write that you haven't won a game yet and the points weighting makes you last. At least score some goals and make the games close. Harpies were up two goals when they caught the Snitch. Defence! Offence! Next week I might submit an article that just says 'Bats lost again, nothing new to report'. That would make me very sad. Don't make me do that.



Journal -- Zacharias Smith

Sometimes, I worry for the education of little witches and wizards everywhere. Muggles have their primary schools where their little children can learn important skills such as reading, writing, and arithmatic. Wizarding children, however, are left to the devices of their parents, be it homeschooling, joint homeschooling with another wizarding family or two (or ten), or outsourcing the education process to tutors and nannies (and maybe the stray house-elf, which may or may not be a good idea depending on how the family has treated the elf). Perhaps if we had a better means of education for young witches and wizards they'd grow up to understand the meaning of "unspeakable." They might even understand the meaining of unspeakable in various contexts. I swear, they think it means "challenge my ability to keep a secret and keep testing my patience to see if I'll hex you or not."

They might also learn how to make correct change. Next time that twat dolt imbecile bloke is working the till at the market, I'll just make do with takeaway for the weekend.

In other news, I think these kittens are defective.

On a slightly related note, I'm excited to try a new recipe.

RP: Saturday night at the bar

Who: Cho, Ben, Melinda, Roger
What: Ben's on the bar and his friends join
Where: Finnigan's - The Common Room
When: Saturday night
Rating: NSFW - language

Cho had needed a couple of friendly drinks. )



[No Subject]

Who: Hermione and Ginny
What: Finding a cute dress
Where: Ginny's flat
When: Saturday, early evening
Rating: SFW - semi sexy dresses a possibility

She didn't really care to take the time to get all gussied up on a regular basis. )

Auror BAMFs at Work

Who: Harry & Susan
What: Auror shenanigans
Where: Cornwall
When: Saturday evening into late night
Rating: Possibly NSFW because violence

Read more... )

[No Subject]

Owl Delivery to Susan Bones )



Journal Post-Oliver Wood

Great win, Puddlemere. Too bad I was watching it from the bench.

I guess the reserve deserved at least one game in their career.