BtVS: Alternate Lives

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Posts Tagged: '%7Ejacob+mitchell'

Jul. 18th, 2009



Shitty Is, As Shitty Does

Who: Jacob Mitchell & Lilah Morgan
Where: Roy's Bar
When: Saturday night

The detective burst through the door, almost mowing down a couple that was leaving and ignored their protests as he bounded angrily down the short flight of steps that protruded inside the dim interior. Instead of heading to his usual high table with it's tall legged chairs near the bar and off to the side, Jacob headed straight for the bar and sat down roughly on a stool.

Jacob hardly ever sat at the bar.

He was near being furious. All three of his cases were all but done due to technicalities with evidence that his suspect's lawyers cleverly manipulated the law to get what they wanted. Fucking lawyers, he hated them. Pulling his glasses off his face, a hand covering his tired eyes, Jacob suddenly said, "Roy! I'd like a Guiness, please."

Apr. 2nd, 2009


Guilty Until Proven Innocent

Who: Reintroducing Detective Jacob Mitchell, Harrison Barnes, and Lilah Morgan. Plus, NPC Thomas Cleary
Where: LAPD police station, then Joe's Bar, then some warehouse
When: Early to late Thursday evening

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Dec. 31st, 2008



Not the Same Shit ...

Who: Amanda & Jacob
Where: Some street corner
When: Tuesday evening

Dec. 29th, 2008



Questions That Need Answering

Who: Jacob Mitchell & Skylar Morrison
When: Monday afternoon
Where: The Morrison household

Dec. 28th, 2008



Surprise, Surprise

Who: Jacob Mitchell and various law enforcement personell
When: Several hours after Godless
Where: Same sleazy motel

One would say that he was not running on all cylinders at the moment and considering it was 7 in the morning when he should've been in bed by now, could anyone blame him? Well, perhaps not, unless that cute female beat cop that was passing around cups of coffee gave him one. Coffee would keep him running a few more hours. Thankfully, he got his coffee and after a few sips he started directing people about. His first task was to get the press as far away from the crime scene as possible. They were already having a field day.

"Excuse me, officer?" He pointed to the gathering crowd, of which the media was the most prominent, "Let's start ushering those people further back down the block. I want this whole area blocked off and accessible only to police, forensics, and the coroner."  The officer he directed and half a dozen others went off to complete their assignment.

Jacob then turned to the mess that had greeted him when he arrived. He started picking his way very carefully through the crime scene, noting details in his little notebook, speaking with various members of the forensics team until the coroner arrived. Once forensics and the coroner took their notes and cleared the scene, Jacob got down to the gritty details himself.

The body had been taken down and with a gloved hand, Jacob closely observed the body, recalling what the coroner had said about the victim's hands. On closer inspection, the detective saw that the medical examiner was indeed correct: whoever had tied the man to the ... cross, tied the bond tight enough to cut off circulation. Either someone was incredibly angry with the victim ... or enjoying themselves way too much.

Something wasn't right with the body. Parts of it ... smelled wrong, older than they were supposed to. The crime scene was only a few hours old. Standing, Jacob looked up at where the body had been hung from, to be displayed. A ladder had been placed and the detective clammered up it, scenting the air as he climbed. Well, he'd been right, the older scent of decay was much more prominent up here.

As Jacob wandered up on the roof, he found a bloody railroad spike which he photographed, bagged, and tagged while continuing to follow the scent across the roof. A series of "why's" flitted around in his head as he tracked the smell, stopping at the other side of the roof, looking over the edge. Why a priest? Why display him in such an ... ironic way? What did he do to deserve such treatment? Jacob sighed.

It was going to be a long day.



Struggling with the Case

Who: Alex Hunt and Jacob Mitchell
Where: LA County Police Station
When: Tues. Dec. 23

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Oct. 22nd, 2008



Chatting It Up, Introducing Jacob and Christina

Who: Detective Jacob Mitchell and Christina Lowell
Where: Duncan's Bar
When: Tuesday Evening

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To Be Continued in Tags