November 2017



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Mar. 22nd, 2016


Who: Lennon and Marco
Where: Marco's room
When: around 9 p.m.

dun dun dunnnn )

Mar. 20th, 2016


Who: Tobias and Madison
When: Early evening
Where: Billiards room

Tobias was drunk )


Who: Jack and Kate
Where: The Kitchen
When: 7pm

Sammich time )

Mar. 19th, 2016


Who: Marco & Oliver
When: before noon, after this
Where: Oliver's room

So next was Oliver. )

Mar. 18th, 2016


Who: Marco & Juno
When: After this
Where: Juno's doorway.

And he owed her something... )


Who: Lennon and Kiley
Where: Town
When: Early afternoon

time to f-ck some sh-t up )


Who: Oliver and Owen
Where: Outside
When: After this

Good day for a run )

Mar. 17th, 2016


Who: Marco & Cecilia
When: Morning
Where: Marco's room

There, that...didn't really help. )



Day 26.

Weather: The wind has picked up slightly, but it's nothing major. Just a blustery fall day.

Events: Anyone that fell asleep outside of their rooms will wake up in their beds. And everyone will find that they are locked in their rooms, and unable to so much as open their bathroom doors. Yup, you guessed it. Something is waiting for them on the computer. A network prompt! It reads:

We require that each of you answer a network prompt. You will not be allowed to leave your room or access the network until you do so.

What is your favorite childhood memory?

Answers are immediately posted to the network, and after that's done, everything returns to normal: doors and windows unlock, and characters can access the network.

Any answer is accepted, so at least there's that. First the toys, and now this. What the hell are they getting at?