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September 4th, 2014



Owl: Delivery to Oliver

Delivery to Oliver Wood )



RP: Delivery!

Who: Melinda and Oliver
What: Nursing Oliver’s wounds
Where: Oliver’s flat
When: Thursday, September 4 – early evening
Rating: NSFW - Sexual activity

Delivery )

journal: ginny

My teams face off against each other on Friday, so no matter what there will be a victory celebration at Finnigan's afterward! And then I will pass out and sleep all wee- ha! Just kidding! Saturday I'll be at Charlie's, so if you want a fun night on the town, come on down! I may even buy you a drink.

Anybody else up to anything fun this weekend?

Journal: what ifs & temporary solutions


Talking with Rog the other night helped but I just can't seem to shake this funk. I'm happy for all of my clients of course, but there's a small nagging part of me that is just so... jealous. If you had asked me at 15 if I thought I'd be planning other people's happily ever afters, I'd have laughed. I'd have told you I'd be busy living my own. It was nearly 10 years ago that it all changed, I spent the whole summer after his death just... existing. And my father thought I was being childish and ridiculous - of course, he was worried about me with the obviously coming dark times, but part of me always thought maybe he was right. I was fifteen - why did I ever think that would be my happily ever after. What did I think would happen? After my NEWTs, he and I would get married and I would study charms like father wanted and we would start having babies and...?

Well, yeah, I guess I did think that. And I guess sometimes I still do. Nothing has ever felt like that did, no guy has ever lived up to him. I'm worried no one ever will. And I think that that's my funk. Surrounded by romance and summer and next year it's been a decade and what have I don't with that path I thought I was on in fifth year? I've completely left it behind. And so... I feel lost, I think.

[Warded to Roger & Ben]

Boys, what's your schedule look like? I need some very large shots of firewhiskey sometime soon and I'd love to share them with you.

[Warded to Melinda]

I'm trying to get Roger & Ben together for a night of absolute drunken debauchery. Please tell me you'll join us. And do invite whichever man has you glowing like you have been lately.

Journal: message to Miss Brown

[Warded to Lavender]

Lavender, I wanted to thank you for taking the time on Tuesday to go over those charms ideas with the Dueling Club. I think everyone had some pretty good ideas - though I'm proud of being the one who came up with it, of course. Might you let me thank you properly? I cook a mean duck a l'orange and now that I know you like wine, I have a great bottle of Côtes-du-Rhône just begging to be drunk on my rooftop before fall fully takes London over.



Journal - Susan Bones

Can anyone recommend a good pet store? I see them around but I'd love to hear from someone who bought a pet from them?

Also, does anyone happen to speak Gobblegook and not work for the Ministry?

[Warded to Eddie Carmichael]
Okay new plan, I am utterly shattered and so is my shoulder. Well, broken. The goblin enclave from Switzerland sent a delegation who began a pitched battle with some of our goblins. Can I come cuddle with you tonight?



Oooh Let's make time, LET'S!

Who: Justin and Seamus

What: Justin doesn't want to go home alone.

Where: Finnigan's

When: Thursday September 4th

Rating: We'll see? R for now. :P NSFW I REPEAT NSFW

Read more... )




Warded Private )

What are wizarding fairy tales like?

RP: Thursday afternoon at Quickpulse

Who: Romi & OPEN
What: Romi runs the afternoon shift
Where: Quickpulse, Monument Alley
When: Thursday, September 4 – afternoon
Rating: Adult

Romi had put out a chalkboard sign announcing 'ladies night' at Quickpulse. Buy one get one free on all ladies toys. )



RP: Cuddles?

Who: Susan and Eddie

What: A rather ridiculous amount of unplanned sex

Where: Eddie's flat

When: Thursday 4th of September - 9am

Rating: NSFW

Open the door, Smiles. )



[No Subject]

WHO: Megan Stewart and OPEN (or could be complete narrative if no one is interested, lol)
WHAT: Getting out of the house
WHERE: Finnigans, Common Room
WHEN: Thursday, after dinner with Hufflepuffs

It felt good to come to this home. )

Journal - Ernie Macmillan

Thanks to Hannah, I may not be able to walk for a week, so if anyone notices one less healer in Janus Thickey, it's her fault. But if I die, it will be happily fed.

Why does a four-day week feel as long as a five-day, sometimes longer? I've never quite figured out the time mechanics of that.