BtVS: Alternate Lives

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Posts Tagged: 'maxine+tora'

May. 10th, 2010



Night Out

Who: Max OT Anyone
Where: Avarice
When: Saturday Night, 5/8

Max sat in Avarice, sipping at a coke (still bitches about I.D. here in such a way that it aggravated her to death)and listening to the music. Strangely, this stuff was starting to grow on her. Of course, she had afforded the cover here by 'borrowing' money from one of those 'ladies who lunch' or whatever she was supposed to call the fifty year old woman whom she bumped into that called her a 'street urchin.' You know, she actually *didn't* live on the street anymore, thanks. She paid for an apartment (a crappy one, but one still) by stealing from people like that. Sometimes she felt bad afterward when she went through wallets and saw pictures of kids, but not this lady. Nothing was going to make her feel bad about the two grand she had gotten (who walked around with that much money?) that had also paid her rent for the month.

Anyways, she looked around the club to see if anyone she might know (it could happen) was there or if just anyone of interest was there that she could talk to (or steal from, whatever).

Feb. 21st, 2010



Getting Out and About

Who: Max OT Anyone
Where: Avarice
When: Saturday Night, 2/20

With the little bit of money that she had 'liberated' from a press agent type guy today, Max decided to treat herself to a night out on the town. And the best nights out on the town always ended up at Avarice at some point. She wasn't a huge metal fan or anything, but this place was huge and you didn't have to be a massive drunk just to have a good time. Of course. they carded, so she couldn't get herself a beer for her life (even a fake ID didn't work for Max), but there was still much fun to be had.

Right now she sat at the bar, swinging her legs from the stool as she sat and watched some people dance. As soon as she was finished with her drink, she planned on joining them and having some fun herself, but, for the moment, she was content to watch.

Nov. 14th, 2009



Who: Knox OT Max and Ivy
Where: The Bowman's Club
When: Saturday afternoon (November 14)

This was something Knox had been thinking about for a while now, but had never really had the time to follow through on. Right before the battle with the Slayers, he'd made a mental list of things he'd regret not doing if he didn't return. There hadn't been a lot on it. He'd regret not making it back to Chicago one last time. He'd regret not having been a better friend to those who needed it. And that was about it.

Too bad for Max, he was trying to make good on the latter. Baby steps, however. The first order of business was going to be knocking some of the cocky off her shoulders and getting her some proper training if it ever came down to having her in the heat of battle. No, it wasn't her strong suit and he cringed at the thought of the tiny Asian girl going up against a huge demon – that was the kind of thing those Anime freaks made porn about, right? – but that was just one more reason for her to be as well armed as possible. This was all a part of his devious plan to ensure her survival for as long as possible.

"Now we'll really get to see how good you are with the hand-eye coordination," he grinned, tugging on the back of her hair as he opened the door to The Bowman's Club and nudged her inside.

Sep. 8th, 2009


One for the road

Who: Knox OT Max
Where: Outside Max's place
When: Tuesday night

There was some kind of irony here, of that Knox was pretty damn sure. Thing was, he couldn't figure it out. That, or he was too buzzed to give it too much thought. The meeting he'd dropped in on this morning had been brief. Maybe it was supposed to be some kind of pep talk or maybe it was just supposed to give them something to fight for, he didn't have much to make of it. If tomorrow came and it was the end, so be it. There wasn't much he'd be missing out on and at least he'd go out doing something he was good at.

The old British guy had advised them all to go out and live as if it was their last day. It wasn't much different from the way Knox lived most of his days. There were no moments to be seized, no tearful, heartfelt goodbyes to be made. His affairs were in order. His apartment was clean. That was about the best he could offer.

Instead of doing anything crazy, he'd gone out and picked up a couple of new weapons. The little blonde, Ami, had specifically said no guns. Cramped his style a bit, but he was no stranger to close-range combat. After that, he'd gone for a run to work off his excess energy, boxed a few rounds at the sparring ring downtown, and now here he was. Sitting outside the kid's place with a twelve-pack propped upright between his knees. He was on his second beer. Why had he come to Max's? Knox wasn't sure. She was a sweet kid. Sticky fingers, but sweet. She reminded him of his past and maybe that was why he was here. Tell her goodbye, good luck, whatever words would come out at the time.

Aug. 29th, 2009



Getting Ready for a War

Who: Gunn, Max, and introducing Clinton Holmes
Where: Gunn's Hideout
When: Friday, early evening

Read more... )

Aug. 21st, 2009



OOC - New Character

Seriously, I have an addiction and I need to be stopped.

However, I am mod and there's nothing you can do about it!

Anyways, powertrip aside, this is Max. She was a street kid and pickpocket before running into Gunn and his gang, who managed to save her from an angry vampire who's pocket she had just tried to pick. She ended up joining up with them, and now uses her powers of stealing wallets to help fund their little enterprise, and will occasionally slay a vampire along with it. Her PB is Azusa Yamamoto.

Aug. 20th, 2009


In Da Club

Who: Kara, open to all
Where: Silky's
When: Thursday night

Most people, when awaiting a call to find out whether or not they'd gotten a highly coveted gig in a popular band, would be a nervous wreck. Possibly sitting in front of the phone, a jittery mess.

Not Kara Roth, however. No... the laid-back, tattooed blonde was out dancing. While Silky's was a fairly small club, with frequently-busting AC, she loved the atmosphere and music of the small hip-hop club. She'd been a regular long enough to get past the novelty 'token white girl' status, and was well-liked by most of the other regulars.

Hey, if the band called? Whether to tell her they wanted her or not? She had an answering machine, after all.

Clad in a pair of black shorts, a flowered and sleeveless tee-shirt, and with her long blonde hair in cute pigtails, the laid-back young woman just got out on the dance floor, getting her groove on.