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The Snupin Prophet

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The Snupin Prophet: September 21-28, 2008 [Sep. 28th, 2008|11:53 am]

The Snupin Prophet is posted on Livejournal and on Insanejournal.

Random Rec:
Sleep Disorders, by Chazpure.

There is a Lupin_Snape mod post here.

There is a reminder of the open search for new additions to the Snupin Library here.

Two new skins have been added to the Snupin Santa archive; info here.

Fan Art:
I Will Protect You, by tbranch.

Snupin Doodles, by midge_art.

Snupin doodles 2, by midge_art.

Drabbles (200 words or less):
All For You, by zephyr_macabee.

Great, Brave Gryffindors, by unbroken_halo.

Haunted, by alisanne.

The Moon, by torino10154.

Ficlets (200-1000 words):
Knock Knock, by Stupidify.

March Rain, by Book7BrokeMyBrain.

Fanfiction (complete):
Something Different, by inkgeist. Rated light R.
Summary: Remus wants to try something different – Severus has different plans.

Fanfiction (WIP):
Angelinus: chapter 15, by Les Dowich. Rated T.
Summary: Book 4 in the Snape Cycle. When Severus inherits the guardianship of a cousin’s twins, it sets off a chain of events that drag the Lupin-Snapes, Malfoys, Potters and Weasleys into a head-on clash with fanatics, drug dealers and babysitters.

Best Kept Secret: chapter 1, by JustAdoreHer. Rated T.
Summary: One of the best kept secrets in Hogwarts history was the relationship between Remus Lupin and Severus Snape. A friendship that was doomed from the start, how did it survive the house rivalry?

Dragon Tattoo: chapter 2, by Anna Marie PotterMalfoy. Rated M+. Content: Harry/Draco.
Summary: Old Moldy Voldie is finally gone, so what have Harry and Draco been up to?

The High Cost of Living: part 20, by Jules Noctambule. Rated NC17. Content: prostitution.
Summary: After the war ends, a disgraced Snape turns to the world's oldest profession to make ends meet.

A Long Good-bye and a Slow Becoming: parts 23-27, by lordhellebore. Rated R. Content: character death (not RL or SS).
Summary: Remus doesn't seek love, just another parent for his son. Severus is tired of being alone.

Potions, Defense, and Transfiguration: chapter 18, by MingIsRandom. Rated T.
Summary: It is Harry Potter’s 3rd year; Remus Lupin as Defense against the Dark Arts teacher, Severus Snape as the usual Potions Master & Sirius Black is out to get ‘Harry Potter’.

Start Somewhere: chapter 1, by pitchblackmoonlight. Rated T.
Summary: This is the story of Severus Snape and Remus Lupin, two young boys in Hogwarts school trying to fit in and finding one another. They develop feelings for each other, but can they turn into something more?

Turbulence: part 2, by firefly124. Rated PG.
Summary: Remus wasn’t the only one to turn to someone else for comfort during the late war, and Severus has only just learned that he has a sixteen-year-old daughter. Teddy is excited about his new "sister," but Rose is decidedly unhappy with the situation.

Filk Songs:
The Franz Ferdinand Selection, by drachenmina.

Lupin_Snape is looking for artists to participate in a 2009 Desktop Calendar project and announcing plans for future projects here.

Snupin100 has issued Challenge #175: Haunted.

Sign-ups for the Dark Flowers (Remus/Severus/Lily) holiday exchange are open here.

Lupin100 has issued Prompt #214: Ghosts.

Snape100 has issued Challenge #249: Random images.

Epic_Recs is looking for novel-length stories, any pairing from any fandom.

Snapelike has hurt/comfort recs here.

Noukran is looking for an older RL/SS story.

The Moonshadow archive has been updated with 0 stories this week.

Send your Snape/Lupin news to
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The Snupin Prophet: September 14-21, 2008 [Sep. 21st, 2008|10:36 am]

The Snupin Prophet is posted on Livejournal and on Insanejournal.

Random Rec:
For Severus Snape, in the Event of My Death, by Snegurochka.

Fan Art:
Just Like a Manatee, by Omni.

Photo manip, by lore. NWS.

Snape's Stolen Kiss, by kellywormtongue. Remus/Tonks.

Drabbles (200 words or less):
Disgusting, by Lorelei Lee.

Familiarity, by drachenmina.

Fluidity, by sweetmelodykiss.

Glowing, by drachenmina.

Late Night, by fenm. Hints of Remus/Sirius.

Perceptions, by haces222.

Popularity, by alisanne.

Pride, by drachenmina.

Remembrances, by nimrod_9.

Transformations, by drachenmina.

When All the Stars Fall, by sweetmelodykiss.

Ficlets (200-1000 words):
Boundaries Are to Cross, by westernredcedar.

Just Another Day, by Lovely Spell.

Stealth, by westernredcedar.

Surfacing, by westernredcedar.

Fanfiction (WIP):
Angelinus: chapter 14, by Les Dowich. Rated T.
Summary: Book 4 in the Snape Cycle. When Severus inherits the guardianship of a cousin’s twins, it sets off a chain of events that drag the Lupin-Snapes, Malfoys, Potters and Weasleys into a head-on clash with fanatics, drug dealers and babysitters.

Follow Me: chapter 98, by Norische. Rated M+. Content: Draco/other male, mpreg, non-con, incest, under 18.
Summary: Severus Snape never knew he had a son, not until the boy showed up in Dumbledore's office. Severus calm orderly life soon became a mass of confusion and chaos, and it was all focused on one young man. A/N: This story is not canon, Sirius is alive and well (I never could kill that man, he is just too fun to play with.) The dates are based on current dates, (I could never get the coversion correct anyway).

Honor: chapter 108, by morganlefay1958. Rated Adult.
Summary: Severus and Remus learn about love together, but other forces try to interfere--and it isn't who you would suspect...

A Long Goodbye and a Slow Becoming: parts 14-22, by lordhellebore. Rated R. Content: character death (not RL or SS).
Summary: Remus doesn't seek love, just another parent for his son. Severus is tired of being alone.

Maska Komodias: part 1, by Omnin. Rated NC17.
Summary: After the events of OotP and before HBP. Lupin is about to head out on a mission for which he is ill equipped. Severus, it seems, is the only one who can assist him. The last thing Severus needs at the moment is one more task to weigh him down, when he's already trying to cope with all that Albus is asking of him.

Potions, Defense, and Transfiguration: chapter 17, by MingIsRandom. Rated T.
Summary: It is Harry Potter’s 3rd year; Remus Lupin as Defense against the Dark Arts teacher, Severus Snape as the usual Potions Master & Sirius Black is out to get ‘Harry Potter’.

Scion of Merlin: chapter 2, by SilverLion. Rated M+. Content: Harry/Draco, under 18.
Summary: The fate of the Wizarding World may rest on the shoulders of Harry Potter, but whose job is it to maintain the balance between the primal forces?

Filk Songs:
I Can't Decide, by drachenmina.

If you could see him..., by lorelei_lee1968.

The Kaiser Chiefs selection, by drachenmina.

Shag Me 'Til I'm Sore, by drachenmina. NWS.

Variations, by drachenmina.

Write it, by lorelei_lee1968.

Lupin_Snape is hosting the Snupin Filk Challenge through October 15.

Snupin100 has issued Challenge #174: Diagon Alley.

Lupin100 has issued Prompt #213: Godric's Hollow.

Snape100 has issued Challenge #248: The sun, the moon, and the stars.

There is a RL/SS Oekaki board.

hp_bookof_fests is changing its format to allow fest mods to make their own announcement posts.

McKay discussed printing out the RL/SS zine.

The Moonshadow archive has been updated with 3 stories this week.

Send your Snape/Lupin news to
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The Snupin Prophet: September 7-14, 2008 [Sep. 14th, 2008|09:15 am]

The Snupin Prophet is posted on Livejournal and on Insanejournal.

Random Rec:
No One's More Surprised Than Me, by Bagoas Alexander.

Fan Art:
Antique Brewery, by lyntek.

Drop the Soap, by skitty_kat. NWS.

Drabbles (200 words or less):
The Emperor's New Clothes, by nimrod_9.

Found, by alisanne.

Roadside Assistance, by alisanne.

Teddy the Terrifying Toddler, by unbroken_halo.

That's Entertainment, by alisanne.

Undressed, by nimrod_9.

Untitled, by snapesgirl_62.

Ficlets (200-1000 words):
Confessions in the Rain, by nimrod_9. Rated R.

A Day Early, by snapesgirl_62. Rated R. Cross-dressing.

Moonlight, by Anders Svartalfurinn. Rated NC17.

Rude Awakening, by kerrisokol. Rated NC17.

Sabbatical, by Geek6. Mpreg.

Time Is Waiting, by Diana Moon. Rated R.

Trouble With Kittens, by Diana Moon.

Untitled, by iamisaac. Genderswitch.

Fanfiction (Complete):
A Fractured Fairytale, by haces222. Rated PG13.
Summary: Remus tells a fairytale.

Never Alone, by fhestia. Rated T.
Summary: When Professor Snape falls ill just before the Christmas holiday, he finds comfort in the most unexpected places. Story events set during Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

Fanfiction (WIP):
Angelinus: chapter 13, by Les Dowich. Rated T.
Summary: Book 4 in the Snape Cycle. When Severus inherits the guardianship of a cousin’s twins, it sets off a chain of events that drag the Lupin-Snapes, Malfoys, Potters and Weasleys into a head-on clash with fanatics, drug dealers and babysitters.

Constant Companionship: chapters 1-5, by SeverusSnapesgirl12786. Rated T.
Summary: AU! After the fall of Voldemort, Snape is lonely and decides to find himself a loyal companion. He requires the help of Remus Lupin and several other Order members.

Dragon Tattoo: chapter 1, by Anna Marie PotterMalfoy. Rated M+. Content: Harry/Draco.
Summary: Old Moldy Voldie is finally gone, so what have Harry and Draco been up to?

A Long Good-Bye and a Slow Becoming: parts 12-13, by lordhellebore. Rated R. Content: character death (not RL or SS).
Summary: Remus doesn't seek love, just another parent for his son. Severus is tired of being alone.

Mate: chapter 9, by Asreisea. Rated M.
Summary: Set in Marauder Era. When one werewolf finds his mate, what will happen to them? Especially when the mate is a Slytherin...

Potions, Defense, and Transfiguration: chapter 16, by MingIsRandom. Rated T.
Summary: It is Harry Potter’s 3rd year; Remus Lupin as Defense against the Dark Arts teacher, Severus Snape as the usual Potions Master & Sirius Black is out to get ‘Harry Potter’.

Scion of Merlin: chapter 1, by SilverLion. Rated M+. Content: Harry/Draco, under 18.
Summary: The fate of the Wizarding World may rest on the shoulders of Harry Potter, but whose job is it to maintain the balance between the primal forces?

See What?: chapters 31-32, by Lil_Nezumi. Rated MV. Content: Harry/Draco.
Summary: Sixth year ends & summer begins, things are discovered, things have changed, just what is a Draekon, what is the Founders Law? Dudley is in this? Very Bad!Mione, but Bad!Wheezie?

Without Drug or Herb: part 3 (complete), by pikkalam_sri. Rated R.
Summary: “I will show you a love potion without drug or herb, or any witch's spell. If you wish to be loved, love.”

Snupin100 has issued Challenge #173: Satin.

Dark_Flowers (Remus/Severus/Lily) is hosting the Holiday Flowers exchange.

Lupin100 has issued Prompt #212: Flourish & Blotts.

Snape100 has issued Challenge #247: Snape, the Fifth Marauder.

The Moonshadow archive has been updated with 3 stories this week.

Send your Snape/Lupin news to For a permanent, organized archive of these links and more, please visit our affiliate, [info]masterwolflinks.
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The Snupin Prophet: September 3-7, 2008 [Sep. 7th, 2008|09:59 am]

The Snupin Prophet is posted on Livejournal and on Insanejournal.

Random Rec:
The Boggart, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, by The Goblet.

Fan Art:
Closer, by ghot. NWS.

Hot Shower, by ghot. NWS.

Shower, by skitty_kat.

Sleek, by ghot. NWS.

Drabbles (200 words or less):
Disgusting, by lorelei_lee1968.

Ficlets (200-1000 words):
Enlightened, by sor_bet.

Nature and Nurture, by shakespeare's sister.

Purple, by Tru Seramath.

Still Here, by Stupidify.

Transformation, by XxSerenityxX.

Fanfiction (Complete):
Halloween, 1987, by at_kb. Rated T. Content: Remus/Sirius.
Summary: This story takes place several years after Lily and James' death, and follows Lupin trying to deal with the loss of all his best friends on the anniversary of Lily and James' death. He meets someone else dealing with similar issues in a somewhat different way.

So Here We Are, by senjy. Rated R.
Summary: The veil claims two more victims and sets in motion a curious series of events. This was started back in 2006, so it wildly deviates from DH canon.

Strangely Untitled, by AlassinSane. Rated K.

Fanfiction (WIP):
Angelinus: chapters 11-12, by Les Dowich. Rated T.
Summary: Book 4 in the Snape Cycle. When Severus inherits the guardianship of a cousin’s twins, it sets off a chain of events that drag the Lupin-Snapes, Malfoys, Potters and Weasleys into a head-on clash with fanatics, drug dealers and babysitters.

The Castle Gate: part 3 (complete), by omni_sama. Rated R. Content: character death (not RL or SS), cannibalism.
Summary: Severus wonders what he finds to be more difficult--breaking out of that cell or having to be civil to Potter.

Dark Creatures: chapter 4, by nehalenia. Content: Severus/Sirius, Remus/Severus/Sirius.
Summary: Snape has been cursed by Death Eaters and to avoid horrible pain, must be taken by a Dark Creature every day.

Honor: chapter 107, by morganlefay1958. Rated Adult.
Summary: Severus and Remus learn about love together, but other forces try to interfere--and it isn't who you would suspect...

A Long Good-bye and a Slow Becoming: parts 9-11by lordhellebore. Rated R. Content: character death (not RL or SS).
Summary: Remus doesn't seek love, just another parent for his son. Severus is tired of being alone.

My Ectoplasmic Soul: part 1, by undunoops.

Potions, Defense, and Tranfiguration: chapters 14-15, by MingIsRandom. Rated T.
Summary: It is Harry Potter’s 3rd year; Remus Lupin as Defense against the Dark Arts teacher, Severus Snape as the usual Potions Master & Sirius Black is out to get ‘Harry Potter’.

Severus: prologue & chapter 1, by Zerestor. Rated T.
Summary: Meet a scared and confused Snape, in pain and battling with his thoughts and memories. Swinging between the real and the unreal, sanity and insanity and between love and hurt. Not HBP or DH compliant.

Lupin_Snape is hosting the Snape and Lupin in the Shower challenge.

Lupin100 has issued Prompt #211: Madam Malkin's.

Snape100 has issued Challenge #246: Song Title Shuffle.

HP_Summersmut has posted its master list.

The Moonshadow archive has been updated with 1 story this week.

Send your Snape/Lupin news to For a permanent, organized archive of these links and more, please visit our affiliate, [info]masterwolflinks.
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The Snupin Prophet: August 24-September 3, 2008 [Sep. 3rd, 2008|09:03 pm]

The Snupin Prophet is posted on Livejournal and on Insanejournal.

Random Rec:
The Changeling, by Arionrhod.

Fan Art:
Drawbles, by karasu_hime. Mildly NWS.

Edge, by Anonymous. NWS.

Emerging, by ponderosa121. NWS.

Interlude, by kirasha. Mildly NWS.

Reflected, by twilightsorcery.

Skyward/Under the Cedar, by ghot.

Drabbles (200 words or less):
An Accounting, by nimrod_9.

At the Yule Ball, by ellid.

The Beginning of an Endless Consumption, by lore.

Contemplating Forgiveness, by alisanne.

End of Term, by sea_side_djinn.

Fateful Night, by alisanne.

Gay Pride March, by ellid.

Interesting, by drachenmina.

Nondescript, by drachenmina.

No Sugar Added, by nimrod_9.

Pimm's, by torino10154.

Shattered Illusions, by unbroken_halo.

Shudder, by sweetmelodykiss. NC17, fisting.

Smut on the Beach, by sweetmelodykiss. Rated R.

Surprise Beginning, by alisanne.

Starting Over, by firefly124.

Ficlets (200-1000 words):
Exclusive in The Scum!, by blpaintchart.

Out in the Woods Tonight, by dbassassin. Rated R. Underage.

Sanctuary, by overdoseonfreud. Rated R.

Fanfiction (complete):
All the Way Home, by _rufus_. Rated R.

An Acquired Taste, by Jules Noctambule. Rated PG13.
Summary: Even in love, not everyone’s tastes are the same.

Cocktails and Dreams, by hogwartshoney. Rated R.
Summary: Severus Snape working in a bar was the last thing Remus expected, but the surprises didn't end there.

Driving the Ford Focus, by nimrod_9. Rated NC17. Content: watersports.

Five Conversations about a Revolution, by snegurochka_lee. Rated R. Content: Remus/OMCs.
Summary: rev·o·lu·tion, noun: For some: a sudden or momentous change in a situation. For others: the overthrow of one government and its replacement with another. For Remus Lupin: a turning or rotational motion about an axis – an axis with uncertain loyalties and motivations of his own.

Get Stuffed, Snape!, by mnemosyne_1. Rated PG.
Summary: Several months after the battle of Hogwarts, Severus wakes up. Unfortunately, he's not quite himself…

God Loves a Military Man, by skree_ratling. Rated R. Content: AU, amputation.
Summary: Non magical AU. S is an injured soldier coming back from war. R happens to be a male nurse on the hospital S is and treats him. S is embarrassed/aroused by some of the needed "handling" R has to do. H/C, smut, they don't know each other, happy ending..

Love Potion Number Eleven, by florahart. Rated NC17. Content: Remus/Tonks, implied other relationships.
Summary: Snupin Top Chef.

Odeon Leicester Square: May 25, 1980, by westernredcedar. Rated NC17. Content: off-screen violence, public sex.
Summary: Remus doesn’t need to be able to see in the dark cinema. He can smell Severus anywhere.

The One That Got Away, by Anonymous. Rated NC17. Content: dub-con, wanking, dark themes.
Summary: The wolf returns and seeks out the one that got away.

Outskirting the Dark, by bronze_ribbons. Rated PG.
Summary: Snape's in Chicago. Lupin's in a fairy skirt. Hurt-comfort ensues.

