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19th April 2014

[info]doctorfun in [info]surprise_net

Suri! Hello! Good news for you, I think. Ship's in a workable state. We've collectively managed to tidy up, salvage the engines and I expect other me's tended to life support as planned by now.  There's one more thing I'd like to do. The ship needs better repairs than what we can manage like this. I'm going to give the ship a lift so that you can better conserve power. That all right with you?

FILTER: Rose, Jack, Martha, Zev, Castiel (celestialintent), Amy, Clara, Eleven
I'm going to need your help very soon. All of you. Get shifting to my TARDIS. Left her in the observation deck.

Chinny, hope you're ready for a bit of nostalgia. Don't think we'll need two TARDISes for the job, so I do hope you'll suffer my apter choice in interior for a ride!

You're all brilliant. Absolutely outstanding. If I see you in the halls, I'm going to hug you.

[info]i_mthedoctor in [info]surprise_net

Good news! Or more of it, following my predecessor's announcement, but oxygen levels are stable, and life support is working on independent intervals throughout the different sectors. Not nearly as efficient, but until we can get Sector 3 completely fixed up and get that circuit back up it's the best we can do. This means power to put towards the engines will be cut, same with power to other non-essentials, good news is that we're going to be tug-boating this ship to the nearest spaceport, which means we don't NEED any of those non-essentials and instead we can breathe happily.

Thanks in absolutely NO small part to Amelia Pond, Clara Oswald for the help on the life support; quite literally could not have gotten it done without the relay system. And thanks to the lovely Meg and Anna--whose names I don't actually know beyond that--sector 3's holes should be sealed and the hull capable of sustaining intergalactic travel without ripping apart of causing us to lean too much. While also removing strain from the relay system trying to provide support to sector 3.

[info]banner in [info]surprise_net

I'm not sure what the point of this is.

Hello. Bruce Banner here.