[Video | Action | Open]
16 March 2011 at 07:34 pm
[Timid, shifting from hoof to hoof, a yellow pegasus with a beautiful pink mane looks nervous, fearful even, as she hides behind a rock, peeking out on occasion. The network device is sitting off to the side and slanted, as though obviously taken off. Shaking from head to hoof, you’d imagine that she’s cold, but the temperature outside isn’t bad. Voice trembling, it’s so quiet and faint that you have to struggle even just to hear it.]

Oh my a...a prison. Um...t-there must be a terrible mistake. You see...I don’t do very well with scary things, and criminals sound exceedingly frightening...

[Glancing around, swallowing thickly and voice lowering if ponally possible into a near squeak.]

Twilight Sparkle...? Rainbow Dash? This...i-isn’t a prank, is it Pinkie Pie...?
[action / SO OPEN]
09 March 2011 at 10:56 pm
[lalala it's Valentine's Day and Orihime is the chocolate fairy~*~ She has made a ridiculous amount of chocolate and candy and treats for all her friends. She is on a quest, traversing the dome with a basket held out in front of her to hand them out to everyone. She's singing to herself as she goes, in a good mood. She is so pleased that even with her arm in this condition she was able to make more than enough to go around.

Annnnd it is taking her mind off her broken hairpins lalala~!

Orihime is also wearing very obviously feminine clothing today so that nobody has to feel threatened by her chocolate. :D ]

((ooc: the following people get goodies -- Hitsugaya, Rukia, Nakama, Ushiro, Lacus, Rayflo, GIR, Venom, Lyle, Yuuri, Ryoji, Kid, Evo!Kitty, Mileina, Sasha, Kanji, Touma, Kaoru, Hikaru! also you, if you have a decent amount of CR with her but I have forgotten you on this list! you are also entitled to a little bag of candy if you are in the sewing club or the defense force. just say where you're running into her!

and finally, if you're not on the list but still want to ambush her / say hi / bully her into giving you treats, you can also tag ♥ ))
[voice] [open]
07 March 2011 at 07:54 pm
[There’s just sniffles at first, as a little girl tries to reconcile over 600 hours in her world with several days in interdimensional prison. She wishes the six hundred hours were just a dream, but her wrist is broken and splinted, which can only mean…

Suddenly, the whole prison gets to hear heartbroken wailing.]

Equiuuuuus! [It’s the only comprehensible word amongst the sobs.]

[[OOC: OH YEAH spoilers up the wazoo for Homestuck]]
[video / filtered from Euphemia] [action]
15 February 2011 at 01:10 am
[here is an Orihime! she is in a hospital bed and has a bandage wrapped around her head; her arm is in a sling and she's kind of pale, her hair hanging loose. lost]

Where... Where am I? Does anyone know who I am...?

[--ehe, awkward smile]

Just kidding... I always wanted to get amnesia after a head wound like they do on TV... But I guess I didn't this time either.

Um-- I'm sorry if I worried anyone yesterday when I didn't get home! Toushirou-kun, Kuchiki-san, I hope you were able to find the house okay... If not, I'll definitely make sure you get there tonight.

I just woke up and heard that I missed the whole day. So I didn't really prepare anything for the sewing club meeting. Can anyone from the sewing club take care of that so everyone can still go?

Let's see... Oh! And I was in the shelter, I think, so -- thank you, whoever brought me here! [ducks her head in a little bowww]

[clicks the video off! but she will clearly be in this hospital room for any visitors~]
[video | backdated]
13 February 2011 at 07:30 pm
[After all of those Stopgas, Aqua definitely looks weary. However, there's one last thing she needs to do before she can get some much-needed rest.]

The Defense Force has taken Euphemia into custody. It's safe to go back to the shelter and return to what you were doing.

Also, please disregard anything she told you about Miss Inoue. She was hurt but taken to the hospital and should recover.

((ooc: This is a placeholder for replies from Aqua for now, but other DF people should feel free to threadjack))
[video | open][action | closed]
11 February 2011 at 06:25 pm
[The video clicks on to a smiling face that should be familiar to most of the dome.]

Hello! I wonder if I could have everyone's attention.

[She tilts her head, looking fondly out into the video audience.] I need some help. You see, [She turns the device so that the shelter stairwell is visible and at the bottom is a redhead—twisted and lying limply.] Orihime is blocking the stairs, and I wouldn't want anyone to trip and get hurt! Could someone remove the body? Watch your step please!

Acumen took the gun I was using, but I still need to kill the rest of the Japanese here. So, if you're Japanese please go ahead and kill yourself or meet me by the koi pond. I'll drown everyone just as fast as I can.