The Secret Sketchbook of Hebi no Komori, by dingochow. Rated NC17. Content: Mild dub-con, monster sex, wanking, rimming, role-play.
Summary: S. is manga artist. R. is manga character. Panel-breaking hijinks ensue.

Ten Steps to Maoschism, by mabonwitch. Rated NC17. Content: Remus/OFC, Remus/OMC, BDSM.
Summary: It takes Remus years to untangle his sexuality, and even longer to figure out how to get what he needs.

Fanfiction (WIP):
Already Standing (On the Ground): part 1, by westernredcedar. Rated PG.
Summary: It was just a road trip...

Because It Is My Heart: part 2, by JadedBade. Rated PG13. Content: Severus/Remus/Draco.
Summery/Prompt: Long prompt #24—R is the leader of a werewolf pack (living like humans, please!), S brews Wolfsbane for them (other medical work/brewing a plus). New arrival of a feral werewolf, turns out to be Draco - R and S must rehabilitate him. Any rating OK.

The Black Robe of Flanders: part 1, by ellid. Rated PG13.
Summary: Severus must find and disarm a legendary horcrux, with Remus as his assistant. They didn’t count on the complications.

Dark Creatures: parts 1-3, by nehalenia. Content: Severus/Sirius, Remus/Severus/Sirius.
Summary: Snape has been cursed by Death Eaters and to avoid horrible pain, must be taken by a Dark Creature every day.

A Day in the Life: part 1, by Arionrhod. Rated R.
Summary: Severus Snape is given a chance - a single day to change the events of his life and save both himself and the man he loves from death; the only problem is convincing Remus that he wants to be saved!

A Long Good-bye and a Slow Becoming: parts 1-8, by lordhellebore. Rated R. Content: character death (not RL or SS).
Summary: Remus doesn't seek love, just another parent for his son. Severus is tired of being alone.

Paper Chains: parts 1-5, by erath. Rated R. Content: Severus/Lucius, abuse.

That Boy: part 3, part 4, part 5 (complete), by Tetsubinatu. Rated PG13.
Summary: Long-fic Challenge 25 -- Post-war, plausible survival scenario, established relationship (either new or long-standing). Somehow R finds out that Sirius left a child, and wants to adopt it. I like my S snarky, but not cruel. Any rating. Happy endings are best! :)

Three Words, Eight Letters: part 1, by whitestar_alpha. Rated PG.
Summary: After the War, Remus awakes in St. Mungo's and finds out that Severus is alive and was always working for the Order. Regret and desire create their own war within Remus as he tries to regain what he thought he once lost.

Unplumbed Depths: part 1, by nimrod_9. Rated R.
Summary: Remus discovers that Snape gets his needs taken care of at a brothel, but all is not as it seems!

Without Drug or Herb: part 1, part 2, by pikkalam_sri. Rated R.
Summary: “I will show you a love potion without drug or herb, or any witch's spell. If you wish to be loved, love.”

Snape/Lupin icons, by skitty_kat.

Snupin100 has issued Challenge #173: Lost.

Lupin100 has issued Prompt #210: Coffee.

Snape100 has issued Challenge #245: Back to School.

Pervy_werewolf has issued Prompt #53: Back to School.

Daily Deviant has posted information on its Kinky Kristmas Extravaganza.

Bronze_ribbons has recs here.

Ghot has recs here.

Unofficial Snupin Santa charts, by blpaintchart.

Suggestions are being taken for new additions to the Snupin Library here on IJ and here on LJ.

Mabonwitch is looking for courtship stories for a thematic list.

Geri_chan is looking for a story set in Australia.

The Moonshadow archive has been updated with 1 story this week.

Send your Snape/Lupin news to For a permanent, organized archive of these links and more, please visit our affiliate, [info]masterwolflinks.
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The Snupin Prophet: August 18-24, 2008 [Aug. 24th, 2008|07:34 pm]

The Snupin Prophet is posted on Livejournal and on Insanejournal.

Random Rec:
Party Dress, by MusIgneus.

The Snupin Santa 2008 participant list is here.

Fan Art:
End of Summer, by karasu_hime. Snape/Lupin/Lily.

He Has Been Here, by skitty_kat.

His Favourite Pastime, by ships_harry.

The Kiss, by karasu_hime.

Morning After the Full Moon, by xterm.

Photoshoot, by skitty_kat.

Untitled, by serpenscript. Cross-dressing.

Untitled, by skitty_kat. Remus/Severus/Kingsley.

Drabbles (200 words or less):
Accuracy, by ellid.

Just This Once, by kerrisol.

Letter of Protest, by ellid.

Reply from the publisher, by ellid.

Research, by ellid.

Ring Around, by zephyr_macabee.

Through the Years, by alisanne.

Untitled, by curiousqity.

Ficlets (200-1000 words):
Atypical Joy, by inkgeist.

First Time, by sweetmelodykiss. NC17.

Strange Joy, by westernredcedar.

Fanfiction (complete):
Acceptance, by drachenmina. Rated NC17. Content: bestiality.
Summary: At school, their relationship failed because of Remus’ need for his friends’ acceptance. Twenty years on, will it be scuppered by Severus’ inability to accept Moony?

Childish Slumber, by theravenwaits. Rated K+.
Summary: Focuses on Severus Snape the night that the Headmaster orders all four houses to sleep in the Great Hall during PoA. With Remus, he watches the Golden Gryffindor trio sleeping in the corner.

Do You Remember?, by kirasha. Rated NC17. Content: biting.
Summary: When Severus discovers something Remus has been holding onto for twelve years, Remus wants to know if Severus has the same memories.

Memories Long Buried, by Anonymous. Rated NC17. Content: Lupin/Tonks, infidelity, voyeurism.

A Way to Measure Time, by Maggie Honeybite. Rated R.
Summary: Non-magical AU set in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Severus Snape, who works for the Refugee Board, is no stranger to desperate people who seek asylum in the West. He deals with them on a regular basis, arranging for the deportation of many. He's not soft-hearted; he's had his share of troubles too, and it's pointless to feel sorry for strangers. But then, one day, Remus Lupin walks into his office. And things change.

Fanfiction (WIP):
Angelinus: chapter 10, by Les Dowich. Rated T.
Summary: Book 4 in the Snape Cycle. When Severus inherits the guardianship of a cousin’s twins, it sets off a chain of events that drag the Lupin-Snapes, Malfoys, Potters and Weasleys into a head-on clash with fanatics, drug dealers and babysitters.

The Child Relic: parts 6-7, by ehmaz. Rated NC17.
Summary: NoMagicAU, epic type adventure with sword fighting and ancient enemies fighting the stereotypical battle of good vs evil.

Follow Me: chapter 97, by Norische. Rated M+. Content: Draco/other male, mpreg, non-con, incest, under 18.
Summary: Severus Snape never knew he had a son, not until the boy showed up in Dumbledore's office. Severus calm orderly life soon became a mass of confusion and chaos, and it was all focused on one young man. A/N: This story is not canon, Sirius is alive and well (I never could kill that man, he is just too fun to play with.) The dates are based on current dates, (I could never get the coversion correct anyway).

The High Cost of Living: part 19, by Jules Noctambule. Rated NC17. Content: prostitution.
Summary: After the war ends, a disgraced Snape turns to the world's oldest profession to make ends meet.

Potions, Defense, and Transfiguration: chapter 13, by MingIsRandom. Rated T.
Summary: It is Harry Potter’s 3rd year; Remus Lupin as Defense against the Dark Arts teacher, Severus Snape as the usual Potions Master & Sirius Black is out to get ‘Harry Potter’.

Rise to Form: chapters 1-15, by LinZE. Rated K+.
Summary: The sequel to Revert to Type, tracks the childhood years of Anna Lupin, through the eyes of those around her.

Turn-About Prince: part 2, by real_life_rosy. Rated PG13. Content: AU, crossover with Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney.
Summary: It's been years since they've moved to Los Angeles, and now Severus has been accused of murder. Remus goes to the only man he thinks has a chance in hell of proving his lover innocent. But even Phoenix Wright himself may have a hard time with this turnabout.

Snupin100 has issued Challenge #171: First Years.

Lupin100 has issued Prompt #209.

Snape100 has issued Challenge #244: First Impression.

Sign-ups for SnapelyHolidays are open here.

McKay has art recs here.

McKay has the 2008 Snupin Santa Diaries.

Terminus report: RL/SS cosplayers photo.

Baileyshoes is looking for a story with Severus as a werewolf and Remus as a Slytherin.

The Moonshadow archive has been updated with 1 story this week.

Send your Snape/Lupin news to For a permanent, organized archive of these links and more, please visit our affiliate, [info]masterwolflinks.
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The Snupin Prophet: August 3-18, 2008 [Aug. 18th, 2008|09:25 am]

The Snupin Prophet is posted on Livejournal and on Insanejournal.

Random Rec:
Chew Toy, by Darklady.

Mod notes for lupin_snape here and here.

A list of important dates for Snupin Santa 2008 has been posted here.

Fan Art:
Bat Boy the Musical, by skitty_kat.

Cowboys, Girls and More, by skitty_kat. Genderswitch.

Defending Severus, by karasu_hime.

Fear Makes the Wolf Bigger than He Is, by Anonymous.

Irresistable, by karasu_hime. NWS. Cross-dressing.

Leashed, by skitty_kat. NWS.

Memoirs of a Wizard Geisha, by nepenth. Cross-dressing.

The Primal Dance, by ghot. NWS.

The Ugly Duckling and Swan Lake, by skitty_kat.

Untitled, by skitty_kat.

White Elephant, by dianamoon.

Drabbles (200 words or less):
Bedtime, by ellid.

Boggart in the Bedroom, by sweetmelodykiss.

Boggart Revelations, by alisanne.

Crunchy, by drachenmina.

Dark Stranger, by sweetmelodykiss.

En Garde, by sweetmelodykiss.

Haven, by sweetmelodykiss.

Lengthening One's Liripipe, by ellid.

Love's Folly, by sweetmelodykiss. Poetry.

Misinformation Spreads, by ellid.

Necessary Deviations, by unbroken_halo.

No Subtlety, by alisanne.

One Day, by oirowin.

Still Here, by unbroken_halo.

Tea, by noukran.

Untitled, by iamisaac.

A Use for Misinformation, by ellid.

Why?, by drachenmina.

Ficlets (200-1000 words):
Accidents, by westernredcedar.

Expression of Love, by sweetmelodykiss. NC17.

Fools for Love, by sweetmelodykiss. Rated R.

In the Garden, by nimrod_9. Rated R.

Lo Specchio, by torino10154. NC17.

My Name Is Remus, by sweetmelodykiss. NC17.

Poker Night, by nimrod_9. NC17.

Referee, by westernredcedar.

There's Only Us, by Diana Moon. Rated R, Snape/Lupin/Lily.

White Elephant, by dianamoon.

Fanfiction (complete):
Can Love Conquer All?, by Duochanfan. Rated G+.
Summary: Can love conquer friends that bully the one you love, can it over come a secret that one is hiding, can it over come years of seperation. Will Remus and Severus' love conquer all?

Edinbourgh Zoo, by tayefeth. Rated PG13.
Summary: S & R courtship including a trip to the zoo. Bonus for one of the lads being rather knowledgeable about interesting/amusing animals. Bigger bonus for legilimens!shagging.

The Firsts, by Anonymous. Rated R. Content: mild violence, light bondage.
Summary: After the War, and after Remus Lupin stumbles into his life, Severus Snape has a lot of firsts.

Heat, by tea_with_remus. Rated NC17.
Summary: The right Potions tutor makes the lesson far more spicy.

In the Light of the Moon, by The Lady of the Willows. Rated K.
Summary: The werewolf prank Sirius played succeeded. Severus finds that life as a werewolf brings unexpected things, whether it be a new friend which he does not admit to, a new family, or triumph. Severus, Remus, and Lily friendship.

"I Said Detention, Mr. Weasley", by islandsmoke. Rated NC17. Content: Remus/Severus/Charlie, biting, blood, caning, dirty talk, felching, harsh sex.
Summary: PWP: Both S & L discover the other has raunchy fantasies about Charlie. Est.relshp or no. End in 3some. PoA or OotP bonus! 18+!

I Watched Him Go, by ceres51892. Rated MV. Content: Snape/Harry, violence, character death.
Summary: Why didn't Severus do anything to stop it?

A New Beginning, by drachenmina. Rated R.
Summary: Non-magic AU. Just a little holiday-ficlet I jotted down on the plane.

Sleeping With Ghosts, by senjy. Rated R. Content: first time, underage.
Summary: Long Fic Prompt 29 -- Reincarnation! The boys are given a second chance, they come back in better circumstances fifty years after their deaths. One of them remembers, one doesn't, and the one who remembers wants to act on impulses he couldn't in former life. Happy ending plz

Watching Videos, by geri_chan. Rated R.
Summary: The further adventures of Snape and Lupin at the love hotel. (More silliness than smut!)

You Left Me!, by midka. Rated G+. Content: Harry/Draco.
Summary: A broken heart makes a choice, but how will this effect Harry.

Fanfiction (WIP):
Angelinus: chapters 8-9, by Les Dowich. Rated T.
Summary: Book 4 in the Snape Cycle. When Severus inherits the guardianship of a cousin’s twins, it sets off a chain of events that drag the Lupin-Snapes, Malfoys, Potters and Weasleys into a head-on clash with fanatics, drug dealers and babysitters.

Because It Is My Heart: part 1, by JadedBade. Rated PG13. Content: Severus/Remus/Draco.
Summery/Prompt: Long prompt #24—R is the leader of a werewolf pack (living like humans, please!), S brews Wolfsbane for them (other medical work/brewing a plus). New arrival of a feral werewolf, turns out to be Draco - R and S must rehabilitate him. Any rating OK.

Blind On Fearless Love: chapters 1-2, by Nesbitt. Rated T.
Summary: Severus is discovered as a traitor and must be pronounced missing in action for his own safety. He is sent to Grimmauld Place where Remus and Sirius reside. Can Severus overcome past feelings and develop new ones for Remus?

The Child Relic: parts 3-4, by ehmaz. Rated NC17.
Summary: NoMagicAU, epic type adventure with sword fighting and ancient enemies fighting the stereotypical battle of good vs evil.

Dear Diary: part 4, part 5, by tehhonestybox. Rated R. Content: Remus/Sirius.
Summary: Prompt: 34 -- Fic written as the journal entries of R, S, or both for a year of their relationship. Any time period is great (first war, PoA, OotP, post-war AU?). Angst, UST, complications, first time maybe...but a feel-good fic overall.

Honor: chapters 104-106, by morganlefay1958. Rated Adult.
Summary: Severus and Remus learn about love together, but other forces try to interfere--and it isn't who you would suspect...

Potions, Defense and Transfiguration: chapters 11-12, y MingIsRandom. Rated T.
Summary: It is Harry Potter’s 3rd year; Remus Lupin as Defense against the Dark Arts teacher, Severus Snape as the usual Potions Master & Sirius Black is out to get ‘Harry Potter’.

Sort Me Out: chapter 1, by WannaPlayKevinBacon. Rated T.
Summary: It's all about second chances when Dumbledore--in all his infinite wisdom--convinces the Sorting Hat to place first year Severus Snape in Gryffindor and young werewolf Remus Lupin into Slytherin. Will this small tweak in the past change everything? A/U

That Boy: part 2, by Tetsubinatu. Rated PG13.
Summary: Long-fic Challenge 25 -- Post-war, plausible survival scenario, established relationship (either new or long-standing). Somehow R finds out that Sirius left a child, and wants to adopt it. I like my S snarky, but not cruel. Any rating. Happy endings are best! :)

Turn-About Prince: part 1, by real_life_rosy. Rated PG13. Content: AU, crossover with Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney.
Summary: It's been years since they've moved to Los Angeles, and now Severus has been accused of murder. Remus goes to the only man he thinks has a chance in hell of proving his lover innocent. But even Phoenix Wright himself may have a hard time with this turnabout.

Snupin Santa 2008 sign-ups are open here.

Candid Captions on lupin_snape.

Snupin100 has issued Challenge #169: The Astronomy Tower.

Lupin100 has issued Prompt #208: Twilight.

Snape100 has issued Challenge #243: Olympic Sports.

DarkFlowers (Snape/Lupin/Lily) has a poll gauging interest in a holiday exchange here.

Amethyst_snape is looking for a story with Severus taking care of Teddy.

A_j_nightingale is looking for Happiness Is Where You Find It.

The Moonshadow archive has been updated with 2 stories this week.

Send your Snape/Lupin news to For a permanent, organized archive of these links and more, please visit our affiliate, [info]masterwolflinks.
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The Snupin Prophet: July 27-August 3, 2008 [Aug. 3rd, 2008|10:03 am]

The Snupin Prophet is posted on Livejournal and on Insanejournal.

Random Rec:
Stoppered, by Mechaieh.

Fan Art:
Drawbles, by skitty_kat.

Grand Canyon, by ghot.

Ninja vs. Pirate, by skitty_kat.

Potions, by Sri.

Sketches, by osmalic. NWS.

Snupin, Charlie Brown's Other Dog, by shadowycat.

Drabbles (200 words or less):
Another Beginning, by nimrod_9.

Black and White, by tayefeth.

By Force, by schemingreader.

Carelessly, by schemingreader.

Casting Caution to the Wind, by schemingreader.

Cynicism and Hope, by kerrisokol.

Entrance, by schemingreader.

Father Figure, by alisanne.

The Gift That Keeps On Giving, by sweetmelodykiss. Rated R. D/s implications.

He Asked Questions, by schemingreader.

The Office Exam, by sweetmelodykiss. Adult.

Taking Advantage, by firefly_124.

Tea and Sarcasm, by unbroken_halo.

Untitled 1, by iamisaac.

Untitled 2, by iamisaac.

Untitled 3, by iamisaac.

Ficlets (200-1000 words):
Broken Record, by Stupidify.

Fanfiction (complete):
Provoking the Wolf, by iamisaac. Rated R.
Summary: Werewolf bonding, and a vuuurrrrry demanding Lupin, a not entirely nice one (one who's still in lurve with Sevvie, mind). Or a Snape who researches werewolf bonds and lures Lupin into one - not entirely unwilling.

Tan Lines, by nimrod_9. Rated NC17.

Tunnel of Love, by skree_ratling. Rated R. Content: public sex.
Summary: Frotting in a subway/train. Other people are there but R manages to position himself just right not be seen too much.

