Jul. 10th, 2010



Title: Consequences
Characters/Pairings: All and None
Team: Balamb G
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: sort of a, what if.

The war was long over and life moved on, trudging through time that ran like quick silver molasses. Moments that slowed to where you could count the nanoseconds - watch it tick by like an hour.

For those who battled the sorceress, who felt compression around them, move through them - time moved differently. Maybe being immersed and bombarded with it, changed them a bit. As they strode through the magic, it seeped into them.

Those heroes could play with time in small ways. Pause it to take a small break mid-battle, speed through a dull meeting.

Time was it's own consequence.

Jun. 21st, 2010


Witnessed / Magic / Ill Suited

Title: Witnessed
Characters/Pairings: Ellone, mention of Sorceresses
Team: Balamb G baby
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: Things need to stop making me think! I got bunnied by Gnome's Time drabble.

The shift of magic could be felt by all who had innate abilities. Those who used Blue Magic, those who were junctioned, those who were Sorceresses, could feel it. It strengthened their powers tenfold when another of Hyne's line died, when their powers were passed on to another.

Ellone often wondered how much stronger, how much more control she would have after the deaths of Ultimecia and Adel. When Rinoa gained powers, it was more than a shockwave through Ellone's body. Time long since past was something she could now see with amazing clarity - the birth of Adel was witnessed.

Title: Magic
Characters/Pairings: Zell, Ma Dincht
Team: Balamb G baby
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: A time before Gardens and Sorceress. Before Junctions and Exams. Young Zell sits with his Ma.

They'd sit on the dock listening to the lapping water against the wooden supports and stone walkways. They'd watch the sky fade from blue to dance its way through oranges and red before giving way to the rich darkness.

Slowly, one by one the stars would expose themselves. Pulse in the heavens and shine down upon upturned faces.

"Ma, how do the stars know when to shine and when to dance?"
"It's magic my boy. It's all part of the magic of life."
"Is life magic?"
"It is."

Zell smiled and watched a star fall through the sky. "Magic, Ma."

Title: Ill Suited
Characters/Pairings: Rinoa
Team: Balamb G baby
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: Her thoughts on her Sorceress powers.

I hate it. It makes me feel gross inside. And no matter what I do or how many showers I take, I still feel it. Feel the magic inside of me, swirling around like an Aero attack, touching everything.

I want it gone but I don't want to die. I try not to use it, not to think of it but it's there; in my eyes when I look into the mirror, the taste of the tainted magic on my tongue.

Someone said that the magic would change, suit the person it inhabits, but it hasn't. It's thick and vile.

Jun. 17th, 2010


Users / Silence

Title: Users
Characters/Pairings: Laguna
Team: Balamb G
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: Laguna wanted to do this as if he was being interviewed. Who am I to say no to such a man?

Thinking on magic; in the past i've used it - that makes me sound like some sort of junkie, but i'm not!

In the army, it was something we'd use only if we had too. We had to rely more on weapons and wit - I can hear Kiros already rolling his eyes at that comment and with him, you can hear the eyeroll.

Maybe it's just a generation gap or something geographical. Balamb seems to use magic heavily, Galbadia and for the most part Trabia don't use it. Esthar, despite being where the Sorceress wars happened, we shy away from it.

Title: Silence
Characters/Pairings: Ward
Team: Balamb G
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: Ward decided he wanted to speak up.

The doctors once told me that magic would have helped. That it would have lessened the severity of the scar. We didn't have magic that would've helped.

Had status magic, offensive stuff. Not healing.

I can't blame Laguna for it - I was in charge of healing supplies. I just didn't think to stock up on magic.

We exhausted our potions inside the Pandora. And the few cures we drew were used up just as fast.

The doctors, Odine even, said that if we had magic, I'd still have my vocal cords.

No one to blame but me on that one.

Jun. 16th, 2010


Knee Deep / Bastard Children / Charmed Life / Jive

Title: Knee Deep
Characters/Pairings: Quistis
Team: Balamb G
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: Her mother is a weird one.
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Title: Bastard Children
Characters/Pairings: Hyne
Team: Balamb G
Rating: PG - for language. Wordperfect tells me "bastard" is an offensive term and not to use it.
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: More Hyne.
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Title: Charmed Life
Characters/Pairings: Rinoa
Team: Balamb G
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: Rinoa ponders on magic.
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Title: Jive
Characters/Pairings: Zell
Team: Balamb G
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: Zell pondering on magic.
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Jun. 15th, 2010


Prompt #94

Balamb G won out with 30 points. Looks like the other teams lost out and got stuck fighting fate to lose. ;D

This week's word prompt: #94 - Magic

To live in their world usually means that you've come across magic in some form, be it using it, seeing it in use or having heard of it. Guardian Forces and Sorceresses abound with it!

Does it hurt when one uses the Draw ability to gain the magic? It seems so easy, to pluck some magic from another being, but is there some sort of drawback - a headache perhaps? Karma? If Zell could, would he have never touched magic and just used his fists? Is the use of magic addictive? What about Rinoa and the Sorceress magic she gained - how is she dealing with that, if at all?

However they use it, whatever they think on it, share it but only in 100 words.

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