Nov. 30th, 2008


No Need to Get Up

Title: No Need to Get Up
Characters: Hyne
Team: Balamb G baby
Rating: G
Word Count: 100.
Series: na
Author's Notes: Hyne. He gets no lovin.

Time went on, flowed through and around him. It was almost comfortable or it would be if there wasn't warning bells going off in his head.

It was as if some part of him awakened and grew more powerful.
Those little mortals have become that powerful? They couldn't have and yet, i feel the tug of time and a deep crushing.

Opening an eye, Hyne gazed out through time and space to witness the beginning of Time Compression.

He would have taken action, but the anti-hero had things under control. Instead, Hyne closed his eye and went back to sleep.


Galbadian Spiced Chocolate

Title: Galbadian Spiced Chocolate
Characters: Laguna
Team: Balamb G baby
Rating: G
Word Count: 100.
Series: na
Author's Notes: all i can think of is that it would be like hagan daaz's mayan chocolate. cinnomen & chocolate....*drools*

Kiros would give him more than an earful if he caught him in the kitchen's freezer, clad in only slippered feet. Laguna was not going to leave until he got what he came for - Galbadian Spiced Chocolate ice cream.

He knew it was here, he peeked through the swinging door's window when the delivery came in.

"Where did they put the bucket! It's not like I'm going to steal all of it, just some!"

With a happy whoop the lid flew off and a spoon was in hand. The President's toes curled as he indulged in his favorite comfort food.


Do Not Want

Title: Do Not Want
Characters: Edea/Seifer
Team: Balamb G baby
Rating: R
Word Count: 100.
Series: na
Author's Notes: sometimes being on top is a do not want.
adult themes and all... )


Twisted Comfort

Title: Twisted Comfort
Characters: Seifer/Sorceress
Team: Balamb G baby
Rating: R
Word Count: 100.
Series: na
Author's Notes: I blame this all on [info]dizzy_whore in elljay land
it's got the dirty words... )

Nov. 24th, 2008


Prompt #19

Balamb G won this week's trophy without a battle. Sometimes it's better to not spill blood! Trabia and Galbadia are left behind with nothing.

This week's word prompt: #19 - Comfort

Does Zell have a soft fuzzy blanket that he finds comfort with on a cool night? Does Edea prefer a cup of tea made just right, as in Galbadian whiskey added along or does Squall find comfort in a heaping plate of homemade food. Maybe Seifer enjoys being tied up so he's immobile, who knows. Whatever it is, tell us how your muse finds Comfort in 100 words.

October 2015




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