Vanilla, by Geri. Rated PG13.
Summary: This is just a little side story I wrote to go along with Fathers' Day, inspired by the thought that my Snape and Lupin's sex life is rather vanilla compared to some other stories I've read.

Fanfiction (WIP):
Angelinus: chapter 7, by Les Dowich. Rated T.
Summary: Book 4 in the Snape Cycle. When Severus inherits the guardianship of a cousin’s twins, it sets off a chain of events that drag the Lupin-Snapes, Malfoys, Potters and Weasleys into a head-on clash with fanatics, drug dealers and babysitters.

The Child Relic: chapters 1-2, by ehmaz. Rated NC17.
Summary: NoMagicAU, epic type adventure with sword fighting and ancient enemies fighting the stereotypical battle of good vs evil.

Dear Diary: part 2, part 3, by tehhonestybox. Rated R. Content: Remus/Sirius.
Summary: Prompt: 34 -- Fic written as the journal entries of R, S, or both for a year of their relationship. Any time period is great (first war, PoA, OotP, post-war AU?). Angst, UST, complications, first time maybe...but a feel-good fic overall.

Follow Me: chapter 96, by Norische. Rated M+. Content: Draco/other male, mpreg, non-con, incest, under 18.
Summary: Severus Snape never knew he had a son, not until the boy showed up in Dumbledore's office. Severus calm orderly life soon became a mass of confusion and chaos, and it was all focused on one young man. A/N: This story is not canon, Sirius is alive and well (I never could kill that man, he is just too fun to play with.) The dates are based on current dates, (I could never get the coversion correct anyway).

The High Cost of Living: part 18, by Jules Noctambule. Rated NC17. Content: prostitution.
Summary: After the war ends, a disgraced Snape turns to the world's oldest profession to make ends meet.

Paso Doble: chapters 21-27 (complete), by Arionrhod and McKay. Rated R. Content: non-magical AU.
Summary: Remus and Severus dance around each other literally and figuratively as they compete in a televised dance competition.

Potions, Defense and Transfiguration: chapter 10, by MingIsRandom. Rated T.
Summary: It is Harry Potter’s 3rd year; Remus Lupin as Defense against the Dark Arts teacher, Severus Snape as the usual Potions Master & Sirius Black is out to get ‘Harry Potter’.

Purgatory: chapters 1-4, by lordhellebore. Rated PG13. Content: suicide, abuse.
Summary Snape has passed on to the afterlife, but what awaits him isn’t pleasant. Even in death, he can’t leave old grudges, bitterness and obsessive love behind, thus sentencing himself to an existence in pain and regret. He’ll have to learn the hard way – and just maybe, a dead werewolf can be of assistance.

The Scent of Royalty: part 1, by bonfoi. Rated PG13.
Summary: Mr. Worthy and his perfumes bring Remus’ nose for mystery closer than he’d imagined. Too bad there’s a worm in the apple fouling up the scent!

The rules for Snupin Santa 2008 have been posted here.

Snupin100 has issued Challenge #167: Dumbledore's Office.

Pervy_werewolf has issued Prompt #52: Lupin Loving.

Lupin100 has issued Prompt #207: Room of Requirement.

Snape100 has issued Prompt #241: Beasts: The A's.

Nest of Spiders will be posting prompts throughout August for Marauder Era characters and pairings.

HP Yule Balls has posted its rules and schedule here.

Canon evidence for RL/SS, by iamisaac.

The Moonshadow archive has been updated with 5 stories this week.

Send your Snape/Lupin news to For a permanent, organized archive of these links and more, please visit our affiliate, [info]masterwolflinks.
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The Snupin Prophet: July 20-27, 2008 [Jul. 27th, 2008|08:38 am]

The Snupin Prophet is posted on Livejournal and on Insanejournal.

Random Rec:
On Music, by Firefly Quill.

Snupin Santa 2008 sign-ups will open on August 18.

Fan Art:
The Buggeneers, by skitty_kat.

Come for Me, by shadowycat.

Man with a Wolf, by sylvanawood. NWS.

Thickly They Gather, by ponderosa121.

Drabbles (200 words or less):
After the Full Moon, by unbroken_halo.

A Is for Aconite, by ellid.

A Change Will Do You Good, by celandineb.

Doing Everything, by alisanne.

Fumbling for the Words, by nimrod_9.

Image Maintenance, by unbroken_halo.

No Mistakeby schemingreader.

Not My Type, by schemingreader. NC17.

Remains, by red_day_dawning.

Remains, Ashes, by red_day_dawning.

Romeo Is Bleeding, by Sfbfever. Character death.

Sleepless Nights, by Sfbfever.

Solitude, by sweetmelodykiss.

Teacher's Manual, by schemingreader.

Thirteen Stone of Drunken Werewolf, by schemingreader.

Three drabbles, by iamisaac.

Three drabbles, by inamac.

Today's Specials!, by ellid.

Tonic, by alisanne. Rated R.

Two drabbles, by aunty_marion.

Untitled, by iamisaac. Gender-switch.

Welcome to Little Louie's!, by ellid.

Who Knew?, by schemingreader. NC17.

Ficlets (200-1000 words):
Aren't We Perfect?, by Baby Morrison. Remus/Sirius.

Lightning Strike, by Envinyatar.

Mirror Images, by Irana. Rated R.
Summary: Depilation fetishism - sexual arousal from hair cutting. This also includes the touch of scissors and clippers on the body; hair pulling, mirror sex, fantasy fulfillment.

Photogenic, by Ehmaz.

Fanfiction (complete):
Awakening, by sweetmelodykiss. Rated NC17.
Summary: Remus awakens from the darkness for a second time.

Brightest Flames, by Envinyatar. Rated R. Content: mental illness; questionable consent/abuse.
Summary: Years after the war Severus is found wandering the woods, his mental faculties shaken. Remus takes him in.

A Cure for What Ails You, by sor_bet. Rated R. Content: past, unrequired RL/SS; cancer.
Summary: Remus’ visit to a Healer brings up old memories.

Healing Waters, by nimrod_9. Rated PG13.

Mistletoe Madness, by McKay. Rated NC17.
Summary: When Severus gets stuck under magical mistletoe gone bad, Remus has to help free him in unconventional ways.

Shipping, Swimming, and Suchlike, by blpaintchart. Rated PG13.

Fanfiction (WIP):
Angelinus: chapter 6, by Les Dowich. Rated T.
Summary: Book 4 in the Snape Cycle. When Severus inherits the guardianship of a cousin’s twins, it sets off a chain of events that drag the Lupin-Snapes, Malfoys, Potters and Weasleys into a head-on clash with fanatics, drug dealers and babysitters.

Honor: chapter 103, by morganlefay1958. Rated Adult.
Summary: Severus and Remus learn about love together, but other forces try to interfere--and it isn't who you would suspect...

Paso Doble: chapters 9-20, by Arionrhod and McKay. Rated R. Content: non-magical AU.
Summary: Remus and Severus dance around each other literally and figuratively as they compete in a televised dance competition.

Potions, Defense, and Transfiguration: chapter 9, by MingIsRandom. Rated T.
Summary: It is Harry Potter’s 3rd year; Remus Lupin as Defense against the Dark Arts teacher, Severus Snape as the usual Potions Master & Sirius Black is out to get ‘Harry Potter’.

Something Special: part 17, by lordhellebore. Rated R.
Summary: Cliché. A lot. *lol* No, seriously: Having resumed his spying on the Dark Lord, Severus begins to crack. Remus notices, but will he find out the reason, andcan he do anything? How does Lucius fit in? And will Severus be able to help Remus over Sirius's death?

To the Coast!: part 2, by blpaintchart. Rated PG13.

Snupin100 has issued Challenge #166: Cynical.

Lupin100 has issued Prompt #206: Envy.

Tayefeth is looking for stories with formal courtship.

The Moonshadow archive has been updated with 4 stories this week.

Send your Snape/Lupin news to For a permanent, organized archive of these links and more, please visit our affiliate, [info]masterwolflinks.
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The Snupin Prophet: July 7-20, 2008 [Jul. 20th, 2008|10:59 am]

Please note that the Snupin Prophet is posted on Livejournal and on Insanejournal.

Random Rec:
For the Pleasure of Severus Snape, by moonlightnrain.

Fan Art:
DisEnchanted, by nepenthe. Cross-dressing.

Haunting, by skitty_kat. NWS.

Hidden Motives, by ghot.

The High Sea Adventures of Phoenix Wolfe & the Silver Snake, by Geminia. NWS.

I Don't Think We're in Surrey Anymore, by skitty_kat.

In the Shack, by zephre. NWS.

Leap, by ghot.

Lost Mittens, by ehmaz.

Motherless Child art, by mystkyten.

Or Else, by serpenscript.

Shirtless, by skitty_kat. NWS.

Untitled, by curiousquity. NWS.

You'll pay for this later, Lupin, by zephre.

Drabbles (200 words or less):
About Second Chances, by nimrod_9.

Afterglow, by ellid.

Dead Head II, by ellid.

Dear Auntie Agonistes, by ellid.

Dear Thoughtful, by ellid.

Handle Them Snakes, the sequel, by ellid.

Herein Lies the Truth, by sweetmelodykiss. Rated R.

Just an Observation, by alisanne.

Not Exactly a Holiday, by nimrod_9.

Pining, by drachenmina.

Pride Goeth Before a Fall, by sweetmelodykiss.

Quixotic Endeavor, by sweetmelodykiss.

Sorting and Welsh Rarebit, by nimrod_9.

Sunday Crossword, by ellid.

Thought and Memory, by red_day_dawning. Character death.

Ficlets (200-1000 words):
New Dawn, by drachenmina.

Snupin Meme, by geri_chan.

When you stand there, by Stupidify.

While Waiting, by nimrod_9. NC17, mpreg.

You're WHAT?, by ellid. Mpreg. Teddy/Victoire.

Fanfiction (complete):
Haunting, by skitty_kat. Rated PG.
Summary: Prompt: 21 -- DH-compliant. Haunting Teddy. Please, no fluff.

Matchmaker, Matchmaker, by drachenmina. Rated NC17. Content: Charlie/Tonks, Harry/Luna.
Summary: Remus accepts Harry’s help to evade Tonks’ matchmaking, not realising it may be a case of better the devil you know…

Taking a Chance, by nimrod_9. Rated R. Content: mpreg.

The Werewolf Jamboree, by geri_chan. Rated PG.
Summary: Written for Snapedom's Summer Fest exchange, and based on the_bitter_word's art, The Annual Werewolf Jamboree and Bake-Off. Snape and Lupin are invited to the Werewolf Jamboree and Bake-Off.

Wolf on Sheep's Clothing, by inamac. Rated NC17.
Summary: Remus takes Severus home to Mum.

Fanfiction (WIP):
Angelinus: chapters 4-5, by Les Dowich. Rated T.
Summary: Book 4 in the Snape Cycle. When Severus inherits the guardianship of a cousin’s twins, it sets off a chain of events that drag the Lupin-Snapes, Malfoys, Potters and Weasleys into a head-on clash with fanatics, drug dealers and babysitters.

Dancing with Wolves: chapters 7-9, by Laume. Rated T.
Summary: An attempt to reconcile Remus and Severus goes awry, and leaves Dumbledore and Harry with two small charges.

Dear Diary: part 1, by tehhonestybox. Rated R. Content: Remus/Sirius.
Summary: Prompt: 34 -- Fic written as the journal entries of R, S, or both for a year of their relationship. Any time period is great (first war, PoA, OotP, post-war AU?). Angst, UST, complications, first time maybe...but a feel-good fic overall.

The High Cost of Living: part 17, by Jules Noctambule. Rated NC17. Content: prostitution.
Summary: After the war ends, a disgraced Snape turns to the world's oldest profession to make ends meet.

Honor: chapter 102, by morganlefay1958. Rated Adult.
Summary: Severus and Remus learn about love together, but other forces try to interfere--and it isn't who you would suspect...

Mors Mortis Terminus: part 6, part 7, by Geminia. Rated G.
Summary: Between the pages of DH, there was another story....

Out of Time, Out of Mind: chapter 1, by kirasha. Rated PG13.
Summary: Remus was supposed to be dead. He had *died*. Yet, somehow, he didn't. Now, he has to put together the rest of his life with the help of some very unlikely allies.

Paso Doble: chapters 1-8, by Arionrhod and McKay. Rated R. Content: non-magical AU.
Summary: Remus and Severus dance around each other literally and figuratively as they compete in a televised dance competition.

Potions, Defense, and Transfiguration: chapters 6-8, by MingIsRandom. Rated T.
Summary: It is Harry Potter’s 3rd year; Remus Lupin as Defense against the Dark Arts teacher, Severus Snape as the usual Potions Master & Sirius Black is out to get ‘Harry Potter’.

Rabe und Wolf: part 4 (complete), by Rosy. Rated PG13. Content: AU, dark.
Summary: There once was a puppet who wanted a heart.

Retired Nature: chapters 7-13 (complete), by Ehmaz. Rated L.
Summary: Post-war, the Light has won, and Snape finds himself on a farm that's falling apart and with no money left. Enter the ever-destitute werewolf!

That Boy: part 1, by Tetsubinatu. Rated PG13.
Summary: Long-fic Challenge 25 -- Post-war, plausible survival scenario, established relationship (either new or long-standing). Somehow R finds out that Sirius left a child, and wants to adopt it. I like my S snarky, but not cruel. Any rating. Happy endings are best! :)

That Dear Octopus: part 3 (complete), by westernredcedar. Rated PG.
Summary: Severus has cultivated a life isolated from his family, but now his estranged mother and grandmother have rescued him from the brink of death. Oh, and then there is Remus...

The Lupin-Snape Fantasy Fest prompts are available for claiming.

Snupin100 has issued Challenge #165: Quixotic.

Lupin100 has issued Prompt #205: Sloth.

Snape100 has issued Challenge #239: Potions ingredients: the A's.

Lore has posted some reminders about the Fantasy Fest.

Drusillas_rain has posted about organizing a RL/SS meet-up at Terminus.

Jbfrancis2000 is looking for stories with angst and Luna helping Severus.

Jedirita is looking for an older, incomplete story.

The Moonshadow archive has been updated with 3 stories this week.

Send your Snape/Lupin news to For a permanent, organized archive of these links and more, please visit our affiliate, [info]masterwolflinks.
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The Snupin Prophet: June 29-July 7, 2008 [Jul. 7th, 2008|07:00 pm]

Please note that the Snupin Prophet is posted on Livejournal and on Insanejournal.

Random Rec:
Trick or Treating, by arionrhod.

Fan Art:
Drawble, by ghot.

Illustration, by venturous. Remus/Severus/Draco.

Red Dawn, by skitty_kat.

RL/SS video, by sylvanwood.

Twister, by venturous.

Drabbles (200 words or less):
Bank Holiday, by ellid.

Car Trouble, by westernredcedar.

Dead Head, by ellid.

Four drabbles, by torino10154. BDSM.

Mindless, by sweetmelodykiss. Rated R, cross-dressing.

A New Life, by alisanne.

Only You, by sweetmelodykiss.

Untitled, by kirasha.

Ficlets (200-1000 words):
Conundrum, by inamac.

Conversing with a Wolf, by nimrod_9. Rated R. Mentions of watersports and bestiality.

It Was Only Gas, by sweetmelodykiss.

Just Lucky, by nimrod_9.

Lunacy, by Severed Lies.

Referee, by westernredcedar.

Vanilla, by Geri.

Fanfiction (complete):
Afraid of You, by sweetmelodykiss. Rated PG13.
Summary: Remus returns to life and goes on a hunt for his lost love.

Do It! (Because I Want You To), by snapelike. Rated NC17. Content: D/s, dirty talk.
Summary: Breakfast at Hogwarts isn't usually the time and place for revenge...

In Memorium, by nehalenia. Rated NC17. Content: non-con, group sex, double penetration, violence, Severus/Sirius, Severus/James.
Summary: Sirius is looking for Regulus. He doesn’t know it at first, but he’s found the next best thing.

Less Haste, More Sloth, by drachenmina. Rated PG.
Summary: Severus Snape just wanted two things: to become an Animagus, and to settle down with the werewolf of his dreams. He really hadn’t envisioned mortal peril and being indebted to a sloth.

Palliated, by Envinyatar. Rated R.
Summary: Severus Snape was pacing the small room from one wall to the other, the restlessness he was feeling inside growing with each passing second. A lovers' reunion during DH, and maybe a little further than that.

Private Activity, by blpaintchart. Rated PG13.

The Return of the Slytherins, by Geri. Rated PG13.
Summary: Written for Snapedom's Summer Fest exchange, and based the_bitter_word's art, Severus Crossing the Hogwarts Lake. Snape survives Nagini's attack, and returns to fight in the battle at Hogwarts--and is surprised when his Slytherins want to join him.

Who They'd Do, by alwaysasnapefan. Rated NC17. Content: underage.

Fanfiction (WIP):
Angelinus: chapters 1-3, by Les Dowich. Rated T.
Summary: Book 4 in the Snape Cycle. When Severus inherits the guardianship of a cousin’s twins, it sets off a chain of events that drag the Lupin-Snapes, Malfoys, Potters and Weasleys into a head-on clash with fanatics, drug dealers and babysitters.

Follow Me: chapter 95, by Norische. Rated M+. Content: Draco/other male, mpreg, non-con, incest, under 18.
Summary: Severus Snape never knew he had a son, not until the boy showed up in Dumbledore's office. Severus calm orderly life soon became a mass of confusion and chaos, and it was all focused on one young man. A/N: This story is not canon, Sirius is alive and well (I never could kill that man, he is just too fun to play with.) The dates are based on current dates, (I could never get the coversion correct anyway).

He Didn't Have Time: chapter 9, by Angelwings. Rated M+. Content: Harry/Draco, mpreg.
Summary: Based on the song She didn't have Time by Terrie Clark Harry is a young single Father trying to get by and make a life for his children but will he ever find the courage to open his heart again? Warring: Harry is a Hufflepuff for this story don't like don't read.

The High Cost of Living: part 16, by Jules Noctambule. Rated NC17. Content: prostitution.
Summary: After the war ends, a disgraced Snape turns to the world's oldest profession to make ends meet.

The Hogwarts Chronicles, part one: chapters 1-2, by just Renna. Rated T.
Summary: As the years past, the Hogwarts students learn to grow. Friends will be made, loved ones will be lost, and lost love will be found.

Honor: chapter 100, by morganlefay1958. Rated Adult.
Summary: Severus and Remus learn about love together, but other forces try to interfere--and it isn't who you would suspect...

