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Posts Tagged: 'lilah+morgan'

Feb. 6th, 2011



Daily Break

Who: Jared and Lilah
Where: Outside Wolfram & Hart, on the roof
When: Monday Evening, 2/7

Even though it was the evening, Jared wasn't quite done with his work for the day. Still, sometimes the urge just hits you like a sack of bricks. Jared happened to like to smoke. Considering his job, it wasn't like lung cancer was going to have a chance to kill him. Even though you technically could smoke in the building (one of the few in LA you still could), Jared usually craved some outside air.

Most people didn't have access to the roof, since, among other problems, they used to have employees throwing themselves from it. Jared had been there long enough that they trusted him with a key to the place. Anyone who acted like they were stable tended to get one after a few years, though. It was mostly newbies who didn't have access.

He took a drag off his cigarette and stood toward the edge of the building, enjoying the view that he had from the top.

Nov. 19th, 2010



Stirring Up Trouble

Who: Jared OT Lilah
Where: Wolfram & Hart Break Room
When: Friday Afternoon

Jared had actually stayed overnight at Wolfram & Hart. He had slept on the sofa in his office the night before, and had used the shower in his office and the change of clothes that he kept there this morning before anyone had gotten in. He had been working overtime on a case and, since he didn't have anyone at home to get to, he just decided to stay when he looked at the clock in his office and realized that it was already two a.m.

For lunch, he had ordered some Chinese take out and, instead of eating it in his own office, he had actually gotten so sick of looking at the same four walls that he went into the rarely used break room (people only came in to get more coffee ninety percent of the time) and started to eat his Chicken Low Mein.

At least he wasn't still starring at the same four walls. He'd make sure to get away from this place tonight so that he wouldn't go completely mad.

Oct. 31st, 2010



Trying to forget what he asked....

Who: Lilah and Anyone
Where: Avarice
When:Oct 24 evening

It'd been a few days since it rained fire and Lindsey had proposed. Since then Lilah had just thrown herself into her work and did her best to avoid Lindsey where ever she could. It wasn't that she didn't care about him,because she did. No it was the fact that she was freaked out by him wanting to make their thing whatever it was more permanent, and then of course there was their future daughter which still freaked her out. After all of her time spent trying not to think about Lindsey or Vikki, Lilah decided that she needed a drink and a change of atmosphere. So after work she showered,changed and went to Avarice. Once she was inside the club she went straight to the bar and ordered a vodka martini with a lemon twist. She sat at the bar and slowly sipped her drink as she people watched a little.

She was well aware of just who owned this club and the man's history with Lindsey which might've been part of the reason that Lilah had chosen to unwind here when there were a ton of other clubs in LA she could've gone.

Sep. 29th, 2010



Family Night

Who: Lindsey, Lilah, and Vikki
Where: Caritas
When: Saturday Night, Aug 7th (Sorry this took so long to post!)

Read more... )

Sep. 11th, 2010



What the Hell?

Who: Lindsey and Lilah
Where: Wolfram & Hart
When: Sept. 9th, Evening

Lindsey had been doing some last minute paperwork when he first started hearing the gasps and screams from some of his coworkers. He tried to ignore it. This late at Wolfram & Hart, it could just be some group of employees getting punished for something they had done to piss the higher ups off. Not the strangest thing that he had ever heard. Eventually, though, he had to get up and shut the door because the noise was starting to get distracting.

After slamming the door shut without looking out in the hallway to see what was going on, he had turned around and caught a glance at the large window of his that faced the city and nearly fainted from the shock. Big giant balls of fire were falling from the sky and slamming into the ground.

He was fairly certain that this wasn't a part of Wolfram & Hart's plan to end they world (yes, they had one), and the first thought that popped up into his head after realizing that was to figure out just where in the hell Lilah was.

Grabbing his keys off of the desk, he left his office and headed toward hers. He just prayed that Vikki was inside.

Jul. 15th, 2010



Why do I always get the new ones??

