June 2014



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25th Jan, 2014


Suuuuriiiiiiiiii. I'm afraid to touch the hologram buttons 'cause I'm pretty sure if anyone could find a way to break 'em? It'd be me. I've got a question!

And uhm. I think I've decided alcohol is evil. Why do people like drinking it so much?

22nd Jan, 2014


ARGS are very nice, but even I don't know what's going on all the time with the technical stuff.

So I'm thinking I'll stop being a distraction and wander around the Surprise a bit more. Anything I should definitely be seeing? Or avoiding? Or anything you think I should be avoiding that I'm definitely going to see now?

13th Jan, 2014


Do you mean to tell me that EVERYTHING on this ship is free? Food, clothing, shops? There's no money in this place? Just pop round to the shop and pick up whatever you like, no charge? I'm no flipping economist but tell me how does that work?

No no no. Don't tell me. Don't say a word. I don't want to hear anything about economics when I spy shoes. Good thing the TARDIS has infinite space because I'm going to need A BIGGER CLOSET.

8th Jan, 2014


This wasn't how I planned on retiring, but I'll take it.

But I'm on a spaceship full of strangers, which doesn't help. Major Kaidan Alenko, Alliance Navy. Served under Commander Shepard on the Normandy in the

You know what, this probably means nothing to any of you. I, uh I'm Kaidan, I'm 35, a soldier, and I'm from Vancouver back on Earth. I like cards, cooking, beer, and there's nothing better than a good steak sandwich and ... what exactly do you say when your reality's supposedly blinked out and you're supposed to introduce yourself to refugees from other worlds? This sounds like an extranet dating profile. I usually like long walks on the beach but I might be on crutches for a bit and we're without beaches, so that's out.

6th Jan, 2014


So, I'm not dreaming, which is cool. Legitimately on a bigass spaceship in space. And a planet based on Christmas and other PC holidays exists. This would be more awesome if I didn't have to believe everyone I knew's been blinked out of reality except me.

Yeah, that part blows. A lot.

How do we fix the universes so I can go back to my people?

4th Jan, 2014


She's right, you know. Donna, I mean. You found a way back.

I'm sorry.

So, how many of you were tempted to stay behind on that planet?

2nd Jan, 2014


What the hell do you mean, the multiverse is collapsing??




Time travel is great, isn't it? Where I'm from it was barely autumn, but now it's just a new year completely.

It's okay though. Always do like a good excuse for something fizzy.

28th Dec, 2013


Doctor (10) )

Everyone else. Seriously. )


Gifts from the Doctor:

25th Dec, 2013


For Amy Pond )

For Doctor Suit )

For Rose Tyler )

For Doctor Bowtie )


Left for Castiel )

Left for Meg and Castiel )

Left for Buffy )

Left for the 10th Doctor and Rose )

Left for the 11th Doctor )

21st Dec, 2013


[Doctor - Eleven]

Seems like we're spending Christmas here. What would you like? And please don't say another fez.

[/Doctor - Eleven]

[Doctor - Ten]

Are you alright? What happened?

You can't avoid me forever, you know.

[/Doctor - Ten]

I want to thank everyone for helping me adjust to all of this. So, I'm making a Christmas turkey dinner! I'll even make a soufflé or two. If you're a vegetarian or have any food allergies, let me know. I'll take care of everything. All you need to do is eat!

17th Dec, 2013


Oh, this place is really just lovely, though, isn't it? It's so ridiculously festive and none of the trees are even trying to kill anyone this time. Always a plus, yeah? Does make me miss my mum, though...

Doctor, I've found your edible ball bearings. They come with cookies, oddly enough. :)

16th Dec, 2013


Oh my god, oh my god!


Totally building a snowman before scoping out the creepiness. Who's with me!?


[Private to the Doctors, Rose, Amy, and Clara]
So is it safe to go out and explore? This is Christmas, right? I didn't think it would be so cold.

14th Dec, 2013


Message sent to all communication devices

To all passengers of the HMS Surprise,

Hi there, ship's engineer Gregory Knox speaking! So uh....how's it going?

We hope you're enjoying the modifications to Suri and that she's been treating you all well. We simply regret to inform you that due to a coolant leak in the personnel-only area, we're going to have to stopover again in another reality beginning approximately Dec 15th for all of you, so...your hotel bills have all been paid and we aim to make this holiday as comfortable for you all as possible!

Please leave your Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanza, Festivus, or Ramadan lists with us and we'll take care of all the shopping when we return with Suri on Dec 25th....ish.

Any questions?

10th Dec, 2013


so, uh. spaceship, huh?

right. could still be the fever making a cool escape from

yeah, so hey. i'm glenn. 'sup?

6th Dec, 2013


Well. If I'm to be temporarily stuck anywhere, at least it's practically a space mall, with a space Starbucks. How corporate! And Space Blogging! I nearly like it.

Lots of little shops, eh, Doctor?

Hello, everyone. I'm Rose.

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