Potions, Defense, and Transfiguration: chapters 1-5, by MingIsRandom. Rated T.
Summary: It is Harry Potter’s 3rd year; Remus Lupin as Defense against the Dark Arts teacher, Severus Snape as the usual Potions Master & Sirius Black is out to get ‘Harry Potter’.

Retired Nature: chapters 3-6, by Ehmaz. Rated L.
Summary: Post-war, the Light has won, and Snape finds himself on a farm that's falling apart and with no money left. Enter the ever-destitute werewolf!

That Dear Octopus: part 2, by westernredcedar. Rated PG.
Summary: Severus has cultivated a life isolated from his family, but now his estranged mother and grandmother have rescued him from the brink of death. Oh, and then there is Remus...

To the Coast!: chapter 1, by blpaintchart. Rated PG13.

Lupin_Snape is taking prompts in the Fantasy Fest prompt poll.

Snupin100 has issued Challenge #163: Holiday.

Lupin100 has issued Prompt #203.

Snape100 has issued Challenge #237: Every letter of the alphabet.

Pervy_werewolf has issued Prompt #51: On the Road Again.

Some RL/SS auctions available in livelongnmarry are listed here.

Geri has an entry on aconite.

Nymphospice is looking for "We Band of Brothers".

Leavesoflorien is looking for a RPG to play in.

blpaintchart is looking for crack!fic.

Blacite is looking for a story about forced werewolf bonding.

Geri is looking for stories in which Snape and Lupin raise Harry.

The Moonshadow archive has been updated with 0 stories this week.

Send your Snape/Lupin news to For a permanent, organized archive of these links and more, please visit our affiliate, [info]masterwolflinks.
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The Snupin Prophet: June 22-29, 2008 [Jun. 29th, 2008|03:49 pm]

Please note that the Snupin Prophet is posted here on Livejournal and here on Insanejournal.

Random Rec:
Always, by Geri.

Fan Art:
A Moment on the Sofa, by zephre. NWS.

Not Thinking, by zephre. NWS.

Drabbles (200 words or less):
Breakfast Scene, by ellid.

Crazy, by zephre. Rated R.

Dirty Little Secret, by kerrisokol.

Each Generation Makes the Same Mistake, by osmalic.

Hagrid's Mission, by nimrod_9.

Hard, by bronze_ribbons. Rated R.

The Leak, by juniperus.

Missed, by alisanne.

Tomato Juice, by ellid.

Two drabbles, by mnemosyne_1. Adult.

Untitled, by r_grayjoy.

Watching Them Grow, by firefly124.

Ficlets (200-1000 words):
Full Moon, February, by snapelike.

Perfect, by juniperus.

A Wolf's Heart, by lore.

Fanfiction (complete):
The Boggart in the Wardrobe, by westernredcedar. Rated NC17. Content: semi-public sex.
Summary: Remus was tired of Severus avoiding him, but he didn’t mean for them to get this close. Fun with PoA-era canon.

Once Upon a Snupin, by skitty_kat. Rated PG.

Prevarication and the Potions Master, by bonfoi. Rated R.
Summary: The werewolf, Remus, was found years and years ago by the Dumbledore family. The boy, Severus, was dropped on the castle doorstep at the same time. Between wanting and hoping, a few lies get told and a few dreams become reality.

Prophecy, by skree_ratling. Rated PG13.
Summary: "…And either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives…" Bugger that! Severus Snape has his own prophesy to untangle...

Raven Black, by shadowycat. Rated S.
Summary: The beauteous Bellatrix Black will stop at nothing to remain the best Hot Toddy maker of them all when the brilliantly talented Severus Snape challenges her for the title. This story is a parody of the fairy tale Snow White.

The Time and the Place, by the senjou. Rated R. Content: dark!fic, character death, vore.
Summary: Severus hated Lupin for being a failure.

Fanfiction (WIP):
The Castle Gate: part 2, by omni_fabulae. Rated R. Content: cannibalism, character death (not RL or SS).
Summary: Showing up at Grimmauld Place with Dumbledore's murderer results in Remus having to explain a few things. Hopefully Harry will be a good sport and actually listen...

Dancing with Wolves: chapter 6, by Laume. Rated T.
Summary: An attempt to reconcile Remus and Severus goes awry, and leaves Dumbledore and Harry with two small charges.

Do You Believe in Miracles?: chapter 22, by August Sky. Rated MV. Content: Harry/Draco, violence, character death, under 18, non-con, drug use.
Summary: A/U Year 6. What happens when Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy are thrown into a situation neither of them ever expected? The war reaches new heights, while Slytherin friends, prophecies, and a not-so-evil Potions Master threaten to take over their lives.

LMoM Part II: The Accounts of a Former Death Eater Whore: part 1, by snapelike. Rated NC17. Content: AU.
Summary: Severus Snape returns to a post-war wizarding world without the Dark Lord. No matter the Dark Lord died, his followers still won the battle and the power to rule. In this new world, former Order members are forced to get by as best they can - those who haven't escaped - even if the occupation is not to their liking. Some have even become quite successful and sought after - like the infamous Remus Lupin. No matter the current political climate, love between two such different wizards as a Death Eater spy and a werewolf whore is still possible. By Severus' help finally free of the Ministry's slavery, Remus Lupin is going to start a new life. But the wizarding world is changing, the Death Eaters' rule is becoming less strict. New Reforms are issued, and the first to go through this new redemption process is Rodolphus Lestrange. By the Minister's orders Severus and Remus, together with Rabastan, Rodolphus, Oliver and, surprisingly, Neville Longbottom, are sent on a quest for a hidden treasure; a quest that takes them half way around the world.

Rabe und Wolf: part 3, by Rosy. Rated PG13. Content: AU, dark.
Summary: There once was a puppet who wanted a heart.

Retired Nature: chapters 1-2, by Ehmaz. Rated L.
Summary: Post-war, the Light has won, and Snape finds himself on a farm that's falling apart and with no money left. Enter the ever-destitute werewolf!

Snupin100 has issued Challenge #162: Hagrid.

Lupin100 has issued Prompt #202: Blast from the Past, vol. 10: post-DH.

Snape100 has issued Challenge #236: Fanfic Cliches: returning to childhood.

Beautcellardoor is looking for stories featuring werewolf claiming/mating.

Drusillas_rain asks if there are any RL/SS meet-ups planned for Terminus.

Snapelike is looking for stories fitting particular chronological categories.

bronze_ribbons has listed some RL/SS events at Terminus.

snupin_meeting has a programming list.

The Moonshadow archive has been updated with 2 stories this week.

Send your Snape/Lupin news to For a permanent, organized archive of these links and more, please visit our affiliate, [info]masterwolflinks.
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The Snupin Prophet: June 15-22, 2008 [Jun. 22nd, 2008|10:04 am]

After a nice hiatus, I'm picking up the reins again. Thank you to [info]lore and all her helpers who kept the newsletter afloat during my absence! I began bookmarking links last Sunday rather than try to backtrack further. If anyone would like their older RL/SS stories, art, or news listed or if I failed to catch something posted this week, please drop me a link at, and I'll be glad to include anything that's been missed.

Please note that the Snupin Prophet is posted here on Livejournal and here on Insanejournal.

Random Rec:
His Due, by Rosemont.

Drabbles (200 words or less):
After the End, by ellid.

Basking, by drachenmina.

Cosi fan tutti, by drachenmina.

Exercise, by nimrod_9. Mpreg.

A Flock of Secrets: part 1, part 2, by nimrod_9.

Ginger, by nimrod_9. Threesome mentioned.

Keeping Secrets, by alisanne.

Wolfsbane and the Potions Master, by ellid.

Fanfiction (complete):
The Prince and the Potions Master, by Jules Noctambule. Rated G. Content: AU.

Fanfiction (WIP):
Beneamato: chapters 1-8, by Arsenic Requiem. Rated M+. Content: Severus/Remus/Harry, Remus/Severus/other, Harry/Draco, other pairings/threesomes, bonding.
Summary: Three different Beings have the right to claim Harry as their mate. Not to mention Harry’s own Being Inheritance.

Better Days: chapters 1-8, by mysunwolf. Rated T. Content: Remus/Sirius, Harry/Draco.
Summary: Remus and Tonks have a baby, but Tonks dies in the process. Remus slowly learns to leave Sirius's memory behind as Remus and Severus raise the child.

Dancing with Wolves: chapters 1-5, by Laume. Rated T.
Summary: An attempt to reconcile Remus and Severus goes awry, and leaves Dumbledore and Harry with two small charges.

Do You Believe in Miracles?: chapters 1-21, by August Sky. Rated MV. Content: Harry/Draco, violence, character death, under 18, non-con, drug use.
Summary: A/U Year 6. What happens when Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy are thrown into a situation neither of them ever expected? The war reaches new heights, while Slytherin friends, prophecies, and a not-so-evil Potions Master threaten to take over their lives.

Follow Me: chapters 93-94, by Norische. Rated M+. Content: Draco/other male, mpreg, non-con, incest, under 18.
Summary: Severus Snape never knew he had a son, not until the boy showed up in Dumbledore's office. Severus calm orderly life soon became a mass of confusion and chaos, and it was all focused on one young man. A/N: This story is not canon, Sirius is alive and well (I never could kill that man, he is just too fun to play with.) The dates are based on current dates, (I could never get the coversion correct anyway).

For the Boy Who Has Everything: chapters 1-11, by FoolishWishmaker. Content: Remus/Sirius.
Summary: Severitus Challenge response - Snape is Harry's dad. 5th/6th year.

Rabe und Wolf: chapter 2, by Rosy. Rated PG13. Content: AU, dark.
Summary: There once was a puppet who wanted a heart.

Werewolves at Hogwarts: chapters 1-39, by Les Dowich. Rated T.
Summary: Five years after the SVW, the laws governing Nonhumans are having an impact but some actively work against the changes. Albus sets off a whole series of reactions by employing our favourite werewolf.

Snupin100 has issued Challenge #161: Secrets.

Lupin100 has issued Prompt #201: Blast from the Past, volume 9.

McKay is looking for stories for the Werewolf Mating thematic list.

bailyshoes is looking for stories featuring Severus angst.

The Moonshadow archive has been plagued by spammers; if your stories are spammed, please let Xochiquetzl know. Also, please avoid linking directly to stories on Moonshadow in google-able places.

The Moonshadow archive has been updated with 2 stories this week.

Send your Snape/Lupin news to For a permanent, organized archive of these links and more, please visit our affiliate, [info]masterwolflinks.
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The Snupin Prophet: March 16 - April 20, 2008 [Apr. 25th, 2008|12:30 am]

Please note that the Snupin Prophet is posted here on Livejournal and here on Insanejournal.

Random Rec (via Moonshadow):
Symphony by [info]arionhrod

Fan Art:
Happy Anniversary by [info]skitty_kat NWS.

Family Fest art by [info]blpaintchart

Art and intro by [info]undunoops Mild NWS

What Snape Was Like by [info]skitty_kat

Story Time by [info]zephre

Moonlight Portrait by [info]ehmaz

Snupin Kiss by by [info]ehmaz Mild NWS

Something's Missing by [info]zhyn NWS

Drabbles (200 words or less):
Apparition by [info]daughter_moon

Attempting to Break It Off by [info]westernredcedar

Awakening by [info]sweetmelodykiss Double Drabble

Battle of Wills by [info]alisanne

Complicity by [info]spidermoth

Conversation in an Empty House by [info]ellid

Different Shades of Black by [info]sweetmelodykiss

Ending the Charade by [info]sweetmelodykiss

Family Life by [info]ellid Double drabble

First Day by [info]spidermoth

The Good With the Bad by [info]sweetmelodykiss R

The Hardest Detention, After the Detention, and Guilt by [info]ellid

Holiday in Cesky Krumlov by [info]ellid

Hour of the Wolf by [info]sweetmelodykiss

In the Snug by [info]drachenmina

Lupin: Common Interests by [info]drachenmina

Lupin: Disaster by [info]drachenmina

Lupin: An Imperfect Copy by [info]drachenmina

Lupin: Sauce For the Gander by [info]drachenmina

Lupin: Sweet by [info]drachenmina

Lupin: To the Dogs by [info]drachenmina

Lupin: Walk a Mile by [info]drachenmina

Lupin: What If by [info]drachenmina Nine Drabbles

Marriage Tour by [info]ellid

Mine by [info]sweetmelodykiss

The Morning After by [info]sweetmelodykiss

Playing Games by [info]blpaintchart

Reason to Stay by [info]alisanne

A Serious Question by [info]boxed_light

Severus: After the Moon by [info]boxed_light

Severus: Flattened by [info]boxed_light

Severus: Let them. by [info]drachenmina

Severus: That's the Idea by [info]boxed_light

Severus: Unfair by [info]boxed_light

Severus: Wolf-Baiting by [info]boxed_light

Shattered by [info]sweetmelodykiss

Snape vs. Lupin Series by [info]red_day_dawning, A Mutually Satisfying Arrangement, Acting Out of Duty, Not Concern, Part 1, Part 2, A Dutiful Visit, As Gay as a Maypole, Nothing Challenging or Difficult, Had Everything Changed?,
Hating You, Never Again

Speak Me What I Deign To Hear by [info]spidermoth

Sweet Embrace by [info]sweetmelodykiss

A Test of Character by [info]spidermoth

Time Passages by [info]sweetmelodykiss

To Be the Spoon by [info]sweetmelodykiss

Too New To Name by [info]spidermoth

Waiting by [info]sweetmelodykiss

What Not to Wear by [info]nimrod_9

What Not to Wear The Show by [info]nimrod_9

Whatever They Want by [info]alisanne

Where Kisses Lead Series by [info]nimrod_9, Parts 1 and 2, Parts 3 and 4, Parts 5 and 6, Parts 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11, Parts 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19

Declaration of Love by [info]sweetmelodykiss

A Foregone Conclusion by [info]spidermoth Double drabble

I'm Looking Through You by [info]celandineb

It's All a Matter of by [info]nimrod_9

The Library by [info]westernredcedar

Made Up by [info]boxed_light

Mission Impossible by [info]spidermoth

Series: Part of the Job, Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five by [info]ellid

Rumors by [info]alisanne

Severi by [info]westernredcedar

Trust by [info]red_day_dawning

Allergic Reaction by [info]red_day_dawning.

Another Prophecy by [info]nimrod_9.

Centennial Edition by [info]ellid.

Challenge by [info]light_nin_bug.

Compensation by [info]ellid.

Could It Be Love? by [info]nimrod_9.

Easter Lilies by [info]ellid.

The First by [info]nimrod_9.

The Future is Clear by [info]sweetmelodykiss. R.

The Future was Ordained/Cartographer by [info]red_day_dawning. Double drabble.

Series: In the Gypsy's Tent, What the Gypsy Said, and Not Frightened Enough by [info]ellid.

It Must Be Love by [info]sweetmelodykiss.

It's Time by [info]nimrod_9. Mpreg.

A Matter of Trust by [info]ellid.

The Nature of Trust by [info]alisanne.

New Publicity Campaign by [info]ellid.

The Next Morning by [info]red_day_dawning. NC-17, bestiality.

No Divination by [info]red_day_dawning.

Not a Bad Prediction by [info]alisanne.

One Track Mind by [info]alisanne.

Perhaps by [info]firefly124. Triple drabble.

Poison Ivy by [info]red_day_dawning. Double drabble.

Reactions by [info]nimrod_9. R.

Snape and Time by [info]zephyr_macabee.

Still Warm by [info]nimrod_9.

Trapped by [info]drachenmina. R.

Trust by [info]red_day_dawning.

I'm Looking Through You by [info]celandineb.

Fanfiction (complete):
Where Else Would I Want To Be? by [info]red_day_dawning NC-17, Summary: What makes a family? Is strength of love enough to make a family?
Severus Snape and Remus Lupin, secure in their loving relationship, seek to help a heavily-traumatized Draco Malfoy recover, as Narcissa Malfoy's understanding of family deepens… Can two war-heroes, a traumatized young man, his mother, a Weasley and a gorgeous baby make a family?

We Are Family... And Homicide Is Not An Option by [info]scribbulus_ink PG-13 Summary: Remus is the owner of a successful drag club whose long-term partner, Severus, is also the star diva of the club. Their lives are peaceful and happy until Remus' son, Ted, comes home to make a request: play it straight for his potential in-laws.

The World, A Book by [info]busaikko G, Summary: "I don't remember being young," he says. . . "I think that I died, and I came here."

Family Attributes by [info]immortalautumn PG, Summary: Written for the Fest prompt, where Remus and Severus have to write responses to "What is a family?" in Muggle Studies class. They're older than I suppose they ought to be, and still be taking Muggle Studies.

Exercising His Imagination by [info]bonfoi R Summary: A soft moment of flexing muscles and silence shared.

Adjustments, fic by [info]mnemosyne_1, audio recording by [info]westernredcedar PG-13, Summary: After the war, Remus and Severus have had to learn to adjust.

Anniversary Drabbles by [info]blpaintchart PG-13

Moonlight Investigations by [info]red_day_dawning NC-17, Summary: Post-war AU. Private Investigator Remus Lupin investigates a series of grisly murders in Hogsmeade, only to discover the last man he would have ever expected to see close to the crime scenes...

Two (is perfect), Three (too many) by [info]mnemosyne_1 PG-13, Summary: Three's a crowd… Warnings: Dark, infanticide, mental illness

A Day At The Beach by [info]bonfoi PG-15, Summary: The brisk wind should have been cold, biting even through the layers of enchanted wool and silk, if the wizard had wrapped himself in them and not been surrounded by lovingly layered protective charms. Still…he wouldn’t have missed this for the world…the sight of his children cavorting with their stern Daddy was a gift every day and he’d cherish it like a wise man ought.

Quite Simple by [info]nimrod_9 R

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not by [info]occasusvenustas PG, Summary: What fools who deny love in the face of fear.

Babysitting by [info]midnight_birth PG-13, Remus talks Severus into keeping him company while babysitting little Albus Severus. Except Remus has an ulterior motive for wanting Severus to bond with his namesake, and babysitting the youngest Potter is not as easy a task as it seems.

Weighed by Words by [info]raegan_1 G, Summary: Lupin confronts Severus after Dumbeldore's death.

Leader of the Pack by [info]hogwartshoney PG, Summary: Snape learns to love his werewolf pack - even when the pups climb all over him.

Perhaps by [info]firefly124, rated G. Summary: Remus trusts Severus, but has a hard time convincing him to return that trust...

