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Posts Tagged: 'ooc-wanted+characters'

Sep. 11th, 2009




Hello everyone, Erin here again!

Just reminding you all that I need some character spots filled. Here they are:

Warrick (War/Conflict): His appearance is that of a punk rocker, piercings, and spikey hair. Warrick has the power to influence people into starting petty fights or the demon himself will start fights by baiting people into them. This is a creature who thoroughly enjoys the role he plays in the world and has a personality to match. This spot has been filled by Jules.

Priscilla (Famine/Pestilence): Her appearance is completely waifish, almost anorexic looking due to her constant need to sate a hunger that cannot be satiated. Priscilla will almost always talk about being hungry and once she's set her eyes on something, no one cannot stop her from taking it. Her power lies in either sucking the lifeforce out of a human being or actual food which will cause said food to either disappear, rot, or become riddled with disease. Again, Priscilla's personality matches her role in the world.

Gareth (Conquest): He will look like an older business man the reeks of Old Money and he will be a powerhouse that will come out of nowhere, buying anything or any one in a particular field or through taxation. Gareth will become a tight-fisted tyrant in he's a position of leadership and has unlimited resources to use to get what he wants done.

Thanatos (Death): He will look unassuming, mediocre, average, someone you will not notice in a crowd. Death's touch kills in an instant, painlessly and silently. Thanatos has a quiet personality. This spot has been filled by Jess.

NOTE: If you're dead set against a certain attribute or aspect of one the available characters above, let me know and we can work something out. The only thing I ask is that their personalities described above remain intact. If you are interested in any of the characters that are available above, please comment this post.

Thank you,
-- Erin

Aug. 16th, 2009



OOC - Wanted Character Types

I posted this a long time ago, but there have been some changes, so I figured that I should throw it up again, and update it.

- The Watcher's Council kind of blew up recently, but there were always a few out there that weren't at headquarters at the time. Also, having a few more Watchers-in-Training wouldn't hurt, either. We especially need more of these.
Ronald Regan High School Students - We would like to see a variety of students at the high school. They can be supernatural, but they don't have to be.
Ronald Regan High School Teachers - Someone has to teach all of these kids, you know?
'Normal' People - Not everyone can be a superhero. Not everyone can be in the know about the supernatural. We'd love to see more people like this.
Lawyers - We would like to see more employees for Wolfram & Hart, especially lawyers. Of course, this place needs all sorts of other employees as well, such as janitorial staff, secretaries, mail room clerks, etc. You can either go with other lawyers seen on the show, such as Lee Mercer or Gavin Park, or you can make up your own.
Slayers - Yeah, I'm officially pulling the ban we had on them at one point. It probably got unofficially lifted at some time, but now I'm making it official. We have a couple of Junior Watchers who don't have a Slayer. Don't go mad, though. There were plenty from the show, and you can also make up your own. Get creative people, I know you can.
Gunn's Gang - I'd like to actually have a few members in Gunn's gang so that they can run around, kill vampires, and basically allow me to use him more. I love him to death and would actually like to break him out for more than the rare scene right now.

If you guys have any other groups that need adding, just let us know and I'll throw it up.

Jul. 17th, 2009



[OOC] Hey All. . .

Erin here with a few character requests and some announcements.

[Character Requests]
While I like to think people have been reading the I Can Haz Apocalypse Nao? and related posts, I really don't think that's the case because no one has approached me or Nicole with wanting to participate in the plot. Part of that is my fault, I haven't put up certain posts that I should have and to compensate, myself and Nicole have been wracking our brains trying to use characters we already have to further the plot and it's just not working. Therefore, I've decided the best course of action is to have certain characters made playable.

For those of you unfamiliar with the plot, Tierce Japhrimel's twin brother, Pierce has contacted the demons/fallen angels Lucifer and Azrael on behalf of his family about a plot to end humanity. Part of their plan is to break the Four Seals, which releases the Four Horsemen and by doing this, heave the planet into chaos which will then pave the way for the Japhrimel's to release the Old Ones and have the world "as it should be."

Characters that need to be immediately filled:

Warrick (War/Conflict): His appearance is that of a punk rocker, piercings, and spikey hair. Warrick has the power to influence people into starting petty fights or the demon himself will start fights by baiting people into them. This is a creature who thoroughly enjoys the role he plays in the world and has a personality to match.

Priscilla (Famine/Pestilence): Her appearance is completely waifish, almost anorexic looking due to her constant need to a sate a hunger that cannot be satiated. Priscilla will almost always talk about being hungry and once she's set her eyes on something, no one cannot stop her from taking it. Her power lies in either sucking the lifeforce out of a human being or actual food which will cause said food to either disappear, rot, or become riddled with disease. Again, Priscilla's personality matches her role in the world.

Gareth (Conquest): He will look like an older business man the reeks of Old Money and he will be a powerhouse that will come out of nowhere, buying anything or any one in a particular field or through taxation. Gareth will become a tight-fisted tyrant in he's a position of leadership and has unlimited resources to use to get what he wants done.

Thanatos (Death): He will look unassuming, mediocre, average, someone you will not notice in a crowd. Death's touch kills in an instant, painlessly and silently. Thanatos has a quiet personality.

If you're interested in any of the above characters, please contact me a-sap.

Ok, since I have this nasty habit of either forgetting to post scenes OR procrastinating and THEN forgetting because I've procrastinated I think it might be best for me to do all my scenes via the community. This way, said scenes actually see the light of day and there's no procrastination or forgetting involved.

Also, since I've been trying to throw my characters into the I Can Haz Apocalypse Nao? plot and it hasn't been working, I'm looking for plots for my characters to be involved in. So, if you're interested in using any of my characters, please contact me and I'll give you a list of them and their blurbs.

So, that's what I've got to say. . .so, take care everyone!
-- Erin

Feb. 2nd, 2009



OOC - Wanted Characters

OK, because of certain shortages, I figured we needed a list of character types we want, and some we don't as of right now.

Watchers - We have three watchers to nine Slayers. There are a few up for adoption, plus you can always create one of your own. Remember, they don't necessarily have to be human, either.
Ronald Regan High School Students - We would like to see a variety of students at the high school. They can be supernatural, but they don't have to be.
Ronald Regan High School Teachers - Someone has to teach all of these kids, you know?
Students and Teachers for American High School in Japan - Dot is still in Japan while Satsu is off on a Slayer quest for the time being. She is about to enroll in an American school in Japan. Having characters for her to talk to would rock way hard.
'Normal' People - Not everyone can be a superhero. Not everyone can be in the know about the supernatural. We'd love to see more people like this.
Fighters for Ben's Fighting Ring - They can be anything from a human hyped up on some supernatural steroid to a demon of any type. Be creative!
Lawyers - We would like to see more employees for Wolfram & Hart, especially lawyers. Of course, this place needs all sorts of other employees as well, such as janitorial staff, secretaries, mail room clerks, etc. You can either go with other lawyers seen on the show, such as Lee Mercer or Gavin Park, or you can make up your own.

At this time, we're putting a cap on Slayers. The main reason is because we have way more Slayers than Watchers. When this changes, the cap might be lifted.