Who: Lilah and Charlotte Valentine
Where: Wolfram and Hart Offices
When:Tuesday, July 13th

Why Me? )

Jun. 7th, 2010



We're Screwed

Who: Lindsey and Lilah
When: May 19, 2019 (the night before the world goes away)
Where: Their Home

Read more... )

Apr. 15th, 2010


Meeting Mother

Who: Lilah and Vikki
Where: Eden
When: Tuesday Night, 4/13

The two of them meeting had actually taken a little while, and more than a little convincing on Lindsey's part that yes, he was serious, no, he wasn't kidding, and yes, now they had the greatness of having a future kid as well. From some form of future, it seemed, because their own time line had already went off track from when these kids had shown up from, it seemed. So, who knew if, in this reality, she would really be born.

Of course, it made a part of her just want to tempt that, since it wouldn't *actually* affect her at all. She probably shouldn't, though. Instead, she waited for her mother to show up for their set up meeting, stirring the straw around in her drink as she waited.

Dec. 30th, 2009



Big Surprise for You!!

Who: Lindsey and Lilah
Where: W&H Hospital, but might move
When: Wednesday, Dec. 30

Lindsey was packing his suitcase to get out of here. He had set himself a goal that he would be getting out of the godforsaken hospital in time for New Year's Eve, and he had done it. It had taken a lot out of him to be able to pull it off, but he had managed to do it. So, he was planning on going to that party that he had been invited to tomorrow night, and he planned on having a date.

Well, he had to actually ask her out for that date before he really made plans for having it. Which would require her to show up like he asked. She wasn't late yet, but she was starting to cut it close. Besides, he had a pretty obvious surprise to show her when she got in here.

Dec. 7th, 2009



Date with Death

Who:Lilah,Death and later Lindsey
Where:Wolfram and Hart Offices
When:Monday night

Lilah was just finishing up some late night paperwork and was on her way out of the office. She was almost past Lindsey's still empty office,when she noticed the guy with dark sunglasses that she'd seen a few glimpses of in the last two weeks or so. She stopped and just watched him for a second,it was eerie how no one else seemed to see him as they walked by him. Lilah wasn't sure why,but the closer to her this guy got she was gripped with the overwhelming urge to run as fast and as far as possible.

Once her trance like state seemed to wear off, she turned around and headed for the nearest stairwell exit door. Once she found the nearest exit door Lilah made her way down the stairs,and she kept going until she hit medical wing. She realized though once she was on the medical wing floor that she hadn't been down there enough to know her way around. So she just kept walking at a slightly faster than normal pace and she turned around a few times to see if the mysterious guy was still following her.

Nov. 30th, 2009



Getting to the Bottom of Things

Who: Lindsey and Lilah
Where: Wolfram & Hart, her office
When: Just after this thread

The things that Lucie had said to Lindsey were worrisome. So, with the help of a nurse (and no, he wasn't going to go into just how much he had HATED that) he had gotten dressed and left the hospital floor for the first time in he wasn't even sure how long. Quickly enough, he was on the elevator and heading for the floor with the offices on it.

He knew exactly where Lilah's office was. He had been to it a number of times before. Tonight he wasn't going there to bug her, though, like he had done numerous times in the past. No, this time it was to get to the bottom of what Lucie had told him. She wasn't prone to lying. Sure, she used information like a trained soldier used a gun, but she usually didn't lie. The truth could be much worse. As a lawyer, Lindsey knew that.

Nov. 14th, 2009


Information Superhighway

Who: Luke OT Lilah
Where: Wolfram and Hart
When: Friday night (November 13)

Ahhhh, Wolfram and Hart. The whole place had a certain…stench. That didn't mar Luke's ever-present expression, his telltale smirk or the relaxed way he carried himself. He was dressed immaculately in an obsidian suit, black pinstriped dress shirt with a white collar, and a solid black silk tie. His shoes had even been buffed to a nice shine. There was no question how he'd gotten in, though one might wonder why anyone had let him get as far as the female attorney's office. Luke could be quite…persuasive…when he wanted to be and, well, his past dealings with the firm had always been mutually beneficial.

He was seated behind Lilah Morgan's desk, feet propped up on the corner as he leaned back in her desk chair. For a curious moment, he attempted to put himself in her shoes. What must it be like to lead this kind of existence? Truth be told, any sort of humanity was beyond him now. He had vague recollections of what his life had been once upon a time, but he'd been living with this freedom and power for so long that it was all he really knew.