For Severus Snape, in the Event of my Death by [info]snegurochka_lee, rated R. Summary: "In the event of my death, please deliver this to Severus Snape. He will know why."

Come Undone by [info]bluestocking79, rated NC-17. Severus/Remus/Lily.

Photogenic by [info]ehmaz, rated G.

Song of Mourning, Song of Hope, Song of Joy by [info]firefly124, rated PG-13.

When the War is over, you can read the paper by [info]ss_lupin, main pairing: Harry/Draco, secondary: Remus/Severus, rated R. Summary: Auror Harry Potter returns to Hogwarts to teach and realizes the war still needs to be fought within the castle’s heavily warded walls.

Perhaps by [info]firefly124, rated G. Summary: Remus trusts Severus, but has a hard time convincing him to return that trust.

Memoria Perdita by [info]red_day_dawning, rated M. Summary: After being attacked with an unknown curse, Lupin has lost almost all memories from the past few years. What does this mean to those who have learned to love him? And can his memories be recovered?

Rented Rooms by [info]red_day_dawning, rated M, *warnings*. Summary: Harsh Ministry anti-werewolf laws force Remus to make the money for his wolfsbane in Knockturn Alley…

A Debt to Be Repaid by [info]somberballad, rated T. Summary: Two men form an unlikely bond that changes the course of the wizarding world.

Yours by [info]red_day_dawning, rated M. Summary: After unexpectedly recovering from the battle in the morgue at St. Mungo's, Remus tries to come to terms with his losses. Until Hermione Granger tells him that Severus Snape is alive…

Light Red Boxers by [info]myene, rated K+. A Christmas gift from Severus to Remus.

Manners by The Absynth Fairy, rated M. One would, perhaps, regard the sleeping figure beside Remus his “lover”. Remus, however, knew that “lover” was… inappropriate.

A Halloween Costume by [info]myene, rated K+. Hogwarts school has its 1st trick-o-treat and Severus' and Remus' son has a great idea for an outfit.

That Boggart by [info]rebeccaroy. rated T. Remus Lupin and Severus Snape get into a fight over the Boggart in Harry’s third year at Hogwarts. They must face the consequences of their actions...

Moon Child by [info]myene, rated K+. Everyone allways thinks Severus' child will be brilliant. But what will Severus do when his child has a serious learning disability?

Of Faithful Bondage by Marauders Affair, rated M. Lupin and Snape meet in parochial school, but don't become friends until they study to become priests. Dark fic.

Trimming the Treeby Hot Pink Butterfly, rated K+.

Homecoming by [info]geri_chan, rated PG.

Secrets by [info]drachenmina, rated G+. Picking up a hitchhiker in the fog has unexpected consequences.

Cub by [info]drachenmina, rated G+. Remus is finding it hard being a single parent. Severus dislikes werewolves, children, and pets.

Blown in with the Weather by [info]drachenmina, rated G+. In the middle of an unexpected snowstorm, Remus meets someone who seems strangely familiar...

Stilettos and Leatherby [info]bonfoi, rated MV. "The scent of leather is so intoxicating that the mere thought of it on his lover's foot is enough to warrant buying it." The dark-haired man had a lover so precious, so loving, he would do anything to please him. The backdrop of Venice merely adds spice.

Wet Werewolf by The Senjou, rated G+. New house, new weather, same old Snape.

The Purled Loin Whip by [info]bonfoi, rated MV. Knitted licorice leads to humor.

(Not) The Sound of Music by The Senjou, rated M+. Written for the Lupin Snape Fantasy Fest March 2006 - Ureima's prompt was: "Post-war. Both RL & SS survive but couldn't find a reason to keep living. Harry tries to help RL. Drags in SS. RL&SS bonds, friendship turns to love. Harry says what the hell have I done! Slow build-up, smut, clumsy 1st-time, no previous romantic feelings."

The Best of Both by The Senjou, rated M+. Severus becomes the subject of Lily and Remus' debate, and manages to settle an internal debate of his own. Lily/Severus/Remus.

A Christmas Wish by Angelwings, rated M+. Harry is tired of Being lonely so he decides to change that everything is going along with his plans till he Bumps it the last person he ever thought he'd see again. Malfoy. Now he can't get rid of him or does he really want to? M/M, MPreg, WAFF

Chocolate-covered Werewolf by Geri, rated PG-13. Written for the Valentine's Day party at the Snapedom LJ community; prompt: chocolate. Remus prepares a special Valentine's treat for Severus, but things go awry.

A Full Moon Birthday by Geri, rated PG-13. Remus is depressed that his birthday happens to fall on the night of the full moon.

A Sort of a Fairytale Part 1 by Geri, rated PG-13. Sirius falls through the Veil, is greeted by Death, and is told that he has unfinished business to complete.

A Sort of a Fairytale Part 2 by Geri, rated PG-13. Sirius falls through the Veil, is greeted by Death, and is told that he has unfinished business to complete.

A Sort of a Fairytale Part 3 by Geri, rated PG-13. Sirius falls through the Veil, is greeted by Death, and is told that he has unfinished business to complete.

A Sort of a Fairytale Part 4 by Geri, rated PG-13. Sirius falls through the Veil, is greeted by Death, and is told that he has unfinished business to complete.

A Sort of a Fairytale Part 5 by Geri, rated PG-13. Sirius falls through the Veil, is greeted by Death, and is told that he has unfinished business to complete.

Homecoming by Geri, rated PG. Severus is offered the chance to return to Hogwarts after the war is over.

Yes, Master by [info]snegurochka_lee, rated L. Snape had spent twenty years of his life bearing the mark of a glowing green skull on one arm and summoning a silver doe with the other, and adapting to life without either would require some changes. A servant without a master, after all, was simply a fool on his knees.

Moonlight Investigations by [info]red_day_dawning, rated NC-17. Private Investigator Remus Lupin investigates a series of grisly murders in Hogsmeade, only to discover the last man he would have ever expected to see close to the crime scenes...

Why, it's a Sock ,Severus! by [info]chippendaleduo, rated K. Well, this might as well be considered a crack fic. Sev being uptight about his sock drawer whilst Remus persists in being unhelpful.

Well, It Was Raining by [info]chippendaleduo, rated T. It happened to be raining the night that Severus suddenly showed up at Lupin's.

Satisfaction by [info]chippendaleduo, rated K+. Remy can't get no satisfaction, so he sings about it when he thinks no one's looking Slash, Snupin.

Musing Amidst Rubber Ducks by [info]chippendaleduo, rated T. Some seriousness mixed with silliness when Sev tries relaxing one evening. Involves Remy, a tub, and a rubber duck.

For Which My Soul Did Pine by OccasusVenustas, rated T. Remus Lupin escapes to the Muggle world after the war but can't escape what he longed for most.

Exercising His Imagination by [info]bonfoi, rated M+. A soft moment of flexing muscles and silence shared.

Dark Past by Axel's Hidden Flame, rated T. Snape is hunted by his past of Willow creek but when he gets a letter inviting him to the funeral of William Gondar his long friend he must face his past to find the truth about his death and a dark secret that haunts the family and him.

The Best of Both by [info]senjy Severus/Remus/Lily. NC-17. Severus becomes the subject of Lily and Remus' debate, and manages to settle an internal debate of his own.

Fanfiction (WIP):
Retired Nature -- Chapter 6 (with links to other chaps) by [info]ehmaz NC-17, Summary: Post-war, the Light has won, and Snape finds himself on a farm that's falling apart and with no money left. Enter the ever-destitute werewolf!

Dangerous People, Part 8 by [info]evegenia PG, Summary: As you surely recall, O Reader, Snape and Lupin are living a rather uncomfortable life in winter Chicago. In the previous installment, they were returning from a full-moon venture to the park.

Remus Severus Snape by LoyalSlytherinForever, rated M. When Harry's parents abandon him for dead when his twin is the GWL, Harry is adopted by his godfather Remus and Remus' husband Severus Snape.

Apostasy by MissJinny, rated M. Remus/Severus/Sirius. The dark disease that is half of Remus Lupin has flared up against him again. With his inner wolf tearing him apart quite literally he needs the help of Sirius and Snape, to work together, and to work with him.

For the Boy who has Everything by FoolishWishmaker, rated T. Summary: Snape is Harry's dad. 5th/6th year.

To Honor by SeulWolfe, rated M. Begins in the Marauder Era and runs through to Harry's Hogwarts years. Severus and Remus were once lovers. But manipulations torn them apart. Remus must remember that you must Honor the one you love if you want to keep them.

Werewolves at Hogwarts by Les Dowich, rated T. Five years after the SVW, the laws governing Nonhumans are having an impact but some actively work against the changes. Albus sets off a whole series of reactions by employing our favourite werewolf.

Softly Whispering 'I Love You' by Snape's Nightie, rated T. Summary: After a devastating war and a turbulent courtship, Severus and Remus are supposed to be having a Happy Ever After. But fate is not quite finished with them yet.

When the Strong Break by ArabellaKye, rated K+. Severus finally breaks down. Who can save him now?

Lovex by Isabelle Adamowitz, rated M. Severus Snape dreams. He dreams he is the current potions master at Hogwarts, he dreams he is a wizard. He wakes up in a sterile world, a freelance scientist. So if it was all a dream, how come does Remus Lupin exist in this reality?

Of Heroes and Traitors by Ms. Severus Snape, rated M. Severus was always a quiet boy, kept his feelings deeply burried. To him, anyone who showed emotions wore their heart on their sleave. And to him, this was foolish.

Hogwarts CUS by The Senjou, rated M+. Welcome to Hogwarts Community Upper School! (A Snupin-centric Non-Magic Universe). It's 1989 and Severus Snape and Remus Lupin are teachers at the local upper school.

Mate by Asreisea, rated M. Set in Marauder Era. When one werewolf finds his mate, what will happen to them? Especially when the mate is a Slytherin...

Of Padraigs, Werewolves and Incubi by Ange Noir, rated MV. War is approaching over Harry's sixteenth summer, and when he disappears from his relatives' house, rumors spread. Severus is charged with keeping an ear out on the Death Eater side, but why isn't he told to do something more? What is Remus Lupin to Severus? How does Draco fit into all of this? And just what does it mean when young people start inheriting powers based off of magical creatures and finding soul-mates?

So Here We Are by The Senjou, rated M. During the final fight, the veil claims two more victims and sets in motion a curious series of events.

The Boy Without a Soul by Angelwings, rated MV. There are many ways to heal the body and even a broken heart but how can you heal a child without a soul? No one knows but one Syltherin is going to try.

Do You Believe in Miracles? by August Sky, rated MV. A/U Year 6. What happens when Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy are thrown into a situation neither of them ever expected? The war reaches new heights, while Slytherin friends, prophecies, and a not-so-evil Potions Master threaten to take over their lives.

Follow Me by Norische, rated M+. Severus Snape never knew he had a son, not until the boy showed up in Dumbledore's office. Severus calm orderly life soon became a mass of confusion and chaos, and it was all focused on one young man.

I Won't Say It by Angelwings, rated M+. War against Voldemort is over But the War of the Sexs is forever on going and Poor Harry Is Stuck in the Middle can he make it out with his heart in tack or will he be another causalty of war?[sic]

A Promise by Katzura, rated M+. A very surprised Order of the Phoenix meets with Harry Potter and Lucius Malfoy at Number 12, Grimmauld Place. What is Harry doing there instead of being at Privet Drive and more important why is Lucius Malfoy there and what does this mean for the upcoming war?

Retired Nature by Ehmaz rated L. Post-war, the Light has won, and Snape finds himself on a farm that's falling apart and with no money left. Enter the ever-destitute werewolf!

A Christmas Wish by Angelwings rated M+. Harry is tired of Being lonely so he decides to change that everything is going along with his plans till he Bumps it the last person he ever thought he'd see again. Malfoy. Now he can't get rid of him or does he really want to? M/M, MPreg, WAFF.

For The Boy Who has Everything by Foolishwishmaker, rated T. Severitus Challenge response - Snape is Harry's dad. 5th/6th year. Warnings: SLASH Lupin/Black and Lupin/Snape, swearing.

Reconstruction of a Death Eater by Les Dowich, rated T. Set in Seventh Year, Snape is discovered and badly injured. Draco rescues him and gets help. A mystery is solved and Harry gains a great advantage in the final battle.

Softly whispering I love you by Snape's Nightie, rated T.

[info]psyfic asks whether there is interest in a Snape oriented holiday exchange here.

Lusty Month of May announcement!

Return of the Dark Side of Lupin Snape Challenge.

Interesting Poll on Lupin_Snape.

Mod Post -- Introduce Yourself

Snupin Meet Up in London

Discussion of Remus Lupin's character and motivations by [info]i_claudia

[info]celestialsoda has a discussion: "Has HP fandom already already reached its heyday?"

Audio of "New York Minute" by ellid recorded by [info]westernredcedar

Mod Post and Snupin Recs!

Snupin recs by [info]scribbulus_ink

Snupin Recs by [info]alwaysasnapefan

Snupin Recs by [info]red_day_dawning

Snupin Art Recs by [info]bronze_ribbons

Snupin Fic Recs by [info]bronze_ribbons

Snupin Wiki Update post

Icons and Graphics:
Snupin icons by [info]skitty_kat

[info]shipchan is Looking for RPGs

[info]geri_chan is looking for Fathers Day plot bunnies

[info]lapu_lapu is looking for fics where Severus gets physically violent over Remus

Snupin fic search

Mod Post -- Introduce Yourself

Many thanks to [info]red_day_dawning, [info]nehalenia, and especially [info]westernredcedar (without whom you would not have this issue), for all their hard work in putting this issue together! Anything left out is one's fault, as you should be reporting your links to us! See the next paragraph? *grins, points down*

Send your Snape/Lupin news to For a permanent, organized archive of these links and more, please visit our affiliate, [info]masterwolflinks.
LinkLeave a comment

The Snupin Prophet: February 17 - March 16 , 2008 [Mar. 27th, 2008|04:28 pm]

Please note that the Snupin Prophet is posted here on Livejournal and here on Insanejournal. This is a huge issue from the previous month.

Random Rec (via Moonshadow):
Ave Ignis by Ren. Adult themes including masochism.

Fan Art:
What To Do When You're Out Of Lotion by [info]twilightsorcery. NWS.

Twister by [info]venturous. G.

Bedtime Snugglage by [info]skitty_kat. PG.

A cat among the pigeons by [info]sweet_lemmon. NWS, Severus/Remus/Regulus.

Wishing for Summer by [info]nepenth. PG13.

Breakfast With Ignatia by [info]karasu_hime. G.

Lubricus by [info]aleoninc. R.

skitty_kat Art Remixed by [info]wolfiefics. G.

Birth of a Misunderstanding, Page 4 by [info]rip_von_christ. PG13.

Better Than Chocolate by [info]ghot.

Mer-Remus by [info]xterm.

To Remember by [info]ghot. NC17.

Hall Pass by [info]aleoninc.

Happy Birthday, Remus by [info]zephre. NC17, threesome (Bill).

You Can't Save Me by [info]osmalic.

Drabbles (200 words or less, through 3/8):
And Severus by [info]nimrod_9.

Blackmail is an Ugly Word by [info]nimrod_9. PG13.

Bottoms Up by [info]sweetmelodykiss.

Comuppance by [info]boxed_light. Triple drabble.

A Different Sort of Wonderland by [info]alwaysasnapefan. NC-17.

Eye of the Storm by [info]sweetmelodykiss.

Gryffindor Romance by [info]skyefire168.

The Hooks and Shards of Memory by [info]red_day_dawning.

House-warming by [info]red_day_dawning. PG13.

It Could've Been Worse by [info]sweetmelodykiss. R, Sirius/Snape/Remus.

Learning Something by [info]alisanne. R. Triple drabble.

Letters from the Dead by [info]ellid.

A Little Push in the Right Direction by [info]sweetmelodykiss. PG.

Love Letters by [info]red_day_dawning. G, Double drabble.

Moonshine by [info]apeacefulsleep.

My Rightful Place by [info]red_day_dawning. R, Five drabbles.

Necessity Is The Mother Of Invention by [info]xx_kerriann_xx. PG.

No More Weasleys by [info]red_day_dawning R.

Not One for Romance by [info]xx_kerriann_xx. PG13.

"Now That's What You Call Ironic..." by [info]boxed_light.

Old Habits Die Hard by [info]sweetmelodykiss.

Oops by [info]drachenmina.

An Overdue Conversation by [info]ellid.

Perhaps the Wine by [info]nimrod_9. R.

Pink by [info]nimrod_9.

Pretty Boy by [info]nimrod_9.

A Servitude Most Interesting by [info]alwaysasnapefan. Up to NC-17, Snape/Remus/Sirius/Peter, anal insertion of an animal.

Slughorn's Gift by [info]ellid.

Soon by [info]geek6. G.

Regifting the Gift by [info]ellid.

Romance by [info]alisanne. PG.

War Correspondence by [info]nimrod_9. PG-13, implied character death.

The Wedding Present by [info]ellid.

Ghosts From the Past by [info]red_day_dawning. Double drabble, R.

Haunted House by [info]red_day_dawning. R.

Healed by [info]drachenmina. R.

Holiday Crashers by [info]sweetmelodykiss.

House Hunting by [info]ellid.

Househunting by [info]blpaintchart.

Liberated by Lunacy by [info]red_day_dawning.

Only, Night-Clubbing, In Denial by [info]red_day_dawning. Triple drabble, R.

Persuasion by [info]alisanne. R.

Prettying Up by [info]purpleygirl.

Rainbow Explosion by [info]xx_kerriann_xx.

Teaching the Neighbors a Lesson by [info]ellid.

Three, really? by [info]nimrod_9.

Untitled by [info]boxed_light.

What the Werewolf Saw by [info]drachemina. NC-17.

Wisteria Cottage by [info]nimrod_9.

Hotel Bollocks by [info]westernredcedar. PG.

Ficlets (200-1000 words):
Warning by [info]hogwartshoney. R.

Some People Need More Than A Hint by [info]celandineb. NC17.

Playing at Games by [info]skitty_kat. PG.

Wide Open by [info]nimrod_9. R.

Ripped in Half by Nienna100. Rated K. Also, Snape/Lucius.
Summary: I am being ripped in half, I need them both like I need oxygen.

Like That by [info]schemingreader. NC17.
Summary: A series of drabbles about Snape's sex life during the 1993-1994 school year.

Visiting the Wolf by [info]westernredcedar. PG.

Balancing Act by [info]westernredcedar. PG13, Threesome (Sirius).

