Jun. 8th, 2009


Easy / Quit / Fired / Bonus: Mémoire des Pluies

Title: Easy
Prompt: Termination of Employment
Characters/Pairings: Squall, Seifer implied
Team: Balamb Garden
Rating: G
Word Count: 100 according to Word 2007
Author's Notes: I'm back from my KIA, revived by Phoenix Down ;P

It's easy! Click here! )

Title: Quit
Prompt: Termination of Employment
Characters/Pairings: SeiferxSquall explicitly
Team: Balamb Garden
Rating: R (snapshots of sex)
Word Count: 100 according to Word 2007
Author's Notes: Uh oh...it's fanfic right? ;P

Lick here to your xxx scene! )

Title: Fired
Prompt: Termination of Employment
Characters/Pairings: SeiferxSquall implicitly
Team: Balamb Garden
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100 according to Word 2007
Author's Notes: Jobs are temporary but protecting one boyfriend? That's a life-long job!

Click here to sign up on your new job! )

Title: Mémoire des Pluies
Prompt: Rain
Characters/Pairings: Laguna and Squall, Raine, Julia implied
Team: Balamb Garden
Rating: G
Word Count: 100 according to Word 2007
Author's Notes: Past prompts. I'm doing the past prompts that I've missed. So err...be patient ^.^

It's raining here... )

Feb. 9th, 2009


Prompt #30

Apparently all the Gardens have had a bad hair week, so none came out to play!

This week's word prompt: #30 - Rain

The weather plays a big part on a person's mood as well as conditions for battles and travel. The rain can hide tears and at times, bring the most joyful soul down or screw up a shot that might normally be a cakewalk. Or, it can be a sign of cleansing and change!

Maybe Squall has never been kissed in the rain. Perhaps the reason why Quistis has her hair up all the time is that the rain makes it frizzy worse than an afro. Do Moomba's like to play in the rain, being that the seem feline? Maybe Laguna will sneak into a hidden garden and dance in the rain. Does Zell find the rain to be depressing, or does it just depress his hair?

Let the words tumble down, but only in 100 words!

October 2015




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