Feb. 8th, 2010


Another Sip

Title: Another Sip
Characters: Quistis, Selphie, Rinoa, Fuu, Xu
Team: Balamb G baby
Rating: R - for drinking
Word Count: 100.
Author's Notes: *ish not flailing at the thought of this threesome bbs*
Another Sip )

Feb. 7th, 2010


Side Effects / Toast / Basic Training / Judgement / Reminders

Title: Side Effects
Characters: Rinoa
Team: Balamb G baby
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100.
Author's Notes: Reading Gnome's version, I could see this happening. After all, I'm sure that link between Sorceress and Knight is a two way street flood way.
Side Effects )

Title: Toast
Characters: Seifer, Sorceress
Team: Balamb G baby
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100.
Author's Notes: More after game-ish.
Toast )

Title: Basic Training
Characters: Squall, Irvine, Cadet
Team: Balamb G baby
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100.
Author's Notes: yes, this can be done as long as the alcohol doesn't have sugar in it. i don't think Irvine would have something like Midori in his flask.
Basic Training )

Title: Judgement
Characters: Squall, mentions of Rinoa and Seifer
Team: Balamb G baby
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100.
Author's Notes: My mood is dark and I think the rest of the drabbles I put out will follow that way.
Judgement )

Title: Reminders
Characters: Seifer, mention of Quistis
Team: Balamb G
Rating: R
Word Count: 100.
Author's Notes: Suicidal thoughts
Reminders )


That Smirk / Stupid Smirk / Blow Job / Cowboy Cocksucker / Body Shot / Laid Bare / Girly Drink / Dru

Title: That Smirk
Characters: Seifer and ?? (up to your mind)
Team: Balamb G baby
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100.
Author's Notes: It's open for your mind to put the character of your choice in there. Personally, for this, mine was Squall.
That Smirk )

Title: Stupid Smirk
Characters: Zell, Seifer
Team: Balamb G baby
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100.
Author's Notes: It's Zell's mind on having a body shot. My Word program died from the slurring spelling mistakes. ^^;
Stupid Smirk )

Title: Blow Job
Characters: Squall, Zell, Irvine, Seifer, Selphie
Team: Balamb G baby
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100.
Author's Notes: The name and what implies is bad, but there's nothing really bad here...yet.
Blow Job )

Title: Cowboy Cocksucker
Characters: Quistis, Selphie, Irvine, Squall, Seifer, Zell (probably Nida, Xu and Rinoa as well, but they're silent)
Team: Balamb G baby
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100.
Author's Notes: again, the name is terrible but the rest, not so much.
Cowboy Cocksucker )

Title: Body Shot
Characters: Seifer/Irvine, commenter (fill in who says it)
Team: Balamb G baby
Rating: R
Word Count: 100.
Author's Notes: Basing it off of this body shot here.
Body Shot )

Title: Laid Bare
Characters: Seifer/Squall/Zell/Irvine/Nida implied
Team: Balamb G baby
Rating: R - covering my ass like they should cover theirs.
Word Count: 100.
Author's Notes: Just how much booze was drank?
Laid Bare )

Title: Girly Drink
Characters: Seifer, Zell
Team: Balamb G baby
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100.
Author's Notes: wonder if Seifer likes other pink girly things? for Ice. ^_~
Girly Drink )

Title: Drunken Lust
Characters: Seifer/Zell
Team: Balamb G baby
Rating: R - SMUT BABY! SMUT!
Word Count: 100.
Author's Notes: ahem. for Ice.
Drunken Lust )

Feb. 1st, 2010


Prompt #77

Esthar showed it's infatuation with 190 points. Galbadian showed 20 points.

This week's word prompt: #77 - Alcohol

It can steel the nerves, lower inhibitions and just make you end up looking like an ass, with sometimes a strong possibility of not remembering. It can come in many forms - straight up, on the rocks, girly - which are the most dangerous IMHO or of course, medicinal.

Does our fave Instructor sometimes indulge in a frou frou girly drink or would she drink straight up? Does Squall make a mean dirty martini or would he rather be on the receiving end? Does Laguna swear off the evils of the Green Fairy? And does Irvine know which booze is an instant pantie dropper? Perhaps Zell, despite seeming wild is one of those who would rather tell you of the issues that drinking can do, instead of being a party boy, or not?

However you choose to serve it up, do so in 100 words.

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