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1st October 2013

[info]ashadeofgray in [info]surprise_net

I'm sorry. Did they actually say that our world is. . .collapsing? Really? Because Dick just wasn't ENOUGH of a crisis.

This isn't. . .

CAS? Are you here?

Is anyone else HERE? Hello?

[info]darkntwisty in [info]surprise_net

So this isn't where I should be. Does anyone here know how to work this thing? It looks like it does more than text. And I'm looking out the window where there's space and there shouldn't be space. If I'm dead, I wanna know I'm dead.

So tell me.

[info]restinhell in [info]surprise_net

This is a new twist. It's very well done, so authentic I can feel and everything. Someone's learning to expand their sandbox.

[info]abominari in [info]surprise_net

Alright. Realities are collapsing, and we got saved by being pulled onto this spaceship. So this is like... a little bubble of existence in the middle of a whole bunch of nonexistence. It also says I'm one of many who've been saved, but this ship seems mostly empty. I don't understand why they'd bother saving me, I was already Who all is here?

I'm Sam, by the way. If anyone sees a girl named Deanna, could you tell her that her sister's looking for her? She's not allowed to not exist And if any of you need help with... I don't know, anything, let me know.

I'd really like to know why the worlds ended even though the apocalypse got canceled. And I really hope this place has alcohol somewhere, because I'm going to need a drink to process all this.

[info]ari_addict in [info]surprise_net

I'm only gonna ask this once - I'm not the only one looking out a window right now and seeing nothing but space out there. Right?