Oh, I hope the fish don't mind.

[ Event: Ball ]
03 February 2011 at 08:26 pm
[Just as evening starts to fall, one of the parks in Sector 4 has been festooned with streamers, bright lights in a variety of colors, a big upraised dais, tables of refreshments, and music. It looks like a perfectly normal party from the outside. Optional masks are provided in little bins beside the dais, but you're responsible for your own costumes...!

...And if you're dressed as a character, the moment you step onto the dais, you will believe yourself to have led that character's life for your whole life. This effect will last until "midnight", in this case Sunday, even if you leave the party.]
[Voice | Action] Backdated some
26 January 2011 at 08:03 pm
[Cheryl is sitting on a bench in the park, looking vaguely uncomfortable and tense but she isn't trying to hide anymore like she had been doing for the last couple of days. The pamphlet from the greeting basket is on her lap but considering that she had pretty much memorized it over the last couple of days, she isn't reading it at the moment and is instead looking around for signs of life. She didn't want to admit it, but she was getting kind of lonely out there.]


Alright...all of you [kinda awkwardly, she definitely isn't used to the idea of talking to a whole bunch of strangers through the communicator yet] I have a question. Just how dangerous is it out here? I mean, vampires? Really? And I'm pretty sure I saw someone flying around earlier. What kind of people [things?] are around here?
[action | open]
26 January 2011 at 12:00 pm
[WV wants to paint the walls of his house! Unfortunately, his shopping trip yesterday was interrupted before he could get very far, and he spent the rest of that day at home, recovering. Today, he's gathered his courage and started out for the Education Center. Hopefully, he'll complete his afternoon errands without getting sliced open this time. Wish him luck!]

[he'll be passing through Sectors 4, 3, and 2 first, and then to Sector 1 to visit PM: she's going to help him figure out all those strange, brightly-colored packages of food at the convenience store. In the meantime, anyone in the area is welcome to bump into a little alien in an aggressively colorful outfit on an important interior decorating mission.]
[action / OPEN]
11 January 2011 at 10:58 am
[Orihime is having a ~brunch picnic~! If you're in the park you might see her there with a big blanket and a pretty substantial spread, including French toast sticks, a salad with crumbled bacon and chicken, ham and cheese quiche, pumpkin chocolate chip bread, fresh fruits, cinnamon muffins... There's a bed tray set up with a big canteen full of orange juice. She went all out, because she wanted to make sure GIR had everything he wanted! Edward is overseeing the picnic with his ears flapping.

Feel free to walk in on her (or her and GIR!) and pillage her food.]
31 December 2010 at 01:54 am
What an eventful day. I'm glad Acumen thought to bring in some more quality alcohol for everyone -- it was very considerate.

[Sentience is out on the doorstep in the snow. It's a little four-foot-tall robot sitting on the stairs in Sector 3 with Cielo's cat on its knees, petting her slowly and carefully with metal hands.]

...If you could change one thing about the prison as it is now, what do you think you would change? [Followed by a thoughtful pause, then adding dryly] Aside from "allowing us to go home" and variations thereon, if you please.
[ Kissing Bots! ]
28 December 2010 at 04:31 pm
Acumen's systems tick over to midnight, and somewhere in the depths of the holding facility, dozens of little silver spheres shiver and come to life. They rise up into the air, dangling little bouquets of mistletoe, and hover in waiting for the door to open again. And when it does, they swoop out and work their way into the dome proper, making it out just in time for daybreak.

Now they're scattered all over the dome, Anissina's gifts and Eggman's souvenirs. They're seeking out people to bring together in the holiday spirit...

Whether they like it or not!

[Comment here and other people will comment to you. Details and index here. Please specify your time of day and location in your tag!]
15 December 2010 at 07:18 pm
[There's a bit of a distance between the camera and where Midori's sitting, elbows propped up on the kitchen table as she smiles into the feed. Her fingers are smudged with charcoal -- not her usual medium, but this isn't her usual hobby, so why not put something new with something new?]

Does anybody want me to draw them?

[Holding up her first attempt to show. A bit over polished; it's easy to see where she's made mistakes, and she's used to designing clothes, not drawing portraits -- but she'd like the practice.]

I'm pretty fast, so doing it over video is okay with me!
[Video | Action | Swordsmanship Class?]
01 December 2010 at 11:55 pm
Never a dull moment around here, huh?

Well, it looks like I've lost my mind as well as my sense of taste, because my class is not canceled. But today is optional, so don't sweat it if you don't feel up to coming.

I'm also extremely reluctant to encourage attendance from those of you without eyesight, but if you're really aching to come to class, I can find some safe activities for you. Just... don't try to get here by yourself. Use the buddy system, preferably with someone who can see.

