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13th April 2014

[info]i_mthedoctor in [info]surprise_net

I'm heading to the life support systems to see if we can't manage to get oxygen levels stabilized, I may need some assistance as the life support system is going to be based on a relay system in order to keep itself from failing in the chances of, well, this event. The problem with that, is that it prioritizes certain areas over others, which would make sense if not for the fact that a lack of stability can damage the ship--including our holographic, pony-loving pilot.

I also need a team of brave souls who might be willing to throw on a space suit and fill some holes. While we continue to leak, we threaten to put the ship off balance, and when they get the engines back online the ship will be difficult to maneuver. I know what you're saying 'it's space, there's no gravity to pull us anywhere', wrong. There's gravity all around us, the gravitational pull of suns and planets extend very, very far--getting weaker as they go, but they're still there. That's not the point though, the point is that if we must make any sort of landing--having the holes filled in will help considerably. Because when we enter atmosphere without -- know what? Not important, what's important is we need to fix as much damage as we can.

In my TARDIS I have a space suit and a canister of sticky foam that can seal up holes temporarily. I'd do this myself, but I must get the life support systems stabilized and that'll take some clever thinking. So if anyone's up for it, let me know.

[info]51stcenturyman_ in [info]surprise_net

Well, it looks like I've arrived at either the right, or the wrong time. Wherever and whenever that might be! Captain Jack Harkness here, and wondering if anyone has any clues as to what's going on, and if anyone is aware there appears to be a very large hole in the side of this ship?

[info]a_fallen_star in [info]surprise_net

I've almost finished clearing out most of the debris in Sector 18. Most of it's just broken lights or metal siding of some kind - I figure someone more experienced can tell me how to fix it. Seems like a good time for a miracle. And if anyone in Sector 7 or 36 needs help, let me know.

[Private to Castiel (_castiel_)]
At the risk of sounding like the clingy girlfriend...I'm gonna ask for an update. Let's just say the sound of your voice would be nice about now. I know it's just texting, but it's the sentiment that counts. It's my first birthday since my parents were killed...bear with me.