BtVS: Alternate Lives

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June 5th, 2010



Pregnancy Does Funny Things To A Woman

Who: Pat and Patience
Where: Their house
When: Tuesday, June 1st

Although it doesn't spoil the sex life )

Making The Trip Back Home

Who: Uncle Dave, Belle, Blake and Neely
Where: Dave’s shop, then Neely’s apartment
When: Friday, June 4th

And being surprised at what you find )



Welcome Home

Who: Bella, Brandie, Ben, and an appearance by Mere
Where: Saints & Sinners
When: June 4th, Friday Evening

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'Sup Asshole?

Who: Bella and Brayden
Where: Bray's Suite
When: June 4th, Friday Evening

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Wonder How Long It Will Take to Get Back to Louise?

Who: Jack and Natalie
Where: Eden
When: June 1st, Evening

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Coffee and Conversation

Who: Meeghan and Josie
Where: Chloe's Sugar Shack
When: June 1st, Afternoon

Josie was sitting at a table, sipping at some over sugared concoction that she had already forgotten the name of. She was 'letting' Isabella help her out a little with money now, so she wasn't quite in the destitute situation that she had been before. However, she was seriously thinking of relocating, though. It felt really strange to be here with her much younger and slightly more sane parents. She wasn't sure that she could handle it. Since she had no real urge to go back to where she came from (and she didn't know just how impossible that really was), moving was her only option. She was gonna find a job before she moved, though, that was for damn sure. It would make her life so much easier if she did that. Of course, deciding where to move would also help.

Meeghan had only intended on briefly stopping into the coffee shop for a cup of regular coffee, which these days seemed to be what most people didn't want. The general population seemed to go for the flavored or iced coffees, something that Meegs just couldn't get herself to acquire a taste for. Her plan had been to get coffee and then head over to Full Moon Records to see if she could possible meet up with Brandon Bale to maybe continue the conversation they had a couple days back or maybe even get in a jam session to see how well their voices meshed together. Those plans all changed when the ebony haired singer spot her "daughter" as she was headed on her way out of the shop.

"Mind some company?" Meeghan asked after detouring over to Josie's table.

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Time for a Little TLC

Who: Kevin and Buffy
Where: Eden
When: Saturday, June 5th, Evening

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All things must end

Who: Ginny and Lexi
Where: Lexi's apartment
When: Saturday night

It took a lot to put Ginny Callaway in a bad mood. Honestly. Despite being an angry madwoman onstage, OFFstage? Ginny was as pleasant and mild-mannered as it generally got. So to see her sitting there, silent and with a hurt-looking scowl on her face? Now THAT was a bit of a shock.

Part of this was Ginny's own fault. Sure, she'd told Lexi that she was half-demon, but she never said exactly WHAT her demonic half was capable of. She essentially had super-strength and super-senses. Meaning that she could smell Stephanie in the apartment. And combining that with what she already knew of the attraction between the girl and Lexi, AND the stressed mood Lexi seemed to be in? Ginny was FAR too smart not to catch on to what was going on. And she was NOT happy.