[info]westernredcedar rounded up her Snupin teeny fics here.

In the Cupboard by [info]westernredcedar. PG.

Artificial Alien by [info]blpaintchart. PG13.

Wet Werewolf by [info]senjy. PG.
Summary: New house, new weather, same old Snape.

Birthday Gifts by [info]shawsa12.
Summary: It’s Remus’ birthday and of course there’s gifts.

And Blackberry Jam Tarts by [info]nimrod_9. NC17.

His Other Birthday by [info]westernredcedar. G.
Summary: Remus does not celebrate March 10, but he does celebrate his birthday. Also, Severus eats a carrot stick.

Everything Ventured, Something Gained by [info]spidermoth. PG13.

The Art of Manipulation by [info]sweetmelodykiss. PG13.
Summary: Remus gets the surprise of his life.

Wooly Hats and Crocuses by [info]nimrod_9. PG13.

Photogenic by [info]ehmaz. G.
Summary: Lupin takes a picture of Snape.

Birthday Showers by [info]hogwartshoney. NC17.

Fanfiction (complete):
The Hen Party by [info]nehalenia. R, link is to part 3 with other linked chapters.

The Best of Both by [info]senjy. NC17, Severus/Remus/Lily.
Summary: Severus becomes the subject of Lily and Remus' debate, and manages to settle and internal debate of his own.

Scenes from a Broom Cupboard by Anonymous. R, James/Lily, Snape/Lily, implied James/Sirius, implied Remus/Snape.

Not What We Seem by [info]iheartbowie. G.
Summary: There's more to Severus Snape than what he appears, and it just takes a while to find a way to show it.

WIB (links to Part I and II) by [info]snapelike. NC17.
Summary: Just after Sirius' escape from Hogwarts, Dumbledore discovers a Death Eater conspiracy. Hidden so well that not even super-spy Severus Snape knows about it, somebody is planning to ruin Dumbledore's, Hogwarts's and the Ministry's reputations, easing the way for a more... fitting rule. Of course Albus Dumbledore is not inclined to let that happen, and he forms his own little very-secret-agent unit to prevent the disaster.

Rooms of the Heart by [info]bonfoi. R.

Renegade by [info]oirowen. PG.
Summary: How Severus got so bitter.

Cauldron Dreams by [info]bonfoi. NC17. Threesome w/Luna.
Summary: Time is a river that can flow over upon itself. The ancient power of the land awoke went Voldemort was defeated. Now it seeks its champions, its warriors and Druids. Now it will bring forth the memories layered upon the very stones of itself.

Double Dare by Anonymous. NC17, Snape/Lupin/Lily.
Summary: Lily and Severus decide to explore their fantasies. Remus wants in on the game.

The Definition of a Plane by [info]florahart. NC17. Also Severus/Sirius, Sirius/Remus.
Summary: A three-legged stool, even if the legs are incongruent and the seat is ugly, even if the ground on which it sets is uneven, is generally stable.

A Weak Patronus by [info]alwaysasnapefan. NC17, warnings galore. Link to firs part.

Half Century Mark by [info]nimrod_9. NC17.

Gift by [info]snegurochka_lee. PG13.
Summary: Lupin tries to give Snape a gift. Snape responds by being an arsehole. All is right with the universe.

Truffles of Trouble by [info]sawsha12. R.
Summary: Set in PoA, but definitely AU. Remus thought he escaped the Valentine’s Day commotion, but he started receiving chocolates and notes the day after. He shouldn’t accept them, but how could he refuse the delectable treat.

Sequel to "Banished": The Chili Cookoff by [info]zephyr_macabee. PG.
Summary: The summer after Voldemort's unexpected demise, Sirius brings Harry to Arizona, to visit Remus and Severus at the Institute. Things do not go smoothly.

Diagnosis by [info]sor_bet. NC17.
Summary: Lupin asks Snape to diagnose his health problems.

Imago by [info]red_day_dawning. NC17.
Summary: Returning to his office, Remus finds Severus engaged in an unexpected activity...

Homecoming by [info]geri_chan. PG.
Summary: Severus is offered the chance to return to Hogwarts after the war is over.

Rented Rooms by [info]red_day_dawning. NC17.
Summary: prevented from finding legitimate work by oppressive Ministry laws, Remus Lupin sells himself in Knockturn Alley….

A Full Moon Birthday by [info]geri_chan. PG13.
Summary: Remus is depressed that his birthday happens to fall on the night of the full moon.

Hen Party (all three parts here) by [info]nehalenia. R.

The Werewolf's Gift by [info]bonfoi. NC17.
Summary: For a man who’s friends love him, Remus Lupin isn’t happy on his birthday. Severus Snape’s unexpected visit turns out to change that.

Another Birthday, Lupin by [info]blpaintchart. PG13.
Summary: A short fic in which Lupin is rather eager to show off his spell-casting skills, share the contents of his pockets, and get his hands on that box.

Memoria Perdita, Pt 1, Part 2, and Part Three by by [info]red_day_dawning. NC17.
Summary: After being attacked with an unknown curse, Lupin has lost almost all memories from the past few years. What does this mean to those who have learned to love him? And can his memories be recovered?

The Half-Century Mark by [info]nimrod_9. NC17.

Porridge, Interrupted by [info]sor_bet. PG.
Summary: Bonus part to author's A Sea Change By Way Of A River.

Fanfiction (WIP):
A Sort of Fairytale, Parts 4 & 5 (complete) by [info]geri_chan. PG13.
Summary: In Part 1, Sirius falls through the Veil, is greeted by Death, and is told that he has unfinished business to complete. In Part 2, the war ends, and Sirius reluctantly agrees to fulfill his mission to reunite Remus and Snape, but finds this easier said than done.

War Wounds, Part 5 by [info]ellid . Rated PG13.
Summary: two war casualties meet in St. Mungo's. Can they aid each other while the rest of the world goes on its way?

The High Cost of Living: part 11, by Jules Noctambule ([info]werewolf_lib). Rated NC17. Content: past Remus/Sirius and Lupin/Tonks, Snape/OCs, prostitution.
Summary: After the war ends, a disgraced Snape turns to the world's oldest profession to make ends meet.

In Name Only, Part 6 by [info]alexandriapearl.
Summary: Written for the lupin_snape's Fantasy Fest for the following request: Harry forces S to marry R post-war not knowing S loves R. R doesn’t know, is suspicious of S’s actions, begins to return love. R sent with BW to flush out last of Greyback’s pack, is pictured in ‘mating’ behaviour with BW; S devastated. R injured in pack fight, will S help him? Will true love prevail?

So Here We Are by [info]senjy. NC17, link to first part.
Summary: The veil claims two more victims and sets in motion a curious series of events.

Potions Defense and Transfiguration, Chapters 1 - 4 by Ming_is_Random. Rated T. Some RL/SB.
Summary: It is Harry Potter’s 3rd year; Remus Lupin as Defense against the Dark Arts teacher, Severus Snape as the usual Potions Master and Sirius Black is out to get ‘Harry Potter’.

Rise To Form, Chapter 14 by LinZE. Rated K+.
Summary: The sequel to Revert to Type, tracks the childhood years of Anna Lupin, through the eyes of those around her. Much RLSS, AD, Weasley's and many others. including MM sort of lol.

Never Asked For This, Chapter 2 by Devil’s Demon. Rated T. No Slash.
Summary: Severus Snape is twentyone years old, and works as the potions master at Hogwarts. The year before he loses two people he cares about to his 'Master'...or he thinks he did.

Werewolves at Hogwarts, through Chapter 26 by Les Dowich. Rated T.
Summary: Werewolves were evolving thanks to Wolfsbane. Remus Lupin left Wizard Society at the end of the War and is asked to return to Hogwarts to teach DADA again, approved by the Governors. He finds four werewolf students are part of his new pack. Werewolves and other non-humans were turning up as potion ingredients, the victims being prominent members of werewolf society. The European Werewolf Aurory sends a member to assist in the investigation. When the Alpha Prime decides to retire, a chain of events leads to the kidnap of the Beta Prime as well as the forced Turning of a prominent Auror. Snape, the new Alpha Prime, Weasley and the European cooperate to hunt retrieve the victims before disaster society, Wizard and Werewolf.

Do You Believe In Miracles, through Chapter 7 by August Sky. Rated MV. Various pairings.
Summary: A/U Year 6. What happens when Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy are thrown into a situation neither of them ever expected? The war reaches new heights, while Slytherin friends, prophecies, and a not-so-evil Potions Master threaten to take over their lives.

Dangerous People, Chapter 7.5 by [info]evegenia. PG, AU, post-war.
Summary: Snape and Lupin are in Chicago working respectively in a potions lab and in a cafeteria.

Vicious Moon: here, by [info]innerslytherin and [info]thesnapelyone. NC17 overall.
Summary: It is late in 1979. Unbeknownst to his friends, Remus is gay and frequenting gay clubs, many of them in Muggle London to avoid running into people he knows. James and Lily Potter are married. James and Sirius are in the Auror Programme as well as the Order of the Phoenix. The war is heating up, and the Death Eaters are easily picking off Order members one by one. The Order is disorganized and ill-prepared for Voldemort's strength, and is struggling to gain a foothold against the self-proclaimed Dark Lord.

Graphincs and Icons:
[info]lupinoptsnape created an icon here.

[info]lupin_snape announced: Family Fest. There has also been a Snupineer Fun Time Activity Project announced as well as a community rules update here.

Snupin100 has issued Challenge #149: Making Up. Sign-ups for its 150th challenge is on the same post.

Lupin100 has issued Challenge #189: Renewal.

Snape100 has issued Challenge #222: Snape Times Two.

[info]mindslavexxx is soliciting recs for fics where Remus is the more dominant partner here.

[info]tine_88 has posted a fic search here.

Snupin Bunny up for grabs based on this lovely art here.

[info]juno_san is looking for stories where Snape and Lupin raise Teddy together here.

Info on Snupin Meeting in London, 2008.

The Master List of Remus Lupin's Birthday fics was posted here by [info]mnemosyne_1.

[info]snegurochka_lee has posted a list of her February art recs and SS/RL [info]crack_broom recs here.

Art recs and various recs by [info]snegurochka_lee.

Story recs by [info]osmalic.

[info]angelmischa announced a new LJ community [info]the_new_library to promote new and underappreciated writers/artists here.

The Moonshadow archive has been updated.

[info]akemia24 has posted a Snupin video here.

[info]karasu_hime is taking Snupin art commissions here.

Snupin Prophet is looking for volunteers here.

Many thanks to [info]stasia, [info]westernredcedar, and [info]nehalenia, [info]red_day_dawning and [info]alwaysasnapefan for all their hard work in helping me get this issue together! Anything left out is one's fault, as you should be reporting your links to us! See the next paragraph? *grins, points down* (ETA: If you posted Snape/Lupin content between February 17 and March 16 that did not appear here today [other than Drabbles, which ended on March 8], SEND US A LINK and it will appear in the next issue. We have drabbles from March 8 and on if it appeared in a community, thanks!)

Send your Snape/Lupin news to For a permanent, organized archive of these links and more, please visit our affiliate, [info]masterwolflinks.
LinkLeave a comment

The Snupin Prophet: February 3 - 17 , 2008 [Feb. 25th, 2008|03:55 am]

Please note that the Snupin Prophet is posted here on Livejournal and here on Insanejournal. This is a double issue from the previous two weeks.

Random Rec (via Moonshadow):
Red Clover by Annline. NC17.

Fan Art:
Display of Affection by Anonymous, NC17, S/S/R threesome.

Handel & Glass Doors by [info]nepenth. PG.

Ride Me, Pained Eyes, and A Little Comfort by [info]ghot. G-NC17.

Summer Vacation by [info]karasu_hime. G.

Be My Valentine by [info]ghot. G.

Possession I and II by [info]fanlay. NC17.

Pensieve by [info]snapelike. G.

Happy Valentine by [info]karasu_hime. G.

Those I Can Save by [info]trickofthedark. PG13.

The Little Mermaid by [info]dancingskeleton. PG/NWS.

Whartson Hall by [info]skitty_kat. PG.

Afraid of You? by [info]ghot. G.

Drawbble Dump by [info]karasu_hime. PG13/NWS.

The Cost of Her Protection by [info]karasu_hime. NC17.

Love Bites aka My Arse is Not an Apple by [info]zephre. R.

Drabbles (200 words or less):
Delusions by [info]delayed_prophet, G.

Banish All Spoons by [info]red_day_dawning.

Bite Me by [info]xx_kerriann_xx, NC-17.

The Democratic Process by [info]boxed_light.

Madness by [info]red_day_dawning, R.

The Marriage Proposal by [info]nimrod_9, NC-17.

Mi Casa, Su Casa by [info]drachenmina.

Missing Utensil by [info]ellid.

Misunderstanding by [info]ellid.

The Mystery of the Missing Spoon by [info]ellid.

Necessity of the Mother of Invention by [info]xx_kerriann_xx.

No Accounting for Taste by [info]spidermoth, R.

No Argument by [info]alisanne.

Promises Never Kept, Vows Never Fulfilled by [info]red_day_dawning.

Some Courtship by [info]red_day_dawning.

Werewolf Fight Club by [info]ellid.

I Love You More by [info]sweetmelodykiss.

Immersed by [info]nimrod_9, R.

On Holiday by [info]nimrod_9.

Peppermint-Flavored by [info]red_day_dawning.

Romance by [info]alisanne.

Tick Tock by [info]sweetmelodykiss.

I Seem To Have Forgotten by [info]torino10154. PG13.

Flap by [info]blpaintchart. PG13.

Wolf in Sheep's Clothing by [info]nimrod_9. R, cross-dressing.

Various Drabbles by [info]mnemosyne_1. Up to PG13.

Won't Leave You Stranded by [info]bronze_ribbons. Snupin implied.

The Warm Cave in the Wood by [info]bronze_ribbons.

Valentine Drabble by [info]nimori.

Untitled by [info]iamisaac. PG.

Ficlets (200-1000 words):
Succumbing to the Dark by Riley Zabini, Rated K+.
Summary: The real reason why Severus lost hope in the world is quite different from what others would have you believe. This is the real story.

10 Things I Hate About Severus Snape by [info]enigmalea. PG13.
Summary: Severus found Remus' journal.

Brave With Ribbons by [info]celandineb. PG.
Summary: Severus receives an unexpected parcel.

To Cheat by [info]nimrod_9. NC17.

We've Got Time by [info]_rufus_. R.

Sitting In A Railway Station by [info]celandineb. PG.
Summary: The afterlife appears to have Dumbledore's sense of humor.

Lovers Lane by [info]nimrod_9. R.

Benefits by [info]innerslytherin. PG13.

On One Condition by [info]severity_softly. NC17, cross-dressing, D/s.

Owned by [info]dungeons_master. PG13.

A Red, Red Rose by [info]mnemosyne_1. PG.

They Do It On Livejournal by [info]islandsmoke. PG13.
Summary: Lupin is still on the Internet....

Lupin Lashes Out by [info]islandsmoke. PG13.
Summary: Lupin's been on the internet again....

Love, Lust And Surrender by [info]nimrod_9. PG13.

Late Night Reading by [info]rufus. G.

Sick Day by [info]westernredcedar. PG.

Fanfiction (complete):
The Best Laid Plans by [info]innerslytherin. G.
Summary: Severus has spent six months in Azkaban, but he has one ally he didn't know about.

Table Etiquette by [info]lilbitbord. Rated NC17, S/R/Hr threesome.
Summary: Two very delectable wizards give Hermione the special attention that she deserves

The Day After St. Valentine’s by [info]bonfoi. Rated PG, Also HP/DM.
Summary: Alone in the scent of roses and lavender, Severus Snape doesn’t realize that there is yet more romance to come…and he takes it out on everyone around him.

A Bottle of Chocolate Sauce and Thou by [info]bluestocking79. Rated Wanton.
Summary: Remus has a request for his birthday. Severus has a problem overthinking things. Chaos, melted chocolate and smut ensue.

Full Moon Tonight by [info]englishdane. NC17, bestiality, Threesome: SS/RL/SB.

Who Let The Dogs Out by [info]englishdane. NC17, bestiality, Threesome: SS/RL/SB.

The Investigation by [info]ellid. R, Mpreg.
Summary: All is well in Brewerton. So why has an Auror suddenly appeared at the village fete?

Smells like... by [info]blpaintchart. PG13.

Come Undone by [info]bluestocking79. NC17, Threesome implied.
Summary: Walls are no obstacle to a clever witch, but even Lily’s not quite prepared for what she finds when she goes looking.

To Catch At Hope by [info]mnemosyne_1. PG13.
Summary: One man is broken in spirit, the other in body. Can they find peace, and perhaps freedom, with each other?

Trapped by [info]enigmalea. R.
Summary: He's always in control. Always.

Sold! by [info]blpaintchart. PG13.

Not So Bad After All by [info]psyfic. PG13.

Pulse by [info]chazpure. R.
Summary: Severus follows Regulus into a nightclub and finds more than he expected.

The Nose Knows by [info]bonfoi. R.
Summary: We all know about what’s under Snape’s robes. We’ve all heard the one about a man’s nose. How can you resist a wizard who couples that with snark? Well, Remus Lupin can’t.

Makes Jack a Dull Boy by [info]omni_sama. G.
Summary: All Severus wants to do is focus on the case. All Remus wants to do is Severus. *cough* I mean sleep. All Remus wants to do is sleep.

Song of Mourning, Song of Hope, Song of Joy by [info]firefly124. PG.
Summary: In the face of what seemed to be the ultimate betrayal by the man he loved, Remus accepted the comfort being offered to him. Things seem a bit clearer after death, and he strives for the chance to make things right.

Holiday by [info]dungeons_master. PG13.

Chocolate Covered Werewolf by [info]geri_chan. PG13.
Summary: Remus prepares a special Valentine's treat for Severus, but things go awry....

Small Hope In All Things by [info]julesnoctambule. R.

Sentence et Solace by [info]nehalenia. NC17.

Imprisoned by [info]blpaintchart. PG15.

Music (Move To The Rhythm) by [info]snapelike. NC17, Cross-dressing, D/s.
Summary: Remus wants to take Severus dancing, but Severus doesn't dance.

Noseferatu by [info]skree_ratling. NC17.

Enchanted Italy by [info]ellid. R.
Summary: Italy is always the place where England sends its wounded to recuperate.

A Stubborn Solution by [info]iheartbowie. PG.
Summary: It wouldn't be too long, he was certain. Remus wasn't a fool. He knew a good opportunity when he saw one. Severus knew that his plan was foolproof.

