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Dec. 27th, 2010


Jelly Bones

Title: Jelly Bones
Characters/Pairings: Seifer/Zell or Zell/Seifer
Team: Balamb G
Rating: oddly, PG
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: Zell has a gift to make Seifer all weak and jelly boned.
Jelly Bones )

Dec. 22nd, 2010


Prompt #121

Yeah, so I dropped the ball the past couple weeks and have been posting later and later. I do apologize. However, today is Seifer Almasy's birthday!

This week's word prompt: #121 - Gift

1. something given voluntarily without payment in return, as to show favor toward someone, honor an occasion, or make a gesture of assistance; present.
2. the act of giving.
3. something bestowed or acquired without any particular effort by the recipient or without its being earned:
4. a special ability or capacity; natural endowment; talent:

Perhaps there are GF's out there who gift their host with other abilities not known, for the simple reason of compatibility. Maybe Squall secretly loves shopping for gifts, just to see the expressions on others faces - expressions he would never allow on his visage. Does Seifer consider his boy bits to be a "gift from Hyne"? Maybe Xu has a special gift planned out for Quistis?

However the gift is wrapped, presented (oddly, I'm thinking dick in a box? - hello Seifer!), or given - give it to us in 100 words!

Suggestion Box

Dec. 14th, 2010


Prompt #120

This week's word prompt: #120 - Original Character

Yup, I think I'm a little crazy. This week, have an Original Character interact with the cast and crew of the FFVIII world. Maybe you have a muse who wants to learn how to pilot the ship from Nida's experience. Perhaps there is an Original Character who has a different idea on how a Trepie should act/behave and makes a post about it on the message board. Is there an Original Character that is longing to study the Sorceress Magic and it's ways under Odine (dear gods that's a bit frightening!) Or maybe Laguna gets to meet the head of his fan clud?
The drabble can be from the Original Character's POV or about them but it must come across that there is an OC somewhere there!

Then, dish it out in 100 words!

Suggestion Box

Dec. 7th, 2010


Prompt #119

This week's word prompt: #119 - Sick

You're coughing, sneezing and just stuck in bed with some sort of ailment that has you down. If it's not physical, maybe it's mental sickness or maybe you're the one causing someone to get sick!

Does the normally proud and silent Lion of Balamb become a whiny bitch who needs a cup of tea when he's got the flu? Is Quistis one who fights to work through her cold, only to be sent to bed when the Doctor shows up at her class? Is Seifer working on making Zell instantly sick with mental images of disturbing thoughts?

However the sick forms, don't dish it up, just write it out in 100 words and i'm gonna be under the warm blankets with my antibiotics.

Suggestion Box

Nov. 30th, 2010


Prompt #118

It's down to the last few hours for the NaNo WriMo challenge! Good luck to those of you writing! You're awesome!

This week's word prompt: #118 - Lazy

Lazy. Does it really need an explanation? It's how we feel some days, some weeks or heck, even some months!

Laziness can be deadly on the battle field or in a training center, and might at times end up looking like cockiness if cards are played right. Of course, nothing beats a lazy day in bed on a day off from loads of paperwork or after a mission that deserved some serious unwinding!

However you dish out your form of lazy, give it up in 100 words. Don't be lazy now! ;D

Suggestion Box

Nov. 15th, 2010


Prompt #115, Prompt #116, Prompt #117

It's now November 15th, half way done time-wise for those writing the NaNo WriMo. Again, I want to congratulate those of you who are participating this year. And if you need to, stop by and try your hand at something here to work out the mental kinks of the long write!

I've decided that I will do things much like LJ's ff_fortnightly for this go round. The last two weeks, well, we'll see!

This week's word prompt: #115 - Zell Dincht
This week's word prompt: #116 - Fishing
This week's word prompt: #117 - Centra

Once again my Cadets, for two weeks, you get to write 100 and/or 200 word drabbles. You may also "chain" or "stitch" drabbles - please follow the ff_fortnightly rules in regards to that (very much like our "can do continues but drabbles must be able to stand alone" idea). All drabbles written will be for points as per normal!

Suggestion Box



Title: Mentalstressitis
Characters/Pairings: Laguna, Ward
Team: Balamb G
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: My Laguna doesn't like public speeches. Add the fact that he'll now have a larger audience, it makes him that much more nervous!

"I hate press conferences with Esthar people and now you want me to stand in front of the world? Are you trying to give me a heart attack?"

Ward shook his head but Laguna went on.

"Anxiety? That has to be it!"

Again, Ward's head shook.

"Some sort of mental breakdown?"

Ward sighed heavily, as if telling Laguna just what he thought of his best friend's mental state.

"That wasn't funny. I'll come down with something like mentalstressitis coupled with combustible leg cramps. Then you'll have stressed out Laguna bits all over."

Ward waited.

"The next headline: President Spontaneously Combusts!"



