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June 9th, 2008

[info]capnjohnhart in [info]whoville

Becky's KKBB Jack-Finished

John had headed out to the lake, with the intention of working through some mental exercises, attempting to get rid of the crippling headaches, as the Master had suggested.

He'd stripped off, and swam for a good long time. It'd done wonders for clearing his head, and shaking off some tension from his knotted muscles.

He was currently lying on his back on the jetty, still naked, eyes shut, arm across his face, and making the most of the late afternoon sun. Listening to the water lapping gently around the jetty, and on the stony shore, he was focussing on it, allowing the sound to lull him, and strengthen him. 

Letting it build up his mental barriers again in layers, the noise was shoring him up steadily but surely. It felt good to be working on a mental level again. The more he worked, the more he could feel the release, as the pressure in his mind caused by the headaches started to leave him. Goddess that felt good.

He smiled beatifically, as he wriggled out in pleasure.

[info]notashopgirl in [info]whoville


Rose left the hotel, hand in her black leather jacket. She'd hadn't forgotten the Doctor's warning that certain people might be dangerous, but she reasoned this place wasn't actually any more dangerous any other place they landed. Maybe safer. Time to look around.

"The weather's pretty much perfect, at least?" she said casually to the next person her path crossed.

[info]neverthelast in [info]whoville


The Doctor tried to get his head in order. Sort through the memories, some very good and some on the not so good side. If he was here, without the TARDIS, without the Master, and Rose to keep an eye on. He had to keep it together.

Still in his blue suit and red converses, he eventually started wandering around town, looking for some clue as to how much time had passed here.

[info]half_human in [info]whoville


Jamie stretched out in the park, staring at the sky and. Sighing. He covers his face with his arms and groaned.

[info]themasterreborn in [info]whoville

Open for after the fact responses

The Master went to the hotel, and scrawled out a note.

"To the Doctor and Rose,

August 19th, 2009. 35 days after the Zygons. Landed on Gwaliol. If this rings a bell, I'll be having dinner at dusk in the dining hall every night until the foreseeable future. We can compare notes."

He hesitated and added,


You came to find me to hold my hand, and I asked me to do something I didn't want to do, so you could trust me. Same alley, same TARDIS. If you're still here, you're still welcome. Always.


He pinned the note up to a bulletin board in the lobby. Ran his face over his hands, and sighed. Trying to think what else useful he could do.

[info]ex_captainha594 in [info]whoville

Lis' Master

There was no doubt about who that note was to - or from. Jack tore off the bottom half, anyway, and stuffed it into the front pocket of his jeans and debated with himself for a full five minutes before he grabbed his coat and started walking.

He found the alley, found the TARDIS, mentally compiled what he'd learned from the Doctor (who was sleeping the sleep of the profoundly drunk), lifted his hand and knocked. Nervous?

Oh, fuck yes.

[info]master_of_all in [info]whoville


Well. That was strange. He'd gone from a place outside of normal space but encompassing time itself to...somewhere outside of time altogether? He checked the readings again, ran a couple of diagnostics in case Miss Grant's ill-advised actions had damaged something, and finally decided that he wasn't going to get any answers from inside his TARDIS. He stepped out onto a sidewalk in what looked a bit like 20th century Earth, but certainly didn't feel like it.

He glanced back at the TARDIS, which had remained in the shape of a large 1970s set of computer banks. Whether the chameleon circuit was malfunctioning (which would be embarrassing) or whether his ship couldn't get enough of a sense of place to work out what to disguise itself as, he didn't know. He set off down the sidewalk, hoping to find some answers.