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8th March 2014

[info]darkntwisty in [info]surprise_net

So okay, I'm using the phone and asking this question because there's a roundish pink thing in the infirmary and doesn't look like any animal I've ever seen - and it's probably an alien because yeah, never seen anything like it on Earth. But apparently, it's trying to organize our charts.

I don't know what to do with this, this is weird. Please tell me someone else is dealing with something just as weird.

[info]comealong_pond in [info]surprise_net

I don't know what this is, but I gave her a vanilla biscuit and now she's following me around.

Um. . .apparently she breathes fire.

[info]a_fallen_star in [info]surprise_net

So I've been all over the planet - it's nice. It's different, but...it's no worse than Earth. I'd look out for the yellow and purple things to the east of the Surprise, though. They can hear our thoughts. Or dreams. Wide circles.

Also...some of these things can produce electricity or fire with their bodies. I'd be careful of that too. They're not all chihuahua-sized.

I found an island with a beach. If you're interested in a swim.

[info]ashadeofgray in [info]surprise_net

There's a GIANT blue and tan thing sleeping in the middle of the road to the east of the port city. I mean, like, it's blocking the entire ravine. So, if anyone does want to venture out, don't go that way.

[Filtered to Cas]

I feel like we should try to wake it up, but apparently there's a casino a few cities to the west. Feel like trying your luck? :P