Title: Possibilities
Characters/Pairings: Zell, NCP
Team: Balamb G
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: Ideas that ran around in my head.

It was decades afterward when the next team came to the Center. It still stood, the metal never rusting or giving way to the elements like others would have.

They marveled at everything. It was seen all through fresh eyes and Zell couldn't help but give a small toothy grin. It's how he felt when he first came here; when he felt the thrum of machinery along his skin.

This team didn't marvel at the machinery, they ogled the work that was left behind years ago. At the work done against Guardian Forces.

Possibilities made his neck hair stand up.

Nov. 3rd, 2010


Prompt #112, Prompt #113, Prompt #114

With it being 3 days into November most of us know that means! It's NaNo WriMo time! 50k words in 30 days. So for those of you who are participating this year, I wish you luck and many muses who are willing to help you break through whatever writer blocks that might pop up! And if you need to, stop by and try your hand at something here to work out the mental kinks of NaNo WriMo!

I've decided that I will do things much like LJ's ff_fortnightly for this go round. The last two weeks, well, we'll see!

This week's word prompt: #112 - Deep Sea Research Center
This week's word prompt: #113 - Unfinished
This week's word prompt: #114 - Media

Once again my Cadets, for two weeks, you get to write 100 and/or 200 word drabbles. You may also "chain" or "stitch" drabbles - please follow the ff_fortnightly rules in regards to that (very much like our "can do continues but drabbles must be able to stand alone" idea). All drabbles written will be for points as per normal!

Suggestion Box

Oct. 26th, 2010


Prompt #111

Balamb G gets the trophy with 10 points!

With NaNo WriMo coming up, I'd like your suggestion on a couple ideas for the next month. Should we do a past prompt (even though we had one just a bit ago), a promptathon, keep going with a word a week or should I do as the LJ comm: ff_fortnightly does and give up a few words and give a time period of a couple weeks? I'd love to hear your suggestions on it!

This week's word prompt: #111 - Leather

It can be used as protection against taking damage but it also can be damned sexy. It can be everything from jackets to pants to corsets to well, undergarments. It can be practical or impractical.

Is Squall's wearing of leather a practicality or does he like the way it hugs his hips? Is Rinoa utterly anti-leather and wishes Squall would wear something else or does she have a darker side with a matching corset? Is there something about the way a new pair of leather gloves feel when they slide on? Or is it the scent?

However the leather is worn, or not worn, lets see the pretties in 100 words!

Suggestion Box

Oct. 25th, 2010


When The Dust Settled

Title: When The Dust Settled
Characters/Pairings: Seifer, Squall, others
Team: Balamb G
Rating: PG for mention of character death
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: Seifer POV

After the break-up, when all was said and done, Squall was left alone. The "Orphanage Gang", as Selphie called them, didn't matter - Squall was left alone.

They had chosen their side and their side was with her, Rinoa. Not Squall. They turned their backs on him when he needed them the most. And now they stand around his graveside, with the freshly turned dirt, in their somber black and SeeD uniforms.

He doesn't deserve this, their pity or their regrets. I was there for him, not them. And now? I can't even stand at his burial plot because of them.

Oct. 18th, 2010


Prompt #110

Balamb Garden came in with 20 points and won the trophy for another week! Everyone else was probably at a party. Balamb needs to stop working and maybe party for once!

This week's word prompt: #110 - Death

Every person holds Death in their mind differently. The passing of a soul to the next plane, a dark robed being coming to claim you, a possible rebirth to learn lessons you should have gotten done right that last time around, or something utterly simple as you are no more.
With every thought on what happens then, there is an equally different thought on how that person should be remembered.

Of course, death isn't always the physical! It could be the end of a relationship, or a loss or absence of spiritual life (perhaps there is a secret Priesthood of Hyne just as there might be ones who believe in the Save Symbol being something to save them from a death).

Squall became angry when he heard of news of Seifer's death. Sorceresses can't die until they pass on their powers. Monsters and beasts give a primal cry before fading to nothing. The Save points are everywhere, do others use them and see them as a symbol of a faith? What happens when a GF isn't revived?

Death can be natural or forced and come in many different ways. However you plan to serve it up, make sure it's only 100 words.

Suggestion Box

Oct. 17th, 2010


Where It All Started

Title: Where It All Started
Characters/Pairings: Edea/Ultimecia, Squall
Team: Balamb G
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes:

She couldn't feel the stones underneath her, her mind was engulfed by the new powers from Ultimecia.

They flowed through her, ripped through her body and mind. The thoughts and memories trickled in. Words triggered images, images became tangible.

SeeD (to destroy me). Gardens (where the SeeD are taught, placed and flourish). Ellone (junction?). White SeeD (hide and protect Ellone). Armies (my children. Galbadia). Red (blood, fire, destruction, death). Shell (to stop something?). Containment (stop me, stop her). Space (space? where she resides),

Squall is at her side but she waves him away. She knows this pain, know it emptiness.


