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May 30th, 2008

[info]sortamarvellous in [info]whoville

Either of Lis' Alt Boys.

The Doctor walked into the wrong TARDIS. He realized it was wrong as soon as he was through the door, and not just because of the person standing there.

"Oh. Hello."

[info]gallifreyshero in [info]whoville

Lis' Romana and Ten (Finished)

Walking away from the cafe, Koschei worried a hangnail between his teeth as he studied the buildings along the street, trying to decide which to check first. "If I were Romana, where would I be?" he murmured to himself, shoving his hands in his pockets, slowly strolling along the street. "Daylight, so not the hotel. Library or a shop?"

He paused at a shop window with a familiar selection of rather silly headdresses. Rather pointless to shop for one of those, when the people to impress them with weren't here. Though they were rather amusing. He chuckled, shaking his head. "I don't think. Hmm. Something with hats, perhaps?"

He glanced up at the sky as he wandered further, raising an eyebrow at the wash of light before looking where he was going again. And stopping short before he ran into a familiar figure.

"Lady Romana." He tilted his head towards her, a small smile on his face.

[info]themasterreborn in [info]whoville

Mecca's Ianto

The Master finally got a hold of the letter from Ianto. Talked to the Doctor, who assured him that talking to Ianto had been a good thing, and that he'd probably like Mr. Jones.

So he went to knock on Ianto's door. Struggling to keep his ego in check. He could listen to the Doctor's companions and alternate companions easily enough about such matters in regards to the Doctor. This wasn't really different was it?
