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27th January 2014

[info]altersemantics in [info]surprise_net

Those lights that were flickering, as well as the voices last night, is that normal for a ship of this design? If so, I must comment that this is a nuisance and a design flaw. I was working on construction for my lab and when the lights flicker in such a manner as last night, it does make it rather difficult to work.

If, however, it is not a usual occurrence, perhaps the ship is in need of repairs. I would be more than happy to offer my services alongside those who typically take on this responsibility.

[info]wondersurgeon in [info]surprise_net

So this is some seriously freaky shit. I had message on my bathroom mirror this morning telling me that I was doomed. Not really too happy about the idea of being doomed so I'm not camped out in the med bay. Besides if we're all going to die, I guess there's a chance we might need medical care first so that's where I'll be. trying not to freak out because I don't wanna die.

Meredith, Izzy, Simon, wanna come join me and hold down the fort?

[info]i_mthedoctor in [info]surprise_net

Did everyone else hear those voices last night?! Oh it was brilliant. Flickering lights, ghostly voices, and eeries shadows lurking around all of us. It's really quite terrifying, and that's fantastic! Haven't said that in awhile, definitely not me.

Still, oh it's not enough we've got a reality-hopping time-ship with a snarky AI, but now we've got one with a ghost or demon popping in and saying hello. Though I suppose it could just be the engines, though they don't often speak coherently enough to say 'Get out'. Which, I mean really, that's just a bit rude. It's not as if any of us asked to necessarily be here, kind of forced us here in the first place.

Anyway! Doing some investigating, but first fixing up those pestering lights.

[info]ari_addict in [info]surprise_net

[Private to Yuna]
You doing okay with everything that's going on? They come after you too?

[info]doctorfun in [info]surprise_net

Well. Being told we're all going to die is a bit of a damper on my good news, isn't it? Relay that later for when I've sorted this situation out! I'd say we're in for a haunting, but that goes against a considerable amount of my rules. Everyone all right? Aside from the spectacular attempts to unnerve the lot of us, that is?

Rose, Donna: The TARDIS is being stubborn and not letting me in. I suspect it doesn't want to give whatever is affecting the ship a chance to take a stab at her. Not on board her, are you? Oh, foolish question. Really should have just checked the little shops first.

Would have--oh, now that is rubbish. Gone and written nonsense on my ship! Got to fix that, then sort my priorities.

Bit tingly though! Got to solve the mystery of the unhaunting!

[info]spacejesus in [info]surprise_net

You know what this reminds me of? Everything I hate about Reapers. I feel like the creepy voices are getting bored with me because they're not alone in here.