The Gardens

Title: The Gardens
Characters/Pairings: Seifer, Edea/Ultimecia
Team: Balamb G
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: It would have been after the failed assassination attempt.

"My Knight, there was an attempt on my life. Those fools and the rest of their ilk need to be punished."

Seifer felt her words ice-burning through his mind. Part of him fought the words that were escaping his mouth but they came in a slow, whispered slur. "The Gardens, my Lady. It's where the SeeD live, grow and learn."

She stroked his hair. "Excellent my Knight. Destroy the Gardens."

Despite the stroking of her hand through his hair and the weaving of controlling magic in his mind, a sinking weight entered his stomach, leaving him feeling cold and empty.

Oct. 11th, 2010


Prompt #109

Balamb Garden came in with 20 points and winning the pretty shiny Trophy! I think the others got lost in the sands of time! Poor dears.

This week's word prompt: #109 - Empty

Empty rooms, empty Norg shells, empty desks and empty Memorials. Maybe it's an empty heart that needs filling or an empty mind that needs ideas.

Does Cid wander through the halls and look into the empty Cadet/SeeD rooms after the Garden Battle? Seeing the people that used to live there, that were under his care?
Does Squall look at those who love him and feel hollow and empty inside, instead of something, anything? Does Seifer's beautiful Hyperion click empty when he should have had a bullet left? Does Quistis haunt her old classroom and sigh with a forlorn empty feeling? Is Selphie really a party queen to hide emptiness inside? Is Diablos's lamp empty inside when you look or is it filled with little cushions? Is Deep Sea really empty of Weapons?

However the empty places get filled - or not - let us read it, but in 100 words.

Suggestion Box


Strange New Life

Title: Strange New Life
Characters/Pairings: Squall Leonhart, Surprise
Team: Balamb G
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: I don't know why I didn't do this before. I mean really! Shame on me!

SeeD was dispatched to Centra with reports of 'things falling from the sky.' Squall sighed as he reread the report before flying to the site. His jaw fell slack a bit as he looked at the crater and what was in the crater.

It was huge and shiny and shook what appeared to be it's head.

"Land." He was jumping the outside stairs before the ship landed and made his way close to the huge indent.

The two stared at each other. The other spoke first, voice low and filled with a deep rumble. "I am Optimus Prime, an Autobot."


Title: Quantam Leapt
Characters/Pairings: Seifer Almasy/Sam, Al
Team: Balamb G
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: This was a cross-over between FFVIII and the old TV show Quantam Leap

"Oh boy!" He looked in the mirror and winced. The first thing that met his eyes, was a huge fresh scar between his brows. "Who am I, Al?"

Al appeared beside him, tapping on Ziggy for information. "Sam, it says here, that your name is Seifer Almasy and he starts the next 'Sorceress War'."

Bright green eyes blinked back at him then slide to the side to watch his holographic friend. "Sorceress War?"

"Sorceress War." Al tapped on the device more. "I don't even think we're on Earth anymore."

"How do I stop a war and leap back to Earth?"

Oct. 4th, 2010


Prompt #108

This week's word prompt: #108 - Past Prompt 6

It's that time again!
Maybe there was a prompt for which you didn't get a chance to write, or maybe you feel that there was one in which you could have written more, or maybe you just have a favorite prompt you just want to see again.

The past prompts are listed in the comm's tags or you can locate them through the comm's memories, tags, or the prompt table (scroll down) which is also on the profile!

Please place the prompt you are revisiting in your author's notes or you can add it yourself! This will help me with tagging and memories. Also, team competition is still on this week (they don't get the week off), so be sure to give your teams some love.

Have fun - but only in 100 words!

Suggestion Box

Sep. 27th, 2010


Prompt #107

Balamb Garden came in with 20 points. I think all others got lost on their own personal battlefield. Also, I've had the "Love is a Battlefield" song going through my head for the whole week. Oy!

This week's word prompt: #107 - Quirk

Everyone has them. They're little things that make a person more interesting...or odd. Like Zell's hairstyle. Or Selphie's thing with trains - okay that could be more of an obsession but it's still a weird quirk of hers.
It might be an odd twist of fate that happened to someone, instead of a personality/mannerism thing.

You decide on the quirk, write it up and hand it out, but only in 100 words!

Suggestion Box

Sep. 22nd, 2010


Caraway Would Never

Title: Caraway Would Never
Characters/Pairings: Solider on a bike
Team: Balamb G
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: The "faceless" soldiers have invaded my brain!

He was more than positive that General Caraway would never launch his soldiers off a slowly moving Garden at another Garden. Ever. He had to remind himself that it wasn't General Caraway leading them, that it was the Sorceress's Knight. A kid, that he swore was younger than him by at least five years.

The solider revved his bike to try to hide the panic that would have been clearly evident on face, glad for once they had to wear helmets and masks.

He just wanted to get on the ground, safely, and continue to fight. Mid-air, wasn't a battlefield.

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