Once Bitten by [info]bonfoi. NC17.
Summary: If the shoe fits…and the leather makes one horny…why not give in? Just once?

Various Bites by [info]nimrod_9. NC17.

No Decision At All by [info]mindabbles. PG13, Snupin implied, Fleur/Tonks, Remus/Tonks.

Fanfiction (WIP):
A Sort of Fairy Tale, Parts 1 and 2 by [info]geri_chan. PG13.
Summary: In Part 1, Sirius falls through the Veil, is greeted by Death, and is told that he has unfinished business to complete. In Part 2, the war ends, and Sirius reluctantly agrees to fulfill his mission to reunite Remus and Snape, but finds this easier said than done.

The Sinful Wager by [info]wolfiefics. AU, Regency era.

Memory, chapter 1, by RobinRainyday. Rated T.
Summary: Set during Marauder era post-Hogwarts. The Marauders, now members of the Order, have been captured and called before the Dark Lord. Memories of the past that were best left forgotten are remembered, much to Snape's horror.

Follow Me, Chapters 86-89, by Norische. Rated M+. Content: MPreg, Non-con (rape), Incest, Threesome, Under 18.
Summary: Severus Snape never knew he had a son, not until the boy showed up in Dumbledore's office. Severus calm orderly life soon became a mass of confusion and chaos, and it was all focused on one young man.

Werewolves at Hogwarts, Chapters 18-20 by Les Dowich. Rated T.
Summary: Werewolves were evolving thanks to Wolfsbane. Remus Lupin left Wizard Society at the end of the War and is asked to return to Hogwarts to teach DADA again, approved by the Governors. He finds four werewolf students are part of his new pack. Werewolves and other non-humans were turning up as potion ingredients, the victims being prominent members of werewolf society. The European Werewolf Aurory sends a member to assist in the investigation. When the Alpha Prime decides to retire, a chain of events leads to the kidnap of the Beta Prime as well as the forced Turning of a prominent Auror. Snape, the new Alpha Prime, Weasley and the European cooperate to hunt retrieve the victims before disaster society, Wizard and Werewolf.

[info]lupin_snape announced: Cliché Month and other mod notes.

[info]snupin100 has issued Challenge #144: Slughorn.

[info]bronze_ribbons discusses Exes in Snupin.

[info]mnemosyne_1 discusses Snupin Astrology.

The Moonshadow archive has been updated with a total of 3 stories and 1 piece of art.

[info]lupin_snape issued a Trading Places Update.

Snupin Art Rec by [info]snegurochka_lee.
Snupin Art Rec by [info]bronze_ribbons.

Many thanks to [info]stasia, [info]westernredcedar, and [info]nehalenia for all their hard work in helping me get this issue together! Anything left out is one's fault, as you should be reporting your links to us! Seeee the next paragraph? *grins, points down*

Send your Snape/Lupin news to For a permanent, organized archive of these links and more, please visit our affiliate, [info]masterwolflinks.
LinkLeave a comment

The Snupin Prophet: January 20 - February 3, 2008 [Feb. 6th, 2008|08:11 pm]

Please note that the Snupin Prophet is posted here on Livejournal and here on Insanejournal. This is a double issue.

Random Rec (via Moonshadow):
Will return next week.

Fan Art:
Something Important by [info]julythirtyfirst.

Cruisin' by [info]zephre. G

Art for "Life Among The Dead" by [info]westernredcedar. G

Snupin Goes To The Movies by [info]ghot. PG.

Art for "Chasing The Sun And The Moon" by [info]skitty_kat. Up to R/NWS.

Fireball by [info]dancingskeleton. G

Death Scene Awards by TomScribble. G

Art for "The Art of Dogkeeping" by [info]ghot. Up to NC17/NWS.

Birth of a Misunderstanding, Page 1, Page 2, Page 3 by [info]rip_von_christ. PG13.

Peeping Snape by [info]zephre. NWS/R.

Medusa's Uses by [info]karasu_hime. NC17/NWS, Threesome (Snape/Lupin/Tonks).

Snupin Ala Millli Vanillli by [info]karasu_hime. G.

The Cleaning Roster by [info]zephre. NC17/NWS.

Admiring New Slaves by [info]vimessy. R.

The Bookstore by [info]nepenth. R/NWS. (Locked on [info]bymoonlight).

Drabbles (200 words or less):
Accidental Purchase by [info]ellid NC-17.

Decipher by [info]nimrod_9.

Do Not Panic! by [info]sweetmelodykiss mpreg.

Explain by [info]nimrod_9.

Firecall by [info]blpaintchart.

Good Decision by [info]alisanne.

Handbook for the Recently Deceased by [info]red_day_dawning.

Hardly Unexpected by [info]blpaintchart.

Heaven by [info]drachenmina.

Hobnobbing With the Classics by [info]shadowycat.

Freedom of Flight by [info]nimrod_9 R.

More Than a Spot by [info]alisanne mpreg.

Not Again by [info]enigmalea NC-17.

Paraphrase by [info]nimrod_9.

Restricted Section Rendezvous by [info]enigmalea NC-17.

Shakespeare at Hogwarts Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 by [info]ellid.

Slug-phlegm by [info]red_day_dawning.

Snape's Hands by [info]bluestocking79.

Spa Day by [info]zephyr_macabee.

To Ask Forgiveness by [info]celandineb and [info]alisanne (One drabble amongst others).

Walking Down Memory Lane by [info]nimrod_9.

Wolfsbane With Unexpected Benefits by [info]sweetmelodykiss.

Banish All Spoons by [info]red_day_dawning.

The Book of Going Forth by Day, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 by [info]ellid.

Comprehend by [info]nimrod_9 R.

Dear Diary by [info]moony_garou.

Entries by [info]sawsha12.

Guilty Pleasure by [info]bluestocking79.

Hand Worship by [info]enigmalea NC-17.

Hands of a Murderer by [info]red_day_dawning.

Hands of Time by [info]sweetmelodykiss.

Momentous Occasions by [info]spidermoth R.

New Entry by [info]alisanne R.

Perceive by [info]nimrod_9.

WIP by [info]nimrod_9 R.

Ficlets (200-1000 words):
Their Understanding by Tigress-A True Marauder. Rated K.
Summary: After Professor Remus Lupin's first day as the DADA teacher, he has a talk with Professor Severus Snape about his treatment of students and their fear of them, among other things. What do Remus and Severus talk about?

Five Arguments by [info]westernredcedar. PG.

And All Because The Snapey Loves by [info]geek6. G.
Summary: Severus and Remus discuss chocolate.

Fools, or The Choices We Make by [info]ellid. PG13, Mpreg.
Summary: They're having a baby during a war. What sort of fools do that?

When Will You Forgive Me? by [info]marauderswolf. PG.
Summary: Remus seeks forgiveness from Severus shortly after the incident at the Shrieking Shack. Will Severus give it?

Fanfiction (complete):
Once More With Tango by [info]senjy. PG.
Summary: Remus fears for the worst, but finds his dashing dancer is all his.

A Charming Domestic Arrangement by [info]blpaintchart. PG15.

Oh Bugger by [info]red_day_dawning. NC17, Dub-con.

Youth Is A Disease From Which We May Recover by [info]red_day_dawning. NC17.

So Much More by [info]nimrod_9. NC17, references to mpreg.

Leading And Following by [info]evinyatar15. R.
Summary: Severus leads and Remus follows.

Cub by [info]drachenmina. PG.
Summary: Remus is finding it hard being a single parent. Severus dislikes werewolves, children, and pets.

Willful Misunderstanding by [info]rose_whispers. NC17.
Summary: In his sixth year, Snape is nearly attacked by a werewolf in the Forbidden Forest. Miraculously, the werewolf disappears and onto the scene comes Remus Lupin-- and Snape assumes that Remus scared the werewolf away and saved his life.

Bell Dancer part 1, Part 2, Part 3 [info]geri_chan. NC17, cross-dressing of a sort.
Summary: Snape is reluctantly willing to share Lupin with Tonks, but when Lupin threatens to leave him, Snape decides to use a magical heirloom to bind Lupin to him forever.

For Severus Snape, In The Event of My Death by [info]snegurochka_lee. R.
Summary: In the event of my death, please deliver this to Severus Snape. He will know why. Well, Teddy thought as he read his father's note, that was a relief, because he himself sure as hell didn't know why. The problem, of course, would be actually asking him, given the man in question had been dead for sixteen years.

Cupid's Little Helper, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 by [info]arionrhod. PG13.
Summary: The Afterlife isn't what Sirius Black expected it to be... but coming back to Earth with a "mission" isn't much better!

To Hold and to Have by [info]kirasha. NC17.
Summary: Remus had never expected it to be easy. But, when he returned to Hogwarts, he couldn't help but hold the hope for a chance to correct the biggest mistake of his youth.

The Investigation by [info]ellid. R, Mpreg. (locked on [info]bymoonlight)
Summary: All is well in Brewerton. So why has an Auror suddenly appeared at the village fete? Note - This is a sequel to Of Mutual Benefit.

One of Them by [info]alwaysasnapefan. NC17/NWS, Threesome (S/S/R), non-con. (locked on [info]bymoonlight)
Summary: Noticing a crush, James sets things straight.

Fanfiction (WIP):
MS Found With Abandoned Time Turner, Chapters 4-end by [info]scribbulus_ink and [info]arionhrod. R. (complete)
Summary: A Snark and Bark RPG Alternate Reality, in which the Snape brothers were not separated at birth; this story depicts how their lives might have been had they grown up together.

Hogwarts CUS, Mutual Assured Destruction by [info]senjism. PG13.
Summary: Hogwarts Community Upper School is a Non-Magic AU Snupin FanFic.

Dark And Light, Chapter 1 by [info]greenwyvern.

Midnight Love Chapters 1-2 by EgyptAdbydos. Rated T.
Summary: This story goes from Severus and Remus' 6th year at Hogwarts all the way to Harry's first year. Yes, they are in a relationship.

Hunger, Chapter 4, by Sshappiness. Rated T.
Summary: Non slash - Remus wants to renew his past friendship with Severus and help him with a current problem.

August 1998, Epilogue, by Limited-Fantasy. Rated K+, Alternate Universe. (complete)
Summary: Snape, Lupin, Sirius, and Tonks are on a deserted island resort, courtesy of Albus Dumbledore.

Truth, Trust and Lies, Chapter 15, by Alcarcalime Losse. Rated T, AU.
Summary: Chronicle of the Marauders' lives spanning from their fifth year to the start of PS.

Werewolves at Hogwarts, Chapters 16-17 by Les Dowich. Rated T.
Summary: Werewolves were evolving thanks to Wolfsbane. Remus Lupin left Wizard Society at the end of the War and is asked to return to Hogwarts to teach DADA again, approved by the Governors. He finds four werewolf students are part of his new pack. Werewolves and other non-humans were turning up as potion ingredients, the victims being prominent members of werewolf society. The European Werewolf Aurory sends a member to assist in the investigation. When the Alpha Prime decides to retire, a chain of events leads to the kidnap of the Beta Prime as well as the forced Turning of a prominent Auror. Snape, the new Alpha Prime, Weasley and the European cooperate to hunt retrieve the victims before disaster society, Wizard and Werewolf.

Snupin100 has issued Challenge #142: Fight.

Lupin100 has issued Challenge #182: There is no spoon.

Snape100 has issued Challenge #215: Son of Alphabet Redux - M.

Pervy Werewolf has issued Prompt#47: Love Bites.

[info]geri_chan opened a discussion about Snape, Lupin & Babies here.

[info]ides_of_march issued the second Ides of March challenge.

[info]westernredcedar has recorded an audio-fic of her own story, Remedy.

[info]dearsanta posted its 2007-08 masterlist here. There are many Lupin/Snape stories and art on the list.

[info]westernredcedar has listed all her Snape/Lupin stories, art and audio recordings here.

The Moonshadow archive has been updated twice with a total of 13 stories.

[info]innerslytherin has made a [info]lupin_snape mod post about tagging here. Please read and heed!

[info]osmalic posted Snape/Lupin art recs here.

Many thanks to [info]stasia, [info]westernredcedar, and [info]nehalenia for all their hard work in helping me get this issue together! Anything left out is one's fault, as you should be reporting your links to us! Seeee the next paragraph? *grins, points down*

Send your Snape/Lupin news to For a permanent, organized archive of these links and more, please visit our affiliate, [info]masterwolflinks.
LinkLeave a comment

The Snupin Prophet: January 13 - 20, 2008 [Jan. 22nd, 2008|10:28 pm]

Please note that the Snupin Prophet is posted here on Livejournal and here on Insanejournal.

Random Rec (via Moonshadow):
Sustained, by Mechaieh.

Fan Art:
Art Meme by [info]karasu_hime.

Art Meme, by [info]aleoninc.

Choosing Sides by [info]thesnapelyone.

HoneyMooney by [info]bronze_ribbons.

Cleans Up Well by [info]omni_sama.

Lord Rakehell by [info]skitty_kat. Cross-Dressing.

Courtship Amongst Plants by [info]brunaghot.

Depth of Focus by [info]aleoninc. NWS.

Glitter Kiss by [info]zephre. NWS, Cross-Dressing.

Cocoa Goodness by [info]karasu_hime.

Another Kind of Fandom Wank by [info]julythirtyfirst.

Slight Adjustments by [info]lyntek.

Early Morning Snuggle by [info]aleonic. NWS.

Art for Decade by [info]blpaintchart. NWS, feedback here.

Thaw by [info]nepenth.

Angel in the Centrefold by [info]blpaintchart. NC-17.

NWS Birthday Art by [info]karasu_hime. NC-17, NWS.

Drabbles (200 words or less):
Accident by [info]drachenmina.

Boredom by [info]drachenmina.

Catalog of Errors by [info]nimrod_9. Mpreg.

Folly by [info]drachenmina.

I Can’t Explain by [info]boxed_light.

Implacable Bonds by [info]spidermoth. Rated R.

The Light of His Countenance by [info]bronze_ribbons.

Too Busy by [info]red_day_dawning.

Welcome Wool Jumpers by [info]red_day_dawning.

Ficlets (200-1000 words):
Fools, or The Choices We Make by [info]ellid. Mpreg.

All Eyes Are On You by [info]sweetmelodykiss. NC-17, Cross-Dressing.
Summary: Remus and Severus spend the evening at a dance club.

Fanfiction (complete):
Wax by [info]bronze_ribbons.

On The Prowl, PG-13 by [info]nimrod_9.

Love Me Til The Sun Shines by [info]mnemosyne_1, R.

Oh, Bugger by [info]red_day_dawning. NC17, dub-con.

The Exchange by [info]nimrod_9. NC17.

Moon Child by [info]myene_01. Mpreg implied.

In Hearts Of Darkness by [info]scribbulus_ink. R, implied bestiality.
Summary: Severus' body is a map of pain and pleasure.

Torture Slow and Sweet by [info]enigmalea. NC17, Cross-Dressing.

Fiction round-up from [info]myene_01. All ratings.

Unexpected Love by Insanelyevilkittycat. Rated M+.
Summary: Remus Lupin and Severus Snape meet in a chance encounter late at night. This chance meeting turns out to be so much more.

The Dances We Do, by Ksianna. NC17, AU, Threesome: Remus/Hermione/Severus.
Summary: What happens when two people try to set up a certain Potions master.

Christmas Spirit by [info]alwaysasnapefan. NC-17, double-penetration, squelching, threesome: Snape/Remus/Dumbledore.
Summary: Remus is going to surprise Snape with a gift, but when he walks into the room, he's the one who's surprised.

The Heart's Desire by [info]sweetmelodykiss. NC-17, rimming, 69.
Summary: Severus finally attains his heart’s desire.

On a Winter's Night by [info]sweetmelodykiss. NC-17.
Summary: Remus wants to see Harry one last time.

Fanfiction (WIP):
MS Found With Abandoned Time Turner, Chapters 4-end by [info]scribbulus_ink and [info]arionhrod. R.
Summary: A Snark and Bark RPG Alternate Reality, in which the Snape brothers were not separated at birth; this story depicts how their lives might have been had they grown up together.

A Severely Shattered Mind, chapter 1 by [info]egnimalea. PG13.
Summary: Severus is broken. Can he ever be pieced back together?

Light and Dark, Prologue, Part 1 & Prologue, Part 2 by [info]greenwyvern. PG.

Dangerous People, Chapter 7 by [info]evegenia. PG, AU, post-war.
Summary: Snape and Lupin are in Chicago working respectively in a potions lab and in a cafeteria.

August 1998, Chapter 12, by Limited-Fantasy. Rated K+, Alternate Universe.
Summary: Snape, Lupin, Sirius, and Tonks are on a deserted island resort, courtesy of Albus Dumbledore.

Truth, Trust and Lies, Chapter 14, by Alcarcalime Losse. Rated T, AU.
Summary: Chronicle of the Marauders' lives spanning from their fifth year to the start of PS.

Werewolves at Hogwarts, Chapters 11-15 by Les Dowich. Rated T.
Summary: Werewolves were evolving thanks to Wolfsbane. Remus Lupin left Wizard Society at the end of the War and is asked to return to Hogwarts to teach DADA again, approved by the Governors. He finds four werewolf students are part of his new pack. Werewolves and other non-humans were turning up as potion ingredients, the victims being prominent members of werewolf society. The European Werewolf Aurory sends a member to assist in the investigation. When the Alpha Prime decides to retire, a chain of events leads to the kidnap of the Beta Prime as well as the forced Turning of a prominent Auror. Snape, the new Alpha Prime, Weasley and the European cooperate to hunt retrieve the victims before disaster society, Wizard and Werewolf.

Vicious Moon: here, by [info]innerslytherin and [info]thesnapelyone. NC17 overall.
Summary: It is late in 1979. Unbeknownst to his friends, Remus is gay and frequenting gay clubs, many of them in Muggle London to avoid running into people he knows. James and Lily Potter are married. James and Sirius are in the Auror Programme as well as the Order of the Phoenix. The war is heating up, and the Death Eaters are easily picking off Order members one by one. The Order is disorganized and ill-prepared for Voldemort's strength, and is struggling to gain a foothold against the self-proclaimed Dark Lord.

Shadows and Shimmers, Chapter 1-3 by Nachtderwolf. Rated T.
Summary: Severus thought his life was all fine and dandy. That is, until things get complicated by a new girl roaming about the school that isn't any normal girl. Especially when she's related to Remus Lupin. Snape's life won't ever be the same...