He also knew that when he wanted sensitive information, there were only a handful of avenues he could turn to. Elle was one, but her own grasp on humanity was worrisome. She was young, that was true enough, but if they weren't careful with her, she was going to turn into another Damon – and his friend was a fucking Greek tragedy waiting to happen.

There were the lines he'd established directly to the so-called Underworld, but his most recent interest would probably hold minimal for anyone with true power. Then there were his connections at Wolfram and Hart, which was why he'd decided to drop in unannounced for a visit with Lilah.

Oct. 7th, 2009



Enter Anyanka

Who: Anyanka and Lilah
Where: Wolfram & Hart
When: Wednesday Evening

Normally, when Anyanka was summoned, the first thing she felt was the anger of the scorned woman that she would be performing a wish for. Sometimes it would be so strong that it would call to her, and she would seek out the woman herself.

She had felt no such strong call in Los Angeles. Sure, there were women who needed scores settled. However, none pulled her so much that she knew exactly where to find them. It usually took a very strong one for her to find without being summoned.

Actually, when she appeared in the office in Wolfram & Hart, she felt no call from the particular woman who summoned her at all. "Why have you summoned me here?" she asked.

Sep. 15th, 2009



Screw Visting Hours......

Who: Lilah and Lindsey
Where: W&H Hospital
When: Friday Evening

It was sometime around Sun down Friday evening when Lilah,managed to break free of her paperwork. In the last two days since her lunch with Lindsey,she'd heard about just where the firm was keeping him,as well as small snippets of what had actually happened at the battle. Most of what she'd been hearing though was rumors,the only thing she knew for sure was that Lindsey was still alive and being kept in the firm's best in house hospital. Trying to get anything more than that from their boss Holland Manners was worse than pulling teeth. Besides asking him too many questions about Lindsey,was a sure fire way for Holland to start jumping to conclusions that he shouldn't.

So after finding out where Lindsey was, Lilah waited until after most of the firm's staff had gone home,before she dared to go down to the firm's private in house hospital. Getting to Lindsey's room had been less of an annoyance luckily,than trying to get answers out of Holland. Lilah walked down the hall a ways until she found a room with his chart next to the door. She'd been fully aware of the 'visiting hours',but at the moment she could've cared less. They wanted her out,they'd have to physically remove her,she'd decided on er way down to the hospital's level. After a quick glance around to make sure no one saw her, Lilah walked into his room.

Sep. 3rd, 2009



Battle Preparations

Who: Lindsey OT Lilah
Where: Lindsey's Office at W&H
When: Late Thursday Night, about midnight

Lindsey sighed and shut the book that he was reading. He was reading through yet another spell book for this upcoming battle with the Slayers. He hadn't expected to get so drawn into it, but it seemed that the higher ups had completely expected it, since they were the ones who suggested that others take his case load so that he could properly 'focus' on things to come. Talk like that scared the hell out of him, even though he didn't like to admit to that. Even he wasn't sure just how deep into this he was, but there was no turning back now.

Luckily, he had some aptitude with magic. It wasn't something that he had even known about until he started to work at Wolfram & Hart. They seemed to have done a screening test on everyone when they first signed up and let them know. Luckily for him, he had actually been trained to use it after he found out about it. Didn't think that he'd be using it so much lately, though.

Candi was hiding with him now, as well. He had wanted to strangle her for just leaving Faith there, not even bothering to check if she was dead or not. When you do a job, you make sure that you finish the job, and take out and stragglers who show up late to the show. She still had a lot to learn, but he had at thought that she might be able to learn it. Paige, on the other hand...well, let's just say that, the sooner she fit into an ash tray, the better, in his opinion. He was just glad that the firm had a 100% termination policy on vampires they hired as freelancers. Too bad she didn't know that.

Jul. 18th, 2009



Shitty Is, As Shitty Does

Who: Jacob Mitchell & Lilah Morgan
Where: Roy's Bar
When: Saturday night

The detective burst through the door, almost mowing down a couple that was leaving and ignored their protests as he bounded angrily down the short flight of steps that protruded inside the dim interior. Instead of heading to his usual high table with it's tall legged chairs near the bar and off to the side, Jacob headed straight for the bar and sat down roughly on a stool.

