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16th Jan, 2014


[Filtered to Meredith and Cristina]

I need your help. The ship, in it's infinite wisdom or idiocy, has rescued a terminally ill man. Which is great, since he's not in a collapsing universe anymore, but now he's here and he's got a brain tumor that's killing him anyway. I'm not sure how to do this on my own, neuro isn't exactly my strongest area.

2nd Jan, 2014


So since we're technically in another reality is it still 2014? What the hell? Happy New Year.

Mystery solved, ladies.


So, for anyone who decided to celebrate New Year's a little too much -- like me -- I'm officially setting up a hangover station in the infirmary. I can set anyone who wants to or needs to sober up in a hurry with a glucose IV to push the booze out of your system.

Or if anyone just wants to flush the toxins out of their system in favor of a fresh start for a new year or whatever.

Honestly, I haven't been in the infirmary hardly since I arrived and I think I need to acclimate myself to it. So, there's that.

30th Dec, 2013


Christmas Gifts

[OOC: Pretend she posted these before Christmas]

For Meredith
Because we're going to need it.

For Izzie
For some reason this made me think of you.

For Faith

For Simon
Have a drink with on me.

25th Dec, 2013


For Meredith )

For Cristina )


For Cristina )

For Izzie )

18th Dec, 2013


So it's kind of weird being a non practicing Jew in Christmas Town. I did get to talk to an elf today though. Which I can honestly say I have never done before.


So, the snowmen come to life if you talk to them. Or apparently if you pass too closely to them.

I felt like I was stuck in those Calvin and Hobbes strips.

Or those videos where the snowmen try to scare people on the street. I may have slapped one.

17th Dec, 2013


Oh, this place is really just lovely, though, isn't it? It's so ridiculously festive and none of the trees are even trying to kill anyone this time. Always a plus, yeah? Does make me miss my mum, though...

Doctor, I've found your edible ball bearings. They come with cookies, oddly enough. :)

11th Dec, 2013


So, according to the calendar, Christmas seems to be coming up in a few weeks. Does anyone want to help me decorate? We could put up garland in the cafeteria, or something.

29th Nov, 2013


Well. Happy Thanksgiving, to any of you that celebrate. I almost didn't even notice the holiday.

I guess I'm thankful for still existing? And that you all still exist, too. That there's still a chance for everybody else's existence. All important things, right?

You guys were the ones that reminded me. Thank you, for the food.

27th Nov, 2013


I have been instructed to make myself "more comfortable" for our present passengers. Therefore, I will be landing on the date of 91512.93. For those of you lacking in your understanding, this is tomorrow morning at what is approximately 6 A.M.

You may enjoy your swimming pool, McDonald's, and shop of sexual persuasion in a few days. Please do not interrupt the remodeling process.

I have also been instructed to answer any questions.

19th Nov, 2013


[Filtered to anyone who might be interested]
So I know it's probably weird to ask now that there probably aren't holidays or even just Earth holidays anymore, but...Thanksgiving is still coming up for a lot of us. I'm willing to help prepare a meal for everyone with whatever we have. I was just wondering if anyone else would be okay with a shipwide gathering. It...seems like a good idea about now.

[Private to Cas (_castiel_)]
You finish that book yet?

6th Nov, 2013


So... okay. Lemme get this straight.

I wake up from being possibly in a coma Buffy to.. being in a spaceship floating around galaxies far, far away Buffy?

When do I get to go back to sleep 'n wake up still in the Matrix?

5th Nov, 2013


I am glad to see that we all of us, as far as I know, managed to get off the planet alright after that attack. If anyone still needs medical help, I and the other trained doctors I'm sure will be in the infirmary.

1st Nov, 2013


Sam, Meg, and Doctors Ten and Eleven, please tell me none of you are in that city right now.

[Anyone who stayed on the ship]
We should get things set up for the people coming back - if there are any doctors still aboard, we're gonna need you here. Tell us what to do, we'll follow, and if you're scared of Suri, tell her to fuck off. We live here too now.

30th Oct, 2013


So I discovered something pretty cool today. Blitz ball. I was wandering around down on the planet and found the stadium. It's like water polo on crack. I'm probably going to go again tomorrow if anyone wants to come with me.


So, I bought this stuff at the market earlier. I don't know exactly what it's meant to do, but the guy selling it kept going on and on about how it was supposed to reverse death and appeal to the powers of the phoenix and whatever and I'm not sure what all of that means, but it sounds like medicine to me and that's probably something we need.

Now I feel like we should test it to be sure, though.

25th Oct, 2013


[Filtered to Meredith & Cristina]

So, are we. . .disembarking? That's a word, right? I feel like we should look around. We should look around. Maybe there's like a. . .I don't know, something awesome that we need to see.

I'm going stir crazy stuck inside this ship.


Say what you want about this situation. All of this? Makes the entire ordeal kind of worth it.

[Private to Castiel (_castiel_)]
...Feel like getting a closer look down on the planet?

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