Feb. 1st, 2010


Baring / Wonderland / Infatuation

Title: Baring
Characters: Seifer/Zell
Team: Esthar
Rating: R
Word Count: 100.
Author's Notes:
Baring )

Title: Wonderland
Characters: Seifer/Zell
Team: Esthar
Rating: R
Word Count: 100.
Author's Notes: Was thinking about John Mayer's "Your Body is a Wonderland" when writing this.
Wonderland )

Title: Infatuation
Characters: Laguna/Seifer
Team: Esthar
Rating: G
Word Count: 100.
Author's Notes:

It wasn't love, that would have been too strong for what he was feeling, it wasn't just something simple as a really strong like. There was more to it than that.

He wasn't sure what it was that Laguna held over him but Seifer didn't mind. The blonde could gaze at the older man for hours and feel that he didn't have enough of him.

Seifer was sure there was a word for it, he just didn't care at the moment. Laguna was smiling and it made his heart beat faster, causing him to smile back.

Laguna made him happy.


Bittersweetly / My Deliverance / Mind and Body

Title: Bittersweetly
Characters: Edea, mention of Rinoa
Team: Esthar
Rating: G
Word Count: 100.
Author's Notes: n/a
Bittersweetly )

Title: My Deliverance
Characters: Adel, mention of Ulti
Team: Esthar
Rating: G
Word Count: 100.
Author's Notes: *ish giddy*
My Deliverance )

Title: Mind and Body
Characters: Ulti, mention of Edea and Rinoa
Team: Esthar
Rating: pG
Word Count: 100.
Author's Notes: aah mindfuckery. how i loves you.
Mind and Body )


Too Far Gone / Threadbare Obsession / Everything

Title: Too Far Gone
Characters: Squall, Rinoa
Team: Esthar
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100.
Author's Notes: I don't think I got anything here.
Too Far Gone )

Title: Threadbare Obsession
Characters: Squall, Rinoa
Team: Esthar
Rating: G
Word Count: 100.
Author's Notes:
Threadbare Obsession )

Title: Everything
Characters: Seifer, Squall, a Sorceress
Team: Esthar
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100.
Author's Notes: I left it sort of open, to your own minds as to which Sorceress was going to do the claiming. This may or may not fall into the idea of Ulti = Rinoa. Just sayin.
Everything )


Love Found / Old Film Reel / Ignes Fatui

Title: Love Found
Characters: Seifer
Team: Balamb G baby
Rating: G
Word Count: 100.
Author's Notes: ...and they called it puppy love?
Love Found )

Title: Old Film Reel
Characters: Seifer, mention of Laguna, Adel, vague mention of Ultimecia
Team: Esthar
Rating: G
Word Count: 100.
Author's Notes:
Old Film Reel )

Title: Ignes Fatui
Characters: Seifer, Ulitmecia
Team: Balamb G baby
Rating: G
Word Count: 100.
Author's Notes: ignes fatui - something that misleads or deludes; an illusion.
Ignes Fatui )


Younger Man / Faltered Smiles / Whatever

Title: Younger Man
Characters: Laguna/Seifer
Team: Esthar
Rating: R (to cover my butt)
Word Count: 100.
Author's Notes: <3
Younger Man )

Title: Faltered Smiles
Characters: Laguna, Squall
Team: Esthar
Rating: G
Word Count: 100.
Author's Notes: it's a stand alone, but it's meant to be read after Younger Man
Faltered Smiles )

Title: Whatever
Characters: Squall, Laguna
Team: Esthar
Word Count: 100.
Author's Notes:
Whatever )


Two Things / Demanding / As My Own / Inappropriate Dating

Title: Two Things
Characters: Nida, mention of Squall
Team: Esthar
Rating: G
Word Count: 100.
Author's Notes: Nida needs lovin.
Two Things )

Title: Demanding
Characters: Quistis
Team: Esthar
Rating: R (covering my ass)
Word Count: 100.
Author's Notes: Classroom thoughts. Probably a good thing these thoughts weren't uploaded into their computers!
Demanding )

Title: As My Own
Characters: Ultimecia, Rinoa, Squall
Team: Esthar
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100.
Author's Notes: more on the Sorceress
As My Own )

Title: Inappropriate Dating
Characters: Seifer, Zell
Team: Esthar
Rating: PG - foul mouth Zell
Word Count: 100.
Author's Notes: This was all from the comments from [info]skittles4zell's post. I'm not taking full ownership for this as a good chunk was [info]nanirisfic's fault too.
behold the...twisted beauty of the comment drabble... )

Jan. 26th, 2010


Here, Enjoy

Title: ????
Characters: Squall Leonhart/ Irvine Kinneas
Prompt: Infatuation
Team: Galbadian

“Good Morning, Commander Y 

“…. Irvine, there is a promblem.”

“Really what?”

“Your constant flirting.”

“Why, baby I didn’t know you cared?”

“Usually I don’t  but there have been some difficulties?”

“Oh, it’s the chick again.”

“Yes, you really need to do something about her.  I sent naked pictures of her in the shower this time.”

“Really! Still got them?”


“Oookay. I’ll get on it.”

“If it wasn’t for the fact that technically she hasn’t done anything against regs I would kick her out myself.”

“Poor Jealous Leonhart.”


“I’ll be less subtle this time. Good luck Kiss”



Title: Love Types
Characters: Irvine (Love Doctor) and Seifer Almasy (implied SeiferZell)
Team: Galbadian

“Watching the two of you is better that Holovid.”

“Is there are reason for this conversation, reject Cowboy.”

“Awww.  Just because your passes need work is not reason to take it out on me.

“What are you talking about. We’re just friends”

“Well, let’s put it this way.  I care about Zell in a ‘Let’s hang out and party kinda of way. While yours  seem to be in the  ‘I’d like to check you for injuries using only my tongue.”

Seifer responses to this in his own polite way.

Irvine able to breath without a rasp 2 minutes later.

Jan. 25th, 2010


Prompt #76

No entries, no points.

This week's word prompt: #76 - Infatuation

Infatuation and the fascination, the joy, the obsessions it can bring. Is the infatuation with a magazine, a new weapon, a food object, a certain series of belts that are wrapped around a stoic Commander's waist and does that infatuation stop once they're laying on the floor? Or perhaps the infatuation is in regards to a person - the Instructor Trepe to the Treppies - held in awe or something more up close and personal?

Suggestion Box

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