Jacob hardly ever sat at the bar.

He was near being furious. All three of his cases were all but done due to technicalities with evidence that his suspect's lawyers cleverly manipulated the law to get what they wanted. Fucking lawyers, he hated them. Pulling his glasses off his face, a hand covering his tired eyes, Jacob suddenly said, "Roy! I'd like a Guiness, please."

Jul. 6th, 2009



Singing His Heart Out

Who: Lindsey OT Lilah
Where: Caritas
When: Monday Night

Can I cut in on a dance?
You ain't gonna find what you're lookin' for
In that little Mexican
You can't mix your tears
With those from an agave plant
You see I've danced with him myself
And he's never been a friend

Lindsey did this fairly often. He went to Caritas and sang something or another that he had written years before selling his soul to earn millions of dollars. He hadn't really been feeling the muse for a while now. However, things were starting to change. After recovering from the several nights lack of sleep after Lilah brought him home, it finally hit him again.

You go believin' in your Lancelot
Well it's all in vain
And you're chasin' picket fences,
There's always hell to pay
I met many a girl in here
With the same story line
All them boys on those white horses
Don't know how to ride

The song wasn't really about Lilah herself. He didn't figure her for a tequila drinker. Well, maybe on really bad nights...or really good ones. She probably liked finer brandies and scotches, or maybe even a girly drink when she thought no one was watching. Lilah did seem to him like she had been let down by many a man in her life, or maybe just a lot by one. She didn't seem the type to like to be swept off her feet by romance, though. She'd probably just laugh.

But I got a paint outside with enough giddyup
To be free
I got a faint smell of cheap perfume
And a hint of gasoline
See I'm a different kind of knight
You're gonna find your fairy tales are lies
I don't have a white horse
But you can come along for the ride

He wasn't much of a romancer, anyway. That wasn't his type of life, anymore.

She said "I'm tired of living life in a romance book
I think chivalry's dead
And I ain't gonna look
For them roundtable boys on the white horse
That can't get the story right."

I said "as luck would have it
I was tossed by the throne
I let my Marion down
Some years ago
And I traded my coat of arms
For a guitar and some broken yellow lines."

He just hoped that maybe, just maybe, she might be willing to open up to him a little more. He wasn't asking for anything like marriage, or even a full relationship. The chance at one was all that he really wanted.

But I got a paint outside with enough giddyup
To be free
I got a faint smell of cheap perfume
And a hint of gasoline
See I'm a different kind of knight
You're gonna find your fairy tales are lies
I don't have a white horse
But you can come along for the ride

She kinda shifted in her seat a little bit
The thought of every eye on her bee-stung lips
And she raised that glass and the lime
And she kissed them goodbye

She said "promise me you'll take it slow
And swear no talk of tomorrow
And when you feel me tighten around you
Well you can let the hammer down."

But I got a paint outside with enough giddyup
To be free
I got a faint smell of cheap perfume
And a hint of gasoline
See I'm a different kind of knight
You're gonna find your fairy tales are lies
I don't have a white horse
But you can come along for the ride

Of course, he just wasn't sure how to put any of these thoughts into words to tell her yet.

(OOC: The song is "Different Kind of Knight" by Kane and I got the lyrics from

Jun. 19th, 2009



Making a Deal part 2

Who:Lilah,Candi & Lindsey
Where:Lilah's office Wolfram&Hart
When:Friday Morning

Lilah's assistant looked up from her computer, and paused in saying "Wolfram and Hart, Lilah Morgan's office please hold." She looked at the girl. "Can I help you?"
A thin, young girl stood in front of the secretary. Long, dirty blonde hair (that was now two-toned from starting to change back to its natural brown) hung slightly in her eyes, and her gaze met not the woman behind the desk, but the floor. She looked to all like the most harmless, unintimidating thing alive. Then... she spoke. Her voice had a sad, shameful ring to it, and was barely audible to anyone who wasn’t trying like hell to listen. "...I'm here to see Ms. Morgan. My name... is Candi Harrington."

The woman looked at her. "I'm sorry do you have an appointment?"

