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May 29th, 2008

[info]capnjohnhart in [info]whoville

Open (Mecca's Jamie and Jack)-Finished

The Doctor had done as promised, and stayed with John as he slept. The sensation of another being watching over him protectively had meant he'd napped better than he had done in some time. John was woken by the Doctor gently shaking him, with a reminder that he still had to meet up with his jailers at some point today. They parted company in the hotel lobby, and John walked out briskly into the mid-afternoon sunshine. Well, it felt like the afternoon anyway. 

He had left his jacket up in the hotel room, it's weight still too uncomfortable. Actually, now he was walking, his t-shirt was catching on the scabs on his back, and irritating the hell out of him. He grumbled, and took it off, tucking it over in his back pocket. He wasn't ashamed of his cuts, now he'd had time to let them settle in, and he was actually getting a somewhat perverse kick out of showing off the intricate design.

He reasoned with himself that he had a bit of time on his hands before he absolutely had to go and find someone, so he decided to take some time out to himself. He walked to the nearest shop that contained books, where he found a copy of the book the Master back at the offices had left him, 'Shogun' by James Clavell.  The book fell open naturally at a well thumbed page. Walking over to the nearest patch of grass, he slumped down on his front to read. He didn't look up when he heard footsteps approaching, head still down as he read out loud to the person that had just come up to him:

"To think bad thoughts is really the easiest thing in the world. If you leave your mind to itself it will spiral down into ever-increasing unhappiness. To think good thoughts, however, requires effort. This is one of the things that discipline — training — is about."

John laughed loudly. "Now that's just.. classic. What do you reckon?" He said, lifting up his head.

[info]ex_coffeemak638 in [info]whoville

Vae's Jack

Spoilers for Exit Wounds )

[info]themasterreborn in [info]whoville

Anna's Ten

The Master sat at table in the hotel lobby, with a pot of tea, and scribbling in a notebook. Trying to get his thoughts organized. Not distressed really, but thoughtful about a several topics. And not wanting to be shut away from people, in the TARDIS, either. Here, he could people-watch and think.