Snupin100 has issued Challenge #140: A Spot of Bother.

Lupin100 has issued Challenge #180: quote prompt.

Snape100 has issued Challenge #213: Libraries.

[info]scribbulus_ink posted information on updating the Snupin Santa Fest Archives here.

[info]innerslytherin is looking for questions you'd like to see answered in her Redemption Series here on LJ and here on IJ.

[info]westernredcedar has recorded an audio-fic of Hounding of the Baskervilles by [info]bronze_ribbons.

[info]snegurochka_lee posted her 2007 Fic Year in Review here.

The Moonshadow archive has been updated with 21 stories and 7 pieces of art this week.

[info]red_day_dawning is looking for a beta reader here.

[info]stoicstella is looking for a beta reader here.

Many thanks to [info]stasia, [info]westernredcedar, and [info]nehalenia for all their hard work in helping me get this issue together! Anything left out is one's fault, as you should be reporting your links to us! Seeee the next paragraph? *grins, points down*

Send your Snape/Lupin news to For a permanent, organized archive of these links and more, please visit our affiliate, [info]masterwolflinks.
LinkLeave a comment

The Snupin Prophet: January 6 - 13, 2008 [Jan. 14th, 2008|09:37 pm]

Please note that the Snupin Prophet is posted here on Livejournal and here on Insanejournal.

Random Rec (via Moonshadow):
Somewhere Between Fiction and Reality, by Demon_of_Rice.

Fan Art:
Happy Birthday, Severus by [info]zephre. NC17.

Punch Drunk Love art by [info]neodandiesrule, NWS.

Two illustrations for Hang 'Em High by [info]skitty_kat.

The Corridor Ambush by The TAGAY Doujinshi Group ([info]tanggero), NC17.

Happy Deathday, Severus by [info]alwaysasnapefan.

Think Any Of That Got On The Cake? [info]alwaysasnapefan, NWS.

Werewolf Solution to Mid-Life Crisis by [info]brunaghot, NWS.

Caught by [info]zephre.

Snape's Birthday Mix-Media by [info]westernredcedar.

No Words by [info]brunaghot, PG13/NWS.

Snusa icon art by [info]shadowycat, PG13/NWS.

Gone With The Wolf by [info]skitty_kat.

Belated Birthday by [info]nepenth.

Blow This Out by [info]aleonic, NC17.

A Small Gift for the Birthday Boy by [info]dungeons_master.

Happy Birthday, Snapey by [info]socialblunder4u, R.

Watching The Dance Floor by [info]zephre, NWS.

For The Pleasure by [info]brunaghot NC17.

Art for Blue Door and Don't Look This Way by [info]brunaghot, NC17.

Birthday Art by [info]karasu_hime and [info]dianamoon, NWS.

Drabbles (200 words or less):
Birthday Gifts by [info]ellid.

Come-Lately by [info]electriclady88.

Ecstasy by [info]drachenmina, Rated R.

Forty Gifts by [info]nimrod_9, Rated R.

Happy Birthday by [info]countess_hp, Rated R.

The Greatest Gift by [info]zephre_macabee.

Misunderstanding by [info]ellid.

More by [info]boxed_light.

More Treasured Than Any Words by [info]red_day_dawning.

Not Another Tea Party by [info]red_day_dawning.

Not Exactly Silence by [info]nimrod_9, Rated NC-17.

Overrated by [info]alisanne, Warning: Mpreg.

Silent Snowfall by [info]sawsha12.

Suspense by [info]spidermoth.

A Taste of Melancholy by [info]red_day_dawning.

Visit by [info]drachenmina.

Alone at Last by [info]ellid.

Severus' Birthday drabble set by [info]tjwritter. Ratings through NC17.

Ficlets (200-1000 words):
Getting Older by [info]nimrod_9. Rated PG13.

Fountain of Youth by [info]sawsha12. Rated PG.
Summary: Severus wasn't getting any younger, so something had to be done.

The Fireball by [info]purplefluffycat. Rated PG.

Bad Day by [info]geek6. Rated G.

Two Birthday Ficlets by [info]boxed_light.

Birthday Ficlet by [info]tetsubinatu. Rated R.
Summary: Remus sees an opportunity.

R.S.V.P. by [info]ms_jvh_shuh. Rated PG.
Summary: When you've lost nearly everyone dear to you, it's not a pleasant experience to get a dinner invitation from the enemy. It's even worse when you find that the enemy is family.

Thirty-Nine by [info]ms_jvh_shuh. Rated PG.
Summary: The Potions Master the world believes dead awakes on his thirty-ninth birthday. Companion piece to R.S.V.P.

Picture This (fic and art) by [info]blpaintchart. Rated PG15.

Heart's Desire by [info]sweetmelodykiss. Rated NC17.
Summary: Severus finally attains his heart’s desire.

All Eyes Are On You by [info]sweetmelodykiss. Rated NC17.
Summary: Remus and Severus spend the evening at a dance club.

Fanfiction (complete):
Lighting Frozen Candles by [info]lore. Rated G.
Summary: On his first birthday after the war, Severus makes a discovery that changes everything.

Card 13 Means Change here by [info]omni_sama. Rated PG13.
Summary: Severus had thought Remus understood. Perhaps he had been mistaken...

MS Found With An Abandoned Time Turner by [info]scribbulus_ink and [info]arionrhod. Rated R.
Summary: A Snark and Bark RPG Alternate Reality, in which the Snape brothers were not separated at birth; this story depicts how their lives might have been had they grown up together.

The Next Decade by [info]nimrod_9. Rated NC17.

Happy Birthday Severus by [info]geri_chan. Rated PG.
Summary: Set during PoA - Snape adamantly states that he does not want a birthday party, but isn't sure how he feels when he unexpectedly gets his wish.

Gone With The Wolf by [info]blpaintchart. Rated PG15.

Apology Accepted by [info]nehalenia. Rated G.

Harry's Favorite Sandwiches by [info]salixbabylon. Rated NC17. Warning: Threesome (Harry).

Exquisitus by [info]tetsubinatu. Rated NC17.
Summary: Severus is confined in Grimmauld Place, when a spell is due to come into effect that requires he have a partner for the night or risk death.

Opening Moves by [info]zelda_zee. Rated NC17. PoA-era.

Christmas Surprise by [info]rufus. Rated R. Warning: Mpreg, cross-dressing.

On a Winter's Night by [info]sweetmelodykiss. Rated NC17.
Summary: Remus wants to see Harry one last time.

On The Proper Appreciation And Manipulation of Pricks, by Fleur Delacour, Tri-Wizard Champion by [info]snegurochka_lee. Rated NC17. Warning: Remus/Severus/Bill + Fleur, see notes for other content.
Summary: So. I know what you are thinking. You are wanting to know how it happened that my husband went to bed with the potions master and his werewolf. Well, do not look so surprised! Of course I know about it. I was there, you know. What? You would have left? Sit down, then, if you want to know. I will tell you a story about men and their pricks.

Hot Chili Links by [info]red_day_dawning. Rated NC17. Warning: Extreme kink, see notes.

Old Time's Sake by [info]severity_softly. Rated NC17.
Summary: When Remus turns to Severus for his potion even after everything Severus has done, Remus isn't sure what he trusts, or wants, Severus to do more - help him or kill him. He just never expected Severus would ask for the payment he does.

Need, by jenthesweetie. Rated S.
Summary: Severus doesn't need Remus. And Remus certainly doesn't need Severus. Does he?

Fanfiction (WIP):
Sticks and Stones, Chapter 11, (complete) by Bejou. Rated K.
Summary: Remus has an obsession. A raven hair obsession. And before you say anything, it is not Sirius. No, it is someone much more deadly. Or at least Remus thought so.....

The High Cost of Living Chapter 10 by [info]werewolf_lib. Rated R.

Severus' Present Part 2 by [info]myene_01. Rated NC17. Warning: Threesome (OMC).
Summary: Remus gets Severus what he has always wanted (well, other than James Potter as his sex slave)

Creep Part 1 by [info]maraudersaffair. Rated R. Warning: Lily/Snape.
Summary: Follow Snape from the age of fifteen to his death. As he struggles with his feelings for Lily, he is unaware of another boy who feels just as intensely about him.

My Name's Sev'rus: chapter 4, by Silver Lycanthropy. Rated K+.
Summary: Severus is accidentally turned into his 4 year old self on the behalf of Remus Lupin and becomes attached to his former enemy. AU Sirius is alive!

Rise To Form: Chapter 11 by LinZE. Rated K+.
Summary: The sequel to Revert to Type, tracks the childhood years of Anna Lupin, through the eyes of those around her. Much RLSS, AD, Weasley's and many others. including MM sort of lol.

Werewolves at Hogwarts, Chapter 10 by Les Dowich. Rated T.
Summary: Werewolves were evolving thanks to Wolfsbane. Remus Lupin left Wizard Society at the end of the War and is asked to return to Hogwarts to teach DADA again, approved by the Governors. He finds four werewolf students are part of his new pack. Werewolves and other non-humans were turning up as potion ingredients, the victims being prominent members of werewolf society. The European Werewolf Aurory sends a member to assist in the investigation. When the Alpha Prime decides to retire, a chain of events leads to the kidnap of the Beta Prime as well as the forced Turning of a prominent Auror. Snape, the new Alpha Prime, Weasley and the European cooperate to hunt retrieve the victims before disaster society, Wizard and Werewolf.

Vicious Moon: here, by [info]innerslytherin and [info]thesnapelyone .
Summary: It is late in 1979. Unbeknownst to his friends, Remus is gay and frequenting gay clubs, many of them in Muggle London to avoid running into people he knows. James and Lily Potter are married. James and Sirius are in the Auror Programme as well as the Order of the Phoenix. The war is heating up, and the Death Eaters are easily picking off Order members one by one. The Order is disorganized and ill-prepared for Voldemort's strength, and is struggling to gain a foothold against the self-proclaimed Dark Lord.

Images and Icons:
R.I.P. icon by [info]ellaselenelupin, NC17

The Trading Places challenge on lupin_snape is open for claiming. Art here and fic here. The community is looking for more artists for the challenge here .

Snupin100 has issued Challenge #138: Silence.

Lupin100 has issued Challenge #179: quote challenge.

Snape100 has issued Challenge #212: Headmaster Snape, Redux.

[info]nehalenia posted author's notes and background on writing Possession for Snupin Santa 2007 here

[info]spidermoth posted about Chinese astrology horoscopes for Snape and Lupin here

The Moonshadow archive has been updated with 19 stories this week.

[info]wolfiefics created a Snape-centric crossword puzzle. Answers to be posted next week.

[info]red_day_dawning is looking for beta-readers for two fics here and here

Many thanks to [info]stasia, [info]westernredcedar, and [info]nehalenia for all their hard work in helping me get this issue together!

Send your Snape/Lupin news to For a permanent, organized archive of these links and more, please visit our affiliate, [info]masterwolflinks.
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The Snupin Prophet: December 30, 2007-January 6, 2008 [Jan. 6th, 2008|11:45 am]

Please note that the Snupin Prophet is posted here on Livejournal and here on Insanejournal.

Random Rec:
All in the Mind, by rakina.

Fan Art:
The Iceman Cometh, by brunaghot. Mildly NWS.

Last Will and Testament, by Serpenscript.

PF 2008, by ave_ebony.

Praia, by brunaghot.

Snupin art, by blpaintchart. Cross-dressing, mildly NWS.

Snupin Elves, by aleoninc.

A Sort of Fairy Tale, by karasu_hime.

Drabbles (200 words or less):
Another Day, a New Beginning, by red_day_dawning.

Appreciation, by snowpuppies. Rated R, cross-dressing.

Copycat, by nimrod_9.

A Fresh Resolve, by firefly124.

New Beginnings, by red_day_dawning.

New Horizon, by Alisanne.

Now That I've Survived..., by Ellid.

Now That I've Survived II, by Ellid.

Now That I've Survived III, by Ellid.

Now That I've Survived IV, by Ellid.

Please, by Ms. Severus Snape.

The Quality of Mercy, by lesyeuxverts. Implied bondage, cross-dressing.

Reconstructing a Life, by nimrod_9.

A Second Life, by mnemosyne_1.

Sweetums, by Sweet Melody.

A Taste of Melancholy, by red_day_dawning.

Two drabbles, by bluestocking79.

Ficlets (200-1000 words):
Arranging a Treatment, by the Happy Monkey of Doom.

Quiet, by geek6. Mpreg.

Ride Me, by Sweet Melody. NC17.

Fanfiction (complete):
Apprehension and Avoidance, by nimrod_9. Rated NC17. Content: implied mpreg.

Comfort in the Aftermath, by RebeccaRoy. Rated T.
Summary: AU, Remus Lupin has committed his first murder ever, that of Fenrir Grayback, and instead of feeling vindicated he feels horrible. As he thinks on killing himself to rid the world of a monster one Severus Snape is there for him and in the process helps more than one broken heart. Nope, not slash.

Culture Shock, by Jassanja. Rated NC17. Content: Remus/Fenrir, dub-con, mpreg.
Summary: In a world ruled by Lord Voldemort a young wizard is sent out to a pack of werewolves to help Fenrir Greyback breed a bigger pack.

Enchanted Italy, by Anonymous. Rated PG13.
Summary: Italy is always the place where England sends its wounded to recuperate.

Fast Car, by willayork. Rated PG.
Summary: fic based on the lyrics to ‘Fast Car’ by Tracy Chapman.

Gone With the Wolf, by blpaintchart. Rated PG15. Content: genderbending, corsetry.

If You Ask Nicely, by Sweet Melody. Rated NC17. Content: Remus/Severus/Sirius, double penetration, mentions of non-con.
Summary: Remus is fed up with Sirius’ antics.

Kiss Me, Remus, by Saran D. Pity. Rated T.
Summary: Remus Lupin has a bit of a crush on his best friend, Sirius Black. But when Sirius goes on holiday to the Potters, Remus finds someone better.

Letters: A Love Story in Two Parts, by mnemosyne_1. Rated NC17.
Summary: More than kisses, letters mingle souls... ~John Donne

A Long Beginning, by lore with kellanine and karasu_hime. Rated NC17. Content: Remus/Sirius, Snape/various.
Summary: A chart of the ever-changing relationship between Remus and Severus through the course of two wars.

Masked Dance, by sawsha12. Rated NC17. Content: cross-dressing, semi-public sex, biting.
Summary: Remus was convinced to attend a Masked Ball where he meets someone unexpected.

Need, by jenthesweetie. Rated S.
Summary: Severus doesn't need Remus. And Remus certainly doesn't need Severus. Does he?

Nothing Here Resets the Clocks, by girl_tarte. Rated R.
Summary: 1st person pov. also crammed to the gills with sirius black and possibly a bit on the grim side.

A Number of Quiet Attentions, by McKay. Rated NC17.
Summary: Severus didn't realize he was being courted at first.

A Promise of Clean Robes, by red_day_dawning. Rated NC17. Content: golden showers.
Summary: Severus finds there are positive benefits from trying new sexual pleasures; Remus finds it easier to avoid awkward consequences if he gives in to some of the wolf's desires...

Too Much of a Good Thing, by summerborn. Rated PG.
Summary: When he visits Hogwarts library in the middle of the summer, Remus Lupin finds unexpected help with a project of his. And who knew Snape liked Shakespeare?

Vodka Enema, by blpaintchart. Rated PG15.

Why Severus Snape Might Have to Shout 'Yoda' in the Midst of Battle, by Anonymous. Rated PG15.
Summary: What do you do when the one you love is fighting against you in a war? Well, you plan ahead, just in case.

Yes, Sir, by Zipple. Rated T. Content: D/s relationship, spanking.
Summary: Snape and Lupin have an arrangement.

Fanfiction (WIP):
In Times of Sadness, Love Awakens: prologue, by Kastarra. Rated M+. Content: Harry/Draco, violence, character death, under 18.
Summary: The war is over, innocence and lives were lost. Will Harry and Draco be able to find peace and, perhaps, a perfect love?

Looking Through Your Eyes: chapter 30, by Angelwings. Rated MV. Content: Harry/Draco, mpreg, violence, non-con.
Summary: Harry and Draco switch bodies during a potions mishap. Now they must live each others lives till they can be switched back. They learn secerts about the other and have to work together before voldemort finds out.

Mate: chapters 1-5, by Asreisea. Rated M.
Summary: Set in Marauder Era. When one werewolf finds his mate, what will happen to them? Especially when the mate is a Slytherin...

My Name's Sev'rus: chapters 1-3, by Silver Lycanthropy. Rated K+.
Summary: Severus is accidentally turned into his 4 year old self on the behalf of Remus Lupin and becomes attached to his former enemy. AU Sirius is alive!

Of Padraigs, Werewolves, and Incubi : chapter 22, by Ange Noir. Rated MV. Content: Harry/Draco, mpreg, non-con, self harm, violence, incest, under 18.
Summary: War is approaching over Harry's sixteenth summer, and when he disappears from his relatives house, rumors spread. Severus is charged with keep an ear out on the Death Eater side, but why isn't he told to do something more? What is Remus Lupin to Severus? How does Draco fit into all of this? And just what does it mean when young people start inheriting powers based off of magical creatures and finding soul-mates?

Tell Me I'm Pretty: chapters 1-3, by Muavi-teri. Rated K+.
Summary: crossdressing!Remus wants Sev to tell him that he thinks Remus is pretty. Sev says he's not. why would he say such a foul thing?

Images and Icons:
There are gift icons for all Snupin Santa 2007 participants here.

Lupin_Snape is hosting the Celebrating Snape challenge.

The Trading Places challenge on lupin_snape is open for sign-ups. Art here and fic here.

There was a Snupin Santa guessing poll with a follow-up here this week, which is now closed, but you can still see who guessed correctly.

Snupin100 has issued Challenge #137: New Beginnings.

Lupin100 has issued Challenge #178: quote challenge.

Snape100 has issued Challenge #211: Birthday Gifts.

Pervy_werewolf has issued Challenge #46: Trying New Things.

HP_april_fools is a new fest involving artists writing and writers drawing. Sign-ups are open here.

Slashfest Round VI is now open here.

Marriagelaw is a new RL/SS-centric RPG that is now casting.

Volunteers to help out (temporarily) with the snupin_prophet may sign up here.

The Snupin Santa master list has been posted here.

The merry_smutmas master list has been posted here.

The Moonshadow archive has been updated with 2 stories this week.

Send your Snape/Lupin news to For a permanent, organized archive of these links and more, please visit our affiliate, [info]masterwolflinks.
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