Sep. 20th, 2009


Not So Bad / A Little Never Hurt / Sliver of Time / Zell's Hips

Title: Not so bad
Characters: Squall
Team: Trabia! *gasp*
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100.
Author's Notes: not much to say.
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Title: A Little Never Hurt
Characters: Squall
Team: Trabia
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100.
Author's Notes: lalaaaala.
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Title: Sliver of Time
Characters: A Sorceress and her Knight
Team: Trabia
Rating: R (i'm being safe!)
Word Count: 100.
Author's Notes: ... heheeheeee
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Title: Zell's Hips
Characters: Seifer/Zell implied
Team: Trabia
Rating: R (still playing safe)
Word Count: 100.
Author's Notes: ^_^
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Sep. 15th, 2009


Prompt #60

Galbadia won with 20 points and the others... were probably under some form of mind control that the Red Garden created. They are sneaky that way. ^_~

This week's word prompt: #60 - Power

The meek may have just as much power as the powerful. Power doesn't always have to be in ways of GF's, magic or strength. Write and make your 100 words have their own power.

Mod's Note: Welcome to new writers. If you have a question/suggestion we do have the Suggestion Box. I'm also trying something new for the write ups. I feel that things might be influenced too heavily by what might be said and want to try something simpler that might give you the writer more of a broad range of ideas. Please feel free to try it out and let me know what you think.

October 2015




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