[Cain also holds up a sign written in sharpie:] There is class today, but attendance is optional due to these shenanigans. Your call.


[He's expecting light attendance today, but it's something to do and it gives Eridan a way to amuse himself for an hour. For those who show up, Cain will walk his students through a variety of warm-ups and some basic moves. For the very beginners, he'll give them some exercises against dummies and stationery targets to get used to handling a sword and offer them advice as they go. More advanced students can either spar with each other or Cain near the end of class, or work on their form as desired.]

[He did have a short lecture planned, but it will wait until everyone has their hearing.]

((OOC: Specify before/during/after in the header, threadjacking encouraged!))
[ Video | Action | Open ]
25 November 2010 at 11:59 am
Who do you think works faster? Dragons, or robots?

If you guessed "dragons", you're right! [ With that, the troll girl points the camera toward the base of one of the larger trees in the park not Ammy's, sob. As the camera pans up, a treehouse comes into view. Its construction is decent, for something planned out by a blind girl and mostly built by a Dragon God. The outside is unpainted, there is no glass in the windows, and there are no signs of lights or anything if that nature.

The only way up appears to be to climb the trunk, or use one of several devices, all a rope-and-pulley system: a net, a pair of hooks, and a large bucket basket. The whole place still needed a lot of work, but it's enough for her to sleep in with a cot and a space heater. ]

What do you think? Pretty awesome for something put together in four days, huh? [ Proudly. ] I can finally get myself out of that underground hive and start living. [ Sorry, Nepeta. Though she will still come over to sleep since there's no way that structure is anywhere near supporting furniture right now. ]

And I'd like to thank Emperor Fou-Lu for his wonderful~ assistance. [ And she turns the camera to herself for a big, smug smile. One that says: "I had a DRAGON help me. Aren't you jealous?" ]

((ooc: I know a lot of people are out today, but she just HAD to have this post up. Back-tags are always welcome. ♥))
[ video/action | open | early afternoon ]
25 November 2010 at 12:22 am
A-ah-- [Subaru is not used to actually using the communicator to instigate conversations yet, but he's getting there!]

I keep meaning to go visit the pet cafe, but I haven't made it yet-- I thought today I would finally try and go! And-- well-- I was wondering if anyone else wanted to come with me! It seems like it's a nice place to go, so...!

A-anyway, I'm sorry for bothering you! [he bows to the camera]

[if you're in sector two, you might stumble across a Subaru on his way to the pet cafe-- or maybe you'll run into him once he's already there! warning: he freaking loves animals.]
[voice | OPEN]
16 November 2010 at 06:47 pm

[Why won't you answer meeee?]

Does somebody know where Acumen went? I wanna talk to him 'bout the baby making thing! I saw a whooooole lot of you doin' that stuff before!

Like silly ghost lady! And Lacus lady! Did Orihime have sex too?


[We all know how you'd like to stop him from reading down his list of people he knows had sex that one fateful night, but consider this: GIR has proof that sex makes you happy! And it's safe too! Perhaps he can be a spokesperson. Likely as not.]
11 November 2010 at 04:27 pm
Private )

Saki )

I've noticed that there's a significant lack of animal life around here. The few animals we do have are either fellow inmates, domestic, or rabid. What a shame. I've always liked bird song. Fish are poignant and charming, but unfortunately silent.

At the risk of sounding terribly mundane -- what's your favorite animal? [♥] If you don't have one, then go ahead and complain about the ones you hate instead.

[ooc: you can find Zelman sitting on a park bench. so normal. except for the fact that he's virtually untouched by the light snowfall. if you venture close enough, you'll realize that the snow never had a chance, because all of it is melting before it can get close.]
[Video | Action]
10 November 2010 at 09:40 am
[Cain is in uniform, including the standard issue fancy hat. It tends to grab people's attention.] Good morning, everyone. For those of you just joining us, I'm Commissar Ciaphas Cain, servant of the Imperium of Mankind back home, and member of the Defense Force around here. And apparently, I'm a new teacher at Marina Academy.

Anyway! Basic swordsmanship. Anyone interested in learning how to cross blades? Of course, they'll all be wooden. It'll be held three times a... [Frowning at the contents of his teacher folder.] Do we even call that a week?

[Chucking the folder aside.] Frak that, it's an hour at Noon on days ending with one, four, and eight. Since today is Day 88, that gives you plenty of time to decide if you want to join. But if anyone's interested in a meet and greet, being shown which end of the sword to hold, or anything like that, I'll be at the dojo for the next hour.

[video | open]
25 October 2010 at 07:12 pm

[Watch as GIR runs about and screeches frantically on the screen]