"No... But I do have a sort of standing invitation. If you ask her... I think she'll want to see me. Tell her... I'm here to accept her offer." Candi said the last part with an audible self-loathing in her voice.

"Sorry kid, but Ms. Morgan doesn't see anyone without an appointment, and she's in a meeting right now."

Sigh. See... this kind of situation right here? Is why Candi knew that she had to accept the offer Not only was she able to finally get the things she wanted in life... but things like what she was about to do? Were not looked upon with smiles and applause by the Watchers. She let out a long sigh, then reached over the desk, and with one smooth series of movements, grabbed the secretary by the hair, bounced her face off the desk like it was a basketball, then shoved her to the floor. "Sorry, babe. Didn't wanna have to do that." She then walked past the woman's desk, and pushed the doors to Lilah's office open.

Lilah was sitting in her office working on her computer, when her office doors opened. She looked up and sighed. "Please tell me you left my assistant intact?"

Before answering, Candi peeked sheepishly back out to the lobby. "Um. Yeah. She, um... she's a little bloody? And I think her nose is prolly broken. But other than that she'll be just dandy."

"Great... guess it's time for a new one. So I'm guessing you're here, because you've decided to take up my offer."

"I'm here... because I realized your offer is the only way I'm gonna get through life being who I really am, and not pretending to play nice for others." She didn't want to be evil, she really didn't.

"Alright then have a seat and we can talk." She gestured to the door for her to close it.

Closing the door without so much as a second thought about the welfare of the secretary, Candi shut the door, and sat down... on Lilah's desk.

"Chair please...” The only one she allowed to do that was Lindsey.

Sliding from the desk, she was standing again in one fluid motion. She wasn't ready to take orders from Lilah quite yet. So, for now? She'd stand. "So... talk."

Your job here would be simple, you just integrate yourself into the group of slayers and we'll give you the lifestyle you've always wanted in return."

"Shit... I'm already in with them." Candi sighed again, looking away. "The only real friend I have is one of them."

Lilah looked at her. "Well... did you ever consider that maybe they're not really your friend?" She asked.

Candi paused there... had Faith ever really given her reason to doubt her loyalty? "I... I don't know. She's never hurt me..."

"So it's just a matter of time." Lilah pointed out.

"Why don't... I mean... let me think about that part. I'll help you guys, and I won't say anything to Faith..." she sighed. "But I'm not gonna hurt her until I think I have a reason to."

Lilah shrugged. "Fine fair enough." She didn't see a problem with it.

"Alright. Because the others... I don't wanna hurt them, but if I have to I will. But Faith's been nothing but good to me."

"So then we have a deal?" Lilah asked her as she thought of someone who'd make a decent watcher.

"Fine." She didn't bother shaking Lilah's hand. She'd already sold her soul to the devil... no use making nice with the devil as well. "So, what... do I go all Sith Lord here? Do I have like, a Dark Watcher or some shit? Wear black robes, etcetera?"

"You'll get a new Watcher, but that's about it for now." Lilah explained.

"Yeah, whatever. Just let me know who to report to and I'll do it. Now, can I collect my thirty pieces of silver?" Sure, she felt like Judas... may as well act the part.

"Sure." Lilah said as she got up from her desk.

"Smartass." Candi muttered, watching her. "So when does this 'great new life' start?"

"First thing tomorrow morning if you want." Lilah explained to her, know it'd take at least the rest of the day to get her all set up.

"Alright then. Tomorrow morning, I wanna have a nice place set up, and some money in my account. If not, you can kiss my ass and I go to the Council with ALL this." The girl glared at Lilah, meaning every word.

"Alright it'll all be taken care of." Lilah informed her, then she went back to her desk.

Jun. 4th, 2009



Making a Deal part1

Who:Lilah & Candi
Where:Giovanni's Pizza
When:Thursaday Night

Candi was, in a word, pissed. Her last watcher was barely cold, and they already sent some new, cocky young guy to replace her. Great. Shaking her head as she grumbled to herself, the girl stood in Giovanni's Pizza, her usual hangout, and kicked the video game machine she was playing, walking towards the counter for water. It was free, after all.

Lilah had done her homework, before coming to this sad excuse for a pizza joint. The girl she was looking for was luckily for Lilah in just the right mind state that she could be swayed over to Wolfram and Hart's side. Lilah parked her car and walked into the pizza place, trying not to have to really touch anything.

Candi sighed, chugging down the paper cup of water, reaching behind her to tie her hair into a ponytail. She wore tight navy blue jeans, black combat boots, and a midriff-baring, slightly faded Mega death shirt.

Lilah took a quick second look at the file she'd brought with her, and noted that she was in the right place. She had come from the office, so she was still wearing her black Chanel pencil skirt, emerald green silk blouse, and black Jimmy Choo stiletto pumps. She walked over to where Candi was standing.

The teen looked Lilah over, and gave a wry smirk. "Damn, lady, are YOU in the wrong place. Aint no pizza good enough to risk your prissy little ass coming here dressed like that."

"I'm not here for the food or hell even the atmosphere; I'm here to see you actually." Lilah had had a long day and wasn't in the mood to really dance around the issue of why she was here.

"Me. Right." She looked around, sighing. "The things you heard about this place are true, babe... but I ain't holding. I stopped dealing about a year ago."

Lilah laughed. "Not here for that either Candi” she said.

"Alright, then what do you want? If it involves getting naked, consider the answer yes." She said with a little wink.

Lilah smiled. "I'm flattered, but no it's more of a. job opportunity."

"Oh. Great." She sighed, not wanting to say too much in public. "If you're here from the 'Council' again, I already said I'd work with that fuckin' guy that found me yesterday. So kinda back off."

"Oh I'm not from the Watcher's Council." She smiled.

"Ok, then what's the deal? And it better be good, cuz I'm about ten seconds from going back to the Mortal Kombat machine and using Baraka to cut a bitch." Candi said with a nonchalant huff.

"Well we've heard that you've been feeling a bit alone and angry at life in general and we think we can help." She handed Candi her card.

"Wolfram & H..." she cut herself off.”You gotta be fucking kidding me. Don't we like beat you assholes up for fun?"

Lilah shrugged, "Just figured we'd offer you an alternative to the 'all mighty' Watcher's Council." She smiled.

"And what alternative is that? What could you possibly offer me, that you think I'd go all Dark Side?" She asked, crossing her arms, even while a part of her knew that just months ago, she wouldn't have let the conversation get THIS far.

"A better life than what you've got now as a start."

"Details." Candi said.

"No lame Watcher to deal with, a better place to live... do I really need to keep going?" Lilah asked as she folded her arms across her chest.

"Yeah. Because I know with you people nothing comes without a price. What is it you expect of me?" But clearly, her eyes betrayed her... and she was considering it.

"Nothing for the time being." Lilah answered her.

"I'm not bad... I'm not." She said, although it sounded more like she was saying it to herself than to Lilah. "I'm just so tired of living like this... I just want what I deserve."

"And you'll get what you deserve." Lilah stated.

Candi stuffed the card in the back pocket of her jeans. "....I need to think. And until I make a decision? I think you should leave. You don't wanna be here if I decide NOT to come with you."

Lilah shrugged. "Alright have it your way, my cell number's on the back." She started to leave.

Candi watched her go, wondering just how willing she was, to sell herself to the devil.

Lilah got in her car and just sat waiting a few moments, just in case the girl changed her mind.

May. 30th, 2009



Late, Late Night

Who: Lindsey and Lilah
Where: Offices of Wolfram & Hart
When: Late Evening

Lindsey wasn't sure how long he had been going over this case file. It was getting to the point that he couldn't make heads or tails of it, anymore. He was pretty sure that he looked ridiculous, shirt sleeves rolled up, tie tossed to the side, hair a little ruffled. He was certainly breaking a rules of decorum that this place had. Then again, he wasn't meeting anyone tonight, so who really gave a damn?

Not even all of the coffee was able to help him focus. He was pretty sure that he had gone through several cups of the stuff, the crappy stuff that they made in the employee lounge. He was close to beating his head against the desk if it would help him keep awake. Finally, his head hit the desk and he dozed off. He was pretty much sprawled out on his desk, on top of a file with the band name 'Suicide Messiah' on it and files of